Friday, February 27, 2009

Praying to the Jump Rope god.

Tonight was a brutal workout at Rogue.
Before I came in tonight, I did a pre-Crossfit workout in my garage.
I took the pup on a run around the block, then did an unknown number of jump rope, KB swings, wall balls, and pull ups. The idea was to warm up without getting a headache. It worked.

Off to Crossfit I go.

We warmed up a bit and told the instructor: Nate
that I wanted to leave a Rower out just in case.
In the end, I never used it.

There were a few "alternative choices" available for the WOD.
I knew this was going to be bad if we had choices.
Regardless, it is what it is and it had to be done.

In the end, I couldn't do a single hand stand pushup and did double Donkey Kicks the first round, and double push ups the subsequent rounds. I figured I needed more work in this area anyway.
It was an awesome beating fior sure.

Warm up:
20 Squats
20 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups

Skill: Cleans

20 DB Cleans w/35 lb DB. (I used 20 lb DB’s)
10 Handstand Push ups or 20 Donkey Kicks or 20 Push Ups
100 Jump ropes
4 Rounds for time

My time: 19:57

No freakin Headache.

Praying to the Jump Rope god.

Tonight was a brutal workout at Rogue.
Before I came in tonight, I did a pre-Crossfit workout in my garage.
I took the pup on a run around the block, then did an unknown number of jump rope, KB swings, wall balls, and pull ups. The idea was to warm up without getting a headache. It worked.

Off to Crossfit I go.

We warmed up a bit and told the instructor: Nate
that I wanted to leave a Rower out just in case.
In the end, I never used it.

There were a few "alternative choices" available for the WOD.
I knew this was going to be bad if we had choices.
Regardless, it is what it is and it had to be done.

In the end, I couldn't do a single hand stand pushup and did double Donkey Kicks the first round, and double push ups the subsequent rounds. I figured I needed more work in this area anyway.
It was an awesome beating fior sure.

Warm up:
20 Squats
20 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups

Skill: Cleans

20 DB Cleans w/35 lb DB. (I used 20 lb DB’s)
10 Handstand Push ups or 20 Donkey Kicks or 20 Push Ups
100 Jump ropes
4 Rounds for time

My time: 19:57

No freakin Headache.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

WOD - I didn't do it

Instead, I made up my own because....well, same old story.

Anyway, I started the workout and decided immediately to modify it to keep it from getting worse.
I switched to the Rower to keep the impact down a bit, but tried to go back and do a few pull ups. That wasn't happening so I switched to Over Head Squats for 20 Reps.
I would row for 500m then do 20 Overhead Squats.

On a good note, my hands are starting to get tore up a little from pull ups. I feel myself getting stronger at these every day.

Warm up:
1000m Row (On my own)
20 Wall Balls
20 Push Ups
5 Pull Ups
(2 Rounds)
20 Roll Overs
20 OHS

Skill: Snatch
1x1x1 for 15 Minutes

100ft Walking Lunges
500m Row
20 OHS
500m Row
20 OHS
500m Row
20 OHS
500m Row
20 OHS

Mixed in some pull ups between sets and warmed down with some pull ups and foam roller.

WOD - I didn't do it

Instead, I made up my own because....well, same old story.

Anyway, I started the workout and decided immediately to modify it to keep it from getting worse.
I switched to the Rower to keep the impact down a bit, but tried to go back and do a few pull ups. That wasn't happening so I switched to Over Head Squats for 20 Reps.
I would row for 500m then do 20 Overhead Squats.

On a good note, my hands are starting to get tore up a little from pull ups. I feel myself getting stronger at these every day.

Warm up:
1000m Row (On my own)
20 Wall Balls
20 Push Ups
5 Pull Ups
(2 Rounds)
20 Roll Overs
20 OHS

Skill: Snatch
1x1x1 for 15 Minutes

100ft Walking Lunges
500m Row
20 OHS
500m Row
20 OHS
500m Row
20 OHS
500m Row
20 OHS

Mixed in some pull ups between sets and warmed down with some pull ups and foam roller.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Too much Beer? Is that really a Dog?

