Tuesday, January 27, 2009

6 Miles and a Big Ass Chair

I went for what I thought was my final podiatry appointment and decided that I wanted to take a picture of me in this really cool chair they have in one of their rooms.
I tried to talk my doctor into giving me the chair so I can watch the Super Bowl coming up.
He laughed and said I'd be the first he calls when it retires.
They ended up casting me for some Orthotics since my foot is highly irritated with Plantar Fasciitis. This was the last thing I wanted, but decided if I ever want this foot to heal, then I had to do it.

Seems Ohio is getting nailed with a little storm that has been coming through since yesterday and will probably be here through tomorrow.
I love running in weather like this so I decided I was to go out for a run instead of staying in on the treadmill.
This time I didn't forget the Yak Trax. They helped a lot but, the snow was still too dry for good traction. The run itself was uneventful. The traffic was light but at times I had to jump onto the sidewalk where the deep snow just drained my energy.
I had no real plans when I set out on the run. I just knew I wanted to get some miles in. If it had not been for the snow, I probably would have gotten 10 miles in easily.
After I got home I took the pups on a walk since they love the snow too.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Get 'er in when I can

I had high hopes of doing a long run this morning but it didn't pan out.

On Saturday, I tried to take a nap in the afternoon. Seems for years now I haven't been able to take a nap. It's like my body won't let me.
Well, I fell asleep at about 5:00PM, and didn't wake up until 5:15AM. -There Michelle, I took a nap. My body made up for all those years that I couldn't.
Since I was already awake, why not go out for a run?

I headed out to Slate Run to see what I could get into. The temp was a nice 10 degrees out and no one was at the park when I got there. I used my Petzl headlamp which lit up the trail just right.
The trail conditions were not in the best of shape as I almost slipped and fell multiple times. This made for a miserable time. The next time I need to keep my Yaktrax by the door when I head out to the trail.
I made my way down to the pond and by this time, the sun was just barely coming up and the orange sunlight was reflecting off the ice covering the pond.
By this time I was going over in my head which trail to take next and my head lit up with a fierce migraine. Just what I was looking for on my Sunday run.
I ended up walking a bit while I made my way back to my wife’s car. A few times I was able to run but the jostling was too much for my head. I made it back to the car and disappointed with only 3 miles.
I went home was able to get my headache to go away and decided to head to the gym for a run.

The snow was coming down hard at this point, but I was able to make into the gym for a 7 mile run on the treadmill. At least I was able to get the miles in. The run itself for the most part was effortless. I was hoping to get about 10 on the treadmill, but I was getting hungry and started craving a steak. I knew it was time to stop as I was probably burning some muscle at this point.

Tomorrow will probably be Crossfit and possibly a run. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Out with the Old Plans for now

Okay, again, I am thrown a curveball, and unless it is on Wii Sports, I sometimes cannot hit them.
I've been planning a trip out West to Yosemite and possibly a race in California.
Seems these plans are now on hold. Imagine that.

Rehashed Information: I went to North Carolina back in the summer and while driving through Virginia, I thought my head was going to split. Turns out my giant noggin doesn't like altitude.

Seriously, Virginia? Altitude? Okay, they got some hills, but nothing compared to out West.
I want to play it safe and wait until I am 100% sure I can take any sort of altitude. Even at 8000 feet, there could be problems.

I went to the doctor and they have done 2 CT Scans and eventually an MRI which I had this past Thursday.
They found that my Pituitary Gland is enlarged with a large Adenoma.
This may sound bad, but I got a call from my doctor today and he said it shouldn't be anything to be alarmed about.
Apparently this could be what is causing my headaches.
Anyway, I will have surgery on my sinuses and then a surgery for the Adenoma removal or reduction. I think radiation is involved. Maybe they'll just put me under a tanning bed for a few days.
I have yet to go to the Neurosurgeon and Endocrinologist so, I am unsure what this will do to my training.
Depending on whether this will affect my training, I may just wait until after Mohican 50k to have anything done.
This could AGAIN jeopardize my Mohican 100 hopes.

I am looking at possibly running Javelina Jundred in October. This may give me plenty of time to push for a 100 miler this year. There would be little altitude to contend with. It peaks out at 2500 feet.
I'll get plenty of opportunity to run in the heat and prep for this. I'll be pacing Kim at Burning River 100. Plus, I'll be sure to get all my runs in during the heat of the day.

