Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Mind Over Matter

Tonight was a Crossfit workout and then off to the gym for a quick 3 miler.
I wanted to run a little longer, but the gym was closing and I really wanted to get some calf stretching in. The have multiple "wedges" that you can stretch your calf muscles out.

I think all I need to do is keep stretching my lower legs and out and my foot will start feeling a lot better. So far, I have not had any real trouble with it while running.

Needless to say, I am sore. This is a good thing because there is only one thing to do about this and that is to adapt.
I am getting stronger at certain things from these short few weeks of doing CF.
I've noticed my endurance increasing and muscle strength in my legs is increasing. The best of all, I have noticed my mental toughness increasing.
This is one of the main reasons I wanted to sign up for CF. My main focus is running, and all the other cross training I do is to benefit my running.
I noticed long ago that it is sometimes just too easy for me to stay in my comfort zone and just say: "I've had enough" and stop running.
CF will break me of this.

Anyway, tomorrow may be a day off for rest and then back at it on 1/1/2009. Can you freaking believe it? Time flies.

Happy New Year Everyone.

Remember to include my blog(s) in your New Years' Resolutions list. - That is, to read it regardless of the boring content.

Crossfit WOD
3 Miles treadmill....easy


  1. Happy New Year right back at you, here's to a tougher Nick IN 2009, mentally and physically!

  2. Happy New Year!
    Sounds like your 2009 is shaping up pretty well.