These are some questions to ponder.

My wife complained: why do you have so many of them?
Do I have too much beer on hand? I mean, what if there is a huge Winter Storm and I cannot make it out for days, or weeks....? What if, what if?
Okay, I truly did not have a Sam Adams Truck break down in my driveway like I previously posted about (unfortunately).

Hey, women see good sales on shoes? I see good sales on beer. End of story.
I was at the Vet the other day getting my Porker Pups checked out and to my amazement and overall shock, this was truly a dog peering back at me through the window. Originally, I walked by the room and thought they had a small cow in there. I know what yer thinkin. Why do I have my camera with me? Answer: To catch pictures like this because no one ever believes me about my 'Tall Tales" No pun intended.

Is it possible that this dog could get any taller? My goodness his owner looked like she could have saddled him up and rode him out of the vet's office. I over heard her say: 'Awww, he's just a puppy"
What does she load him up in after they walk out? A compact Beemer.
Man, I bet he eats about 20 lbs of food a day. Beautiful dog regardless.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Easy 6 miles tonight

Tonight I felt pretty good after crossfit and didn't really want to stop working out.
I guess I had to come home sometime so I decided to go out for a quick run through the hood.
The night was just right in terms of temps with no wind.

My pace felt easy and I tried not to ramp it up in fear of getting a headache.
Everything went well tonight. Acctually I wished I had time to go out for another 6 miles, but work is calling.

6 miles easy, roads

Crossfit with the Best

First of all, tonight was a kick ass night at Crossfit. I went out for a quick run afterward which made it an even better night.

Tonight I worked on my pull ups since I am terrible at doing them. I am getting better and better. I simply just need to keep it up and not slack off.

I arrived a little early to warm up on my own with a 1000m Row. Little did I know we had to row another 1000m for the regular warm up.

I'm extremely humbled by all of these Rogue Warriors and consider it a privileged to work out with them all. For goodness sake, look at those times for our WOD. How could you not be?

Caity Matter worked out with us tonight. If you don't know who she is, do some research on her on the Crossfit HQ website. She won the Crossfit Games in 2008 and is one of those athletes that will leave you eating dirt and sucking wind.

We worked on our skill session which consisted of a Power Snatch, Snatch Balance and Over Head Squats (OHS). This was the first time I've ever done them and of course I felt like a fish out of water. Caity offered some advice which really helped. I need to work on these Olympic moves more. I found that I really like the Power Snatch just as I do the Power Cleans.
For some reason, I am still trying to muscle the weight up instead of getting under the weight during the transition part of the lift.

The WOD was 21-15-9 regression of Kettlebell thrusters and pull ups.
I ended up using the bands when I couldn't do anymore pull-ups. I really hate using these bands and cannot wait for the day I can do a workout without them.

The best part, I was able to make it through the workout without a headache and was able to push through as normal.

Warm up:
1000m Row (on my own)
1000m Row
20 Squats
20 Roll Overs

Power Snatch
Snatch Balance
Over Head Squats (OHS)

Kettlebell Thrusters and Pull ups
I used 30 lb KB's and bands for most of the pull ups.

My Time: 6:18

Warm Down:
60 abmat sit-ups
Numerous Kipping Pull Ups.

6 mile Run

Crossfit with the Best

First of all, tonight was a kick ass night at Crossfit. I went out for a quick run afterward which made it an even better night.

Tonight I worked on my pull ups since I am terrible at doing them. I am getting better and better. I simply just need to keep it up and not slack off.

I arrived a little early to warm up on my own with a 1000m Row. Little did I know we had to row another 1000m for the regular warm up.

I'm extremely humbled by all of these Rogue Warriors and consider it a privileged to work out with them all. For goodness sake, look at those times for our WOD. How could you not be?

Caity Matter worked out with us tonight. If you don't know who she is, do some research on her on the Crossfit HQ website. She won the Crossfit Games in 2008 and is one of those athletes that will leave you eating dirt and sucking wind.