A while back Tanya, (whom I hope is reading this cause I have not heard from her for a while) mentioned Javelina as a good first 100 miler. Well, seems I am putting this on my short list for now.
The only things I do fear about this race are snakes and the heat. Not to mention a 100 miles.

Where O' Where are you?

Okay, I know I have not entered anything into my blog except for my "Beer Scare". I can promise you I have not been laying face down in the snow drunk.
I may buy a lot of beer, but I don't drink that much. Huh? How does that make sense?
That case of beer will literally last me a month or more. Yep. I said it right. I am a quality over quantity beer drinker.
Enough of that.
I had to put my car back into the shop again for more engine work. We're talking high quality crap here.
I've had to share my wife's high quality piece of crap car with her in order to get things done.
Since I work from home, I haven't had to get a rental car or anything.

What does this have to do with anything? It means I hate the cold. I haven't been able to get to the gym for a run and I refuse to go outside to run for some reason.
I am however, planning on meeting the Rogue Running Team at Blacklick in the AM for a run and then off to Crossfit for my 5th and final beating for the week.

I'm planning a long run on Sunday, but not sure where I will go.

Slimmin Down

The past few days, I've felt like a loser in that I have had no car. Mine went into the shop on Monday for more engine work.
I never bothered to get a rental cause I work from home anyway, and my wife and I can share a car. D'Oh! How am I supposed to get to CF?????
I was able to make it on Monday due to MLK holiday, and on Tuesday since I work 3rd shift. I simply took my wife to work. I also went on Sunday and skipped my long run.

Today, my wife was a sweetheart and came home early just so I could get my CrossFit fix in as I have been pacing the past couple of days.
Anyway, she told me I was looking thin. Hmmm. Wonder what she wants?
She said: "I think this Crossfit is working"
Hell yeah it's working. It beats me down every time. Now, I have been watching my weight, and I can tell you it has gone up since I started Crossfitting. I'm sure it is muscle weight but I still need to watch this. I have always gained muscle way too easy in the past.
When I start hitting higher mileage, I think this will even out possibly decrease my muscle weight.
Okay enough of that. Today's WOD was a headache producing, dizzy making, and queasy feeling generator.
I pushed myself really hard again. How else would I do it?
I can feel myself getting so much stronger since the last time I've done Wall Climbers. They were much more doable this time.
I am hoping this streak continues.

Warm up:
30 Squats
30 Push ups
20 KB Swings - 16kg

Skill: Back Squats 5x5

20 KB Swings H2H (hand to hand)
5 Wall Climbers
20 Squats
4 rounds for time

My time: 8:55......I was sucking oxygen like it was the last bit left in the Universe.

Slimmin Down

The past few days, I've felt like a loser in that I have had no car. Mine went into the shop on Monday for more engine work.
I never bothered to get a rental cause I work from home anyway, and my wife and I can share a car. D'Oh! How am I supposed to get to CF?????
I was able to make it on Monday due to MLK holiday, and on Tuesday since I work 3rd shift. I simply took my wife to work. I also went on Sunday and skipped my long run.

Today, my wife was a sweetheart and came home early just so I could get my CrossFit fix in as I have been pacing the past couple of days.
Anyway, she told me I was looking thin. Hmmm. Wonder what she wants?
She said: "I think this Crossfit is working"
Hell yeah it's working. It beats me down every time. Now, I have been watching my weight, and I can tell you it has gone up since I started Crossfitting. I'm sure it is muscle weight but I still need to watch this. I have always gained muscle way too easy in the past.
When I start hitting higher mileage, I think this will even out possibly decrease my muscle weight.
Okay enough of that. Today's WOD was a headache producing, dizzy making, and queasy feeling generator.
I pushed myself really hard again. How else would I do it?
I can feel myself getting so much stronger since the last time I've done Wall Climbers. They were much more doable this time.
I am hoping this streak continues.

Warm up:
30 Squats
30 Push ups
20 KB Swings - 16kg

Skill: Back Squats 5x5

20 KB Swings H2H (hand to hand)
5 Wall Climbers
20 Squats
4 rounds for time

My time: 8:55......I was sucking oxygen like it was the last bit left in the Universe.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Donkey Kicks 101

Step 1: Get into a 4 Point Stance.
Step 2: Kick the hell out of the wall until you become dizzy.
Step 3: Gasp for air.

See Visual below. ( The Red Arrow is pointing at me)

Donkey Kicks 101

Step 1: Get into a 4 Point Stance.
Step 2: Kick the hell out of the wall until you become dizzy.
Step 3: Gasp for air.

See Visual below. ( The Red Arrow is pointing at me)

"The Rower" has become my Best Friend

I think this machine has single handedly gotten me into the shape I am in today.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not an elite athlete by no means, but I can see why they use the rower so much at my CF gym. In the end it is ultimately up to you to utilize the machine to get you to where you want to be.

I've used a Concept 2 rower before at my other gym, but I have never thought of this machine as something that would whip me into shape.

If we hadn't used the rower that much, I'd still be sucking wind on some of my short to medium runs.

WOD: 6000m Row -Team Row. One person rows, the other sucks oxygen

Skill: Clean, and Clean Squats

I mine and Heather's finish time was 26:44. Good enough for me. Will be better in the future.

"The Rower" has become my Best Friend

I think this machine has single handedly gotten me into the shape I am in today.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not an elite athlete by no means, but I can see why they use the rower so much at my CF gym. In the end it is ultimately up to you to utilize the machine to get you to where you want to be.

I've used a Concept 2 rower before at my other gym, but I have never thought of this machine as something that would whip me into shape.

If we hadn't used the rower that much, I'd still be sucking wind on some of my short to medium runs.

WOD: 6000m Row -Team Row. One person rows, the other sucks oxygen

Skill: Clean, and Clean Squats

I mine and Heather's finish time was 26:44. Good enough for me. Will be better in the future.

My Babies are Safe

Okay, it's Ohio, zero degrees outside, no room in the fridge, what's a man to do? Put em outside I say.

I put a case of Sam Adams Winter Lager outside last night to cool off while I found room in the fridge. Well, I must have been sidetracked by something because I forgot them out there.

This morning when I was getting breakfast, I freaked out because I realized, they were still out there. To my amazement, none were busted open and were all still in liquid form. Not sure how that happened.
By the Way, I wasn't reaching for a Sam Adams for breakfast either. It was more like left over spaghetti.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Who needs coffee in the Morning? Go to Crossfit Instead.

Everyone's fuzzy and red eyed at 5:30 in the morning: (warming up shoulder on my own).

It will for sure wake you up and get you off to a better day. It could keep you from getting frustrated during your morning commute. This won't help me much since I work from home. (Had to throw that in there).

It may keep you from kicking the cat (which I do not condone) and may keep you from getting into an argument with your spouse/significant other (which again, I do not condone).

I couldn't sleep this morning because my Black Lab was breathing heavy in my face at 2:00AM to go outside. I decided to give the 6AM Crossfit session a try. That way I could make it back in time for my wife to go to work.

My car is in the shop and may not get to go to Crossfit much in the next 2-3 weeks. So, I must go when I can.
To my surprise I wasn't as sore as I thought I would be from yesterday's Tabata Hell session.

We worked on Clean and Jerk this morning for the Skill. What better way to start your morning. I can tell you, it was brutal. The weight I used was a little too light, and I need to make a mental note to go up in weight next time. Right now, my shoulder is doing good, so maybe I need to step it up a little.
Today's WOD:
Row 1000m
4 Rounds for time:
30 Squats
20 Push Ups
My time: 10:34
A little slower than it could have been.

Who needs coffee in the Morning? Go to Crossfit Instead.

Everyone's fuzzy and red eyed at 5:30 in the morning: (warming up shoulder on my own).

It will for sure wake you up and get you off to a better day. It could keep you from getting frustrated during your morning commute. This won't help me much since I work from home. (Had to throw that in there).

It may keep you from kicking the cat (which I do not condone) and may keep you from getting into an argument with your spouse/significant other (which again, I do not condone).

I couldn't sleep this morning because my Black Lab was breathing heavy in my face at 2:00AM to go outside. I decided to give the 6AM Crossfit session a try. That way I could make it back in time for my wife to go to work.

My car is in the shop and may not get to go to Crossfit much in the next 2-3 weeks. So, I must go when I can.
To my surprise I wasn't as sore as I thought I would be from yesterday's Tabata Hell session.

We worked on Clean and Jerk this morning for the Skill. What better way to start your morning. I can tell you, it was brutal. The weight I used was a little too light, and I need to make a mental note to go up in weight next time. Right now, my shoulder is doing good, so maybe I need to step it up a little.
Today's WOD:
Row 1000m
4 Rounds for time:
30 Squats
20 Push Ups
My time: 10:34
A little slower than it could have been.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tabata Hell

Me in the hat:

This was by far the worst I have ever felt after a CF workout. -I love it.
I was ready to puke halfway through the Tabata.
Last week we did Wall Balls during a WOD, and I thought they were King when it came to the exercise I hated the most. Well, move over Bacon, I got something else that reins King of all suck ass CF exercises: Donkey Kicks.
I know "Hate" is such a strong word, and I really don't mean it. I love all that is Crossfit, and we should embrace all that we hate. -Okay, I'm gonna yak after saying that.
Seriously, I was about to die. I felt it coming on after about 3 rounds of Donkey Kicks. Every nerve in my body was shooting with Pain. I'm not sure if it was a cumulative effect from all the other moves leading up to the DK's but I can tell you everyone was grunting over these.

After the WOD, I decided on a few abmats. Not sure how many I did though. Seems I was too light headed to count.
All in all it was a sweet day at Rogue Crossfit.

Tabata Hell: 20 seconds of work, 10 secs rest for 6 rounds.
BTB Squats
Push Ups
Donkey Kicks
KB Swings
500m Row

Tabata Hell

Me in the hat:

This was by far the worst I have ever felt after a CF workout. -I love it.
I was ready to puke halfway through the Tabata.
Last week we did Wall Balls during a WOD, and I thought they were King when it came to the exercise I hated the most. Well, move over Bacon, I got something else that reins King of all suck ass CF exercises: Donkey Kicks.
I know "Hate" is such a strong word, and I really don't mean it. I love all that is Crossfit, and we should embrace all that we hate. -Okay, I'm gonna yak after saying that.
Seriously, I was about to die. I felt it coming on after about 3 rounds of Donkey Kicks. Every nerve in my body was shooting with Pain. I'm not sure if it was a cumulative effect from all the other moves leading up to the DK's but I can tell you everyone was grunting over these.

After the WOD, I decided on a few abmats. Not sure how many I did though. Seems I was too light headed to count.
All in all it was a sweet day at Rogue Crossfit.

Tabata Hell: 20 seconds of work, 10 secs rest for 6 rounds.
BTB Squats
Push Ups
Donkey Kicks
KB Swings
500m Row

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Mohican 100

Here is the link to my favorite race I've never ran. Mohican 100

How's that you say?

I run on the trails any chace I get, and I ran about 20 miles of it one year while the races was going on so I could help remark some trails. It was fun.
Also, I am a 3 year volunteer for the race. It's a lot of fun.

Anyway, registration has now opened for this event. There is the 100 mile and a 50 mile option as well as a "no whining" option. The last option is mandatory.

I beleive I will be signing up soon for the 100 mile option.

I have no idea what to expect from this event. I've ran the trails many times over. I could run them forwards, backwards and blindfolded. I've even ran them knee deep in snow, knee deep in shoe sucking mud, icy conditions. thunderstorms, at night time, daytime, hot, blazing hot, cold, very cold, I've cussed while on the trails, I've had thoughts of hamburgers, french fries, icy coke, and Apple Pies.

With all that stuff in the past, I still think about if I can even do it. The answer is that I don't know until I try. Realistically, I'm not ready, but will try to be ready by then.

I'm just looking to finish the race, and nothing more. If I DNF, who cares cause it will be a learning experience/miles put in for the next race.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cold as Hell - If that is possible

Went to Crossfit tonight after a few days of absence but, I have been running instead.
Anyway, nothing major to report just a nice little wake up from the -4 degrees here in Ohio. The temps will be dropping later on tonight and into the morning.

I'm gathering Paleo information right now as I've really got to start zeroing in on my diet.
It's kind of hard when you have a wife who can eat anything she wants.

WOD: 15 Pull ups, 20 Wall Balls, 15 Push ups, AMRAP in 15 minutes.

My totals: 5 rounds

Warm up:
30 Squats
30 Push ups
10 Burpees

Skill: Push press 3,2,2,1,1,1

Cold as Hell - If that is possible

Went to Crossfit tonight after a few days of absence but, I have been running instead.
Anyway, nothing major to report just a nice little wake up from the -4 degrees here in Ohio. The temps will be dropping later on tonight and into the morning.

I'm gathering Paleo information right now as I've really got to start zeroing in on my diet.
It's kind of hard when you have a wife who can eat anything she wants.

WOD: 15 Pull ups, 20 Wall Balls, 15 Push ups, AMRAP in 15 minutes.

My totals: 5 rounds

Warm up:
30 Squats
30 Push ups
10 Burpees

Skill: Push press 3,2,2,1,1,1

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Playing in the Snow.

We got about 6 inches of snow today in my part of Ohio. With the roads being so bad I couldn't make it to Crossfit so, I decided to go for a run instead.
When it snows like this and the wind isn't blowing, it is near perfect running weather.
Maybe it is more like playing in the snow than running.
I went off and forgot my Yak Trax and I regretted not going back for them. Every step I made down the road was miserable as the snow was so dry and powdery that I had no traction.
I had planned on 5 or 6 miles, but I decided to play it smart and head back after about a mile and a half. I figured 3 miles was better than nothing.
I did shovel snow for about an hour tonight adding to my daily workout. I was even nice and shoveled my neighbors’ sidewalks and driveways. -Only two of them. I can’t do the entire neighborhood.

Totals: 3 miles...snowy roads.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Chicken Boy

Yep you read the title correct. I was chicken tonight with it being extremely cold outside and decided to run inside on the treadmill.
Nothing spectacular really. Just noticing my fitness level increasing weekly.
I keep telling myself that the pain I may be feeling on the treadmill is nothing compared to any Crossfit workout they throw at us. That is reality.

Totals: 6 mile Tempo Run.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Went to Crossfit today wondering how my shoulder was going to hold up. The last CF session left me with that old familiar feeling in my shoulder as a reminder that I have once again over done it.
I am not sure what it is. I am assuming it is my rotator cuff, but since I am stubborn, I don't know. I think in past times, it would flare up, then I'd rest it and the pain would go away.
I still have this annoying "pop" in my shoulder, but nothing ever comes of it.
Seems yesterday's 14 mile run did a little more to it than anything. I was a little sore this morning when I woke up.

I warmed up today really well prior to the "beating" and seems it wasn't aggravated at all.
It feels a little toasty, but not too bad.
The warm up with push ups went well. I was able to do these straight through with no issues.

For today's Skill, it seems my Dead lift has clicked and all is well there. Nothing more to do except go up in weight.

The WOD was a welcomed sight as there was no pull ups involved. I'll just have to find a modification until I figure this out.

Anyway, I was able to survive just fine and completed the WOD in 22:21.

Check out our run at Mohican State Park yesterday. I know it's not CF related, but who cares.

Went to Crossfit today wondering how my shoulder was going to hold up. The last CF session left me with that old familiar feeling in my shoulder as a reminder that I have once again over done it.
I am not sure what it is. I am assuming it is my rotator cuff, but since I am stubborn, I don't know. I think in past times, it would flare up, then I'd rest it and the pain would go away.
I still have this annoying "pop" in my shoulder, but nothing ever comes of it.
Seems yesterday's 14 mile run did a little more to it than anything. I was a little sore this morning when I woke up.

I warmed up today really well prior to the "beating" and seems it wasn't aggravated at all.
It feels a little toasty, but not too bad.
The warm up with push ups went well. I was able to do these straight through with no issues.

For today's Skill, it seems my Dead lift has clicked and all is well there. Nothing more to do except go up in weight.

The WOD was a welcomed sight as there was no pull ups involved. I'll just have to find a modification until I figure this out.

Anyway, I was able to survive just fine and completed the WOD in 22:21.

Check out our run at Mohican State Park yesterday. I know it's not CF related, but who cares.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mohican Snow Run

I wasn't sure where I was going to run today and decided at the last minute that I would head up to Mohican State Park for a run on the trails. When I got up there, I found there to be a lot of snow on the ground compared to here at home. I wasn't sure how this day would pan out.
Seems I got there a little too early as it was still pitch black out even at 7:00AM.

I decided a Donut was in order (just in case some one on the trail needed it) and I headed into Loudonville to see what I could come up with. I found some beef Jerky (for me) and Donuts (for some one else) and headed back to the trailhead. To my surprise I saw a couple of cars pull into the parking lot and it was Rob, Michelle and soon after, Don pulled in. They came up to put in their 20 miles.
We started off on the trail and I wondered how my foot was going to hold up. I taped it pretty good before I left this morning but still worried that the trail conditions would send me back to my car. I've been having problems (surprise) with a bad case of plantar fasciitis. It never ends.
I kept truckin' down the trail and all seemed pretty good.

I slipped and fell on the road due to the ice and went down pretty hard. About 10 minutes later it was rumored that I may or may not have fell again on the trail. You may be laughing, but I cannot confirm nor deny another rumor that I fell in the same damn place on the way back. At least I "may have" busted the other side of my hip but all is fine I can assure you.

I found a little blue gem out on the purple trail. JACKPOT! Earlier, Michelle had mentioned something about Dove Chocolates she had. Seems she dropped one. Or possibly it was so we could find our way. Who knows, but to my amazement, I didn't eat it.

Don and I decided to cut our run a little shorter than Rob and Michelle. They went on to get extra mileage to get 20 miles.
In the web album below you will see the progression of pictures I took. Two points to note is the Little Lyons Falls and the Lyons Falls. The little Lyons falls you have to climb up a huge root system climbing down the cliffs. This trail loop is one of my favorites places.

The trip on the way back was uneventful as I had no idea where anyone was. I lost Don and Rob and Michelle were out on the trail somewhere. I was about a mile from the end and I heard voices behind me and it was Michelle and Rob. These speed demons caught up with us.

It was great to meet you Michelle. Best of luck to Rob and Don on their race next week: The Ghost town 38.5 mile trail race in New Mexico.

Check out more pictures from today's run: Yes, I am picture happy.

Totals: 14 mile trail run.

Oil Creek Anyone?

Here is a new race that I found via Rob "I Love Ponies" Powell's blog:

Oil Creek 100 Trail Runs in Titusville, Pennsylvania on October 9th-11th.
I've never been over in that area, but seems like it will be a challenging race.
Registration is sometime in February.
Tom Jennings is the RD and he'll be sure to put on a great race.

I just may scratch my plans to go out West this year. Still not sure about my Yosemite trip.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Smoked Herring Fillets

Anyone else like these?
My wife gags every time I open up a can. She’d better be nice to me or I’m gonna open a can of them and put it under the seat of her car…..in the summer.

Seems my cats and dogs like them too. There's usually a huge fight over the can after I get done.

Turkish Get Up

Tonight’s' WOD nearly killed me.
For some dumb reason, I thought it was a good idea to get a run in before Crossfit.
To me, what does not kill me will only make me stronger. I kept telling myself this as I plodded through the workout.
Tonight was the first time I ever did a Turkish Get up. It was a little strange to do, and to my surprise, much harder than I expected.
Also for the first time during my official Crossfit classes I was doing Burpees.
I've done them before here at home and have decided they suck just as bad, no matter where I do them.
I'm planning to go to Crossfit tomorrow, but may change my running plans. We'll see.

Turkish Get Up

Tonight’s' WOD nearly killed me.
For some dumb reason, I thought it was a good idea to get a run in before Crossfit.
To me, what does not kill me will only make me stronger. I kept telling myself this as I plodded through the workout.
Tonight was the first time I ever did a Turkish Get up. It was a little strange to do, and to my surprise, much harder than I expected.
Also for the first time during my official Crossfit classes I was doing Burpees.
I've done them before here at home and have decided they suck just as bad, no matter where I do them.
I'm planning to go to Crossfit tomorrow, but may change my running plans. We'll see.

"Runs with Sox"

At least that is what I am calling myself today as I get to Blacklick Park for a quick run and realized I forgot my gloves at home.
I was planning on going to Crossfit afterwards and had brought an extra set of clothes including an extra pair of socks. They would do just fine against the cold temps.
It was about 21 degrees out and to my surprise I was keeping a nice steady pace down the trail.

I went exploring the new part of the trail that they are building. Seems I found it to be a dead end. Once it is completed it will run a little closer to my house. It's about time they made more trails in this area.

I've been debating on trying to stick to a "Plan" in terms of running.
I'm still not sure if I will be doing this or not. As of right now, I have running goals per week but nothing "planned" for each day.
I think this will take a little of the pressure off me for the time being.

Totals: 4.20 miles...9:48 pace - Trail with 3 feet of snow, up hill both ways.
Crossfit WOD: 29:16

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

No Run tonight

Instead I went off to the gym for a little cross training. I was wanting to go to Crossfit, but decided to utilize my other gym membership a little bit.
I have a few things I wanted to work on that seem to be lacking.
For instance, my gym has an assisted pull-up machine that allows you to offset a percentage of your bodyweight to assist in the pull up. No, I wasn't using all of my bodyweight to help me.

I have found that pull ups are a real weak point in my CF work outs. Typically I use a large rubber band for assistance.
Here is a picture of yours truly getting killed during a WOD with pull ups. As you can see I am hanging on the band that would help raise the fat boy up in the air during the pull up.
Enough with the pull ups.

I went off for some leg presses and found these to be much easier than I last remembered.
After that I headed off for 10 minutes on the Stairmaster.

I didn't get a chance to run today, and may not get to until Thursday. We'll see.

Pull ups - 6 sets with 50lbs of assistance
Leg presses: 4 sets of 20 reps
Stairmaster: 10 minutes

Monday, January 5, 2009

Post Slackin

Okay I have been a little off schedule and have not been able to make it to the actual Crossfit facility.
I have however, been working at home on Pull ups, push ups and KB swings, etc....
I ran 12.5 miles on Sunday and wasn't able to make it into Crossfit in time. I heard the WOD was brutal.
Tonight I was able to make it for a nice little "Welcome Back" and "Welcome to the New Year" workout.
Here is a snapshot of the WOD and the Skill.
I finished up with 3 1/2 rounds. My class had to do 500m Row while the other class did 250m Row.
I ended up using lighter weight on the Power Cleans, but I got a good workout regardless.

Hope everyone had a great New Years.
It's time to get back at it.

Post Slackin

Okay I have been a little off schedule and have not been able to make it to the actual Crossfit facility.
I have however, been working at home on Pull ups, push ups and KB swings, etc....
I ran 12.5 miles on Sunday and wasn't able to make it into Crossfit in time. I heard the WOD was brutal.
Tonight I was able to make it for a nice little "Welcome Back" and "Welcome to the New Year" workout.
Here is a snapshot of the WOD and the Skill.
I finished up with 3 1/2 rounds. My class had to do 500m Row while the other class did 250m Row.
I ended up using lighter weight on the Power Cleans, but I got a good workout regardless.

Hope everyone had a great New Years.
It's time to get back at it.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

What goes up must come down...Right?

I was asking myself this today as I started the big climb up Cemetery Ridge Trail at Clear Creek Metro Park. What goes up must come down. At least I hoped anyway.

I love this place. I seriously don't know why I don't use this park more. It reminds me of Mohican but in a smaller package.
This park is situated on the northern part of the Hocking Hills Region in South East Ohio.
Best of all, I hardly ever see anyone out on the trails.

I had it in my head that I was going to get 15 miles in, but that would not be the case today.
When I got to the trailhead, I realized I had no fuel with me. I started laughing when I was searching my wife's car and was only able to come up with Ketchup packets and salt. This would not be good fuel. All I had with me was a water bottle and my camera.

Oh well, I took what I had, which was nothing, and started out on the trail.
Mainly this park consists of single track trail and fire road.
The first climb is a little fun, but when you reach the top you are awarded with a great view from the gas line intersection.

I knew the next section was going to be even more fun. I remembered from the times I've ran the Chestnut Trail section before that there were relentless ups and downs to deal with. To my surprise I was able to run up most of it.

The Lake Trail is my favorite part because you run through a pine section with a few rock formations with a Lake at the end. This loop is only a mile long, but I was able to make it around twice.
When I got to the end of this section the second time, the weather started to deteriorate. I was a little ways from my car and didn't want to get stuck out with no way back if it got really bad.

On the way back I decided to not make the extra loops I wanted to get in 15 miles. I was starting to get a little tired as I had no gels, just water and my iPod. Oooo Yeah, my iPod! I put it on and that was the energy I needed however, the trail to the other sections was already passed.
I'd save that for another day.
My Garmin has never been able to work very well at this park as the hilly sections just don't allow you to pick up reception very well.

Anyway, it was a good day out on the trail. I think this will be a place I will frequently visit when I can't get up to Mohican. Best of all, it's only about 40 minutes from my house.

Check out the picture of Leaning Lena below. Its a giant rock that leans so much it looks like it will fall on you as you drive by. It causes the road to go down to nearly a one lane section:

Totals: 12.5 miles Trail
Foot rub from my wife.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Today was my first run of the year. Why did I make it the 2nd day and not the first?
I guess because I don't like to be the norm and bust outside to run the first day of the year. I'm weird like that.
My wife and I lounged around most of the day on 1/1. For some reason I woke up and felt like I just came out of a coma and couldn't find the energy to do anything.
Instead, I did a quick CF workout at home. Nothing big, just enough to get the blood flowing.

Today, I wanted to go to a trail and do a quick run. The temp (44 degrees) was perfect, and no one was out on the trail.

Again, I went off and forgot my Garmin, so it was a nice freeing run with no worry.

I went to Slate Run Metro Park with the idea to just do a couple of loops and then head off to Crossfit for a beating.
It's only been a few weeks, but already I can tell my fitness level has shot through the roof.
There are hills at Slate Run that I have never been able to fully run up all the way.
Today, was a different story. The first hill was nothing at all. The second, which is the most unforgiving, was no problem at all. I was SHOCKED!
The second loop got me to thinking would I be able to make it up these hills the second time around? You betcha.
I was again shocked that I was able to easily run up them.
This gave me such a boost in confidence.

All I can say is: Crossfit rules. -Push hard until you're about to puke.
4.3 mile run
Crossfit Workout

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2008 - What a year.

2008 was not a good year for me.
Why? Setbacks.
I allowed this to eat at me for a while until I finally woke up and realized my downward spiral.
Looking back on all the disappointments, I truly started to look at them as moments to learn from.

One thing I realized was that I wasn’t in as good of shape as I would have liked to have been, and not nearly as in shape as I thought I was. I ended up not running many races last year, and I don't believe I will change that much this year either. I'm not setting anything in stone yet, but will be merely evaluating my progress on a monthly basis.

My Training.

My training sucked for many reasons. I ended up getting sick in December of 2007, missed Buckeye Trail 50k and The Mississippi 50. Because of getting sick, and "other issues" I simply fell off the wagon and sporadically trained. I paid dearly.
I had it in my head that I could do certain things, but in reality, I was smoking something illegal. (Not really....I swear!)

I Slipped on a Damn Cup.

I had one "real” race that sucked, I ended up getting hurt, which resulted in my worse marathon time ever. -Kind of a wake up call.

Never Give Up.

One thing I take away from this year and into the next, is that I do not give up.
I have lit the fire, and plan to keep it burning as long as I can.
Will I have failed plans? Probably. Will I give up? No.
It's simply going to be what I make of it. What ever happens, happens.

The only plans I have so far are:
Fools 25k - Up in the air
Mohican 50k - For sure
Mohican 100m - At least I am training for it.
Pacing Kim at Burning River 100
Columbus Marathon - Potential

I need a Trail 100 Race out West - Preferably in California. (There's only a million Ultras out there)
Potential 100's:
Lean Horse 100 - Potential
AC 100 - Potential
The Bear 100 - Potential

Foreseen Variables:

I am not sure what will happen with my foot. So far, it seems to be doing fine. It does hurt some, but thank goodness its not when I am running.
Something will happen regarding my sinuses (headaches). I may end up having surgery which may not have much of an effect on my training.
I need to do something about it because I cannot do any significant altitude. When I was going to North Carolina last year, we passed through the highest part of Virginia and I thought my head was going to split.

I hope everyone had a great year, and I look forward to running with some of you and hearing of your accomplishments.