We worked on our skill session which consisted of a Power Snatch, Snatch Balance and Over Head Squats (OHS). This was the first time I've ever done them and of course I felt like a fish out of water. Caity offered some advice which really helped. I need to work on these Olympic moves more. I found that I really like the Power Snatch just as I do the Power Cleans.
For some reason, I am still trying to muscle the weight up instead of getting under the weight during the transition part of the lift.

The WOD was 21-15-9 regression of Kettlebell thrusters and pull ups.
I ended up using the bands when I couldn't do anymore pull-ups. I really hate using these bands and cannot wait for the day I can do a workout without them.

The best part, I was able to make it through the workout without a headache and was able to push through as normal.

Warm up:
1000m Row (on my own)
1000m Row
20 Squats
20 Roll Overs

Power Snatch
Snatch Balance
Over Head Squats (OHS)

Kettlebell Thrusters and Pull ups
I used 30 lb KB's and bands for most of the pull ups.

My Time: 6:18

Warm Down:
60 abmat sit-ups
Numerous Kipping Pull Ups.

6 mile Run

Monday, February 23, 2009

Mouse and Squirrel Link

Check it out. I uploaded them to Picasa. If it doesn't work, let me know.

BTW: It is a white squirrel for sure. In fact I saw him today. Everytime I drive by that house, I see him or her.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Super Mouse and White Squirrel

Okay, haven't totally lost my mind, but I guess I may be getting close. No, it's not a name for a new comic book or cartoon....although.
Since I've not ran since last week, I might as well post something for my fan club of 5 people.

My wife came running into the house the other night and told me I just had to come look at something amazing.
I was thinking the only thing amazing outside could be a Sam Adams delivery truck had broken down and the driver abandoned it in my driveway.
So I went out and she was right. I couldn't believe my eyes.
There was a mouse in a San Cherry tree in front of my house hanging on for dear life.
What you don't see in the picture is a cat, that seems to have adopted us over the years, looking up at the mouse just waiting for it to slip and fall to the ground. Easy meal.

The mouse is in the upper middle part of the picture. Let me know if you cannot click on the picture and make it bigger.
Now, I am a sucker for animals. All animals. Okay, except snakes, alligators, crocodiles, sharks, you know the dangerous ones.

The mouse was making such an effort that there was no way I was about to let Junior (the cat) as we call him, eat this poor little mouse. So, I chased the cat away as my wife went inside to find me a box or something. Trying to get the mouse into the box was a challenge in itself. After about 5 minutes of trying to knock him into the box, he finally went in. Now, what to do with him? I decided the best place was to take him across the street and release him in a field.
In the end, the cat was pissed off, but the mouse, myself and maybe my wife was happy.

Where does the White Squirrel fit into all of this? It doesn't.
I was driving down a road in Canal Winchester one day and was shocked to see this little white cat playing with these squirrels.
I got up a little closer and noticed, this wasn't a cat. It was a squirrel playing with his/her friends.

Luckily there was no traffic on this road because I was snapping pictures like a dumbass who's has never seen a squirrel before.

Anyway, there you have it: Super Mouse and White Squirrel.

Good Day at Rogue

I was feeling pretty good the past two days that I decided I was in serious need of a Crossfit workout.
Knowing from the previous 6 times I overstepped my bounds in terms of pushing the intensity, I was going to use this workout as a test.

Before we started the warm up I decided to warm up on my own with a 1000 meter row and a few box jumps. At the end of the workout I decided to warm down with another 1000 meter row.

During the WOD, I backed off the intensity but kept it at a pace where I was actually getting something out of it.
In the end I got decent workout in with no headache. Maybe borderline, but still none at all.

Warm up
1000m Row (On my own)
30 Squats
20 Push ups
20 Pull ups ( I didn’t do all of them)

Dumbbell Snatches

2000 m Row
10 DB Snatches L/R hand
2000 m Row
10 DB Snatches L/R hand
My time: 21:43

Warm down:
1000m Row (On my own)

Good Day at Rogue

I was feeling pretty good the past two days that I decided I was in serious need of a Crossfit workout.
Knowing from the previous 6 times I overstepped my bounds in terms of pushing the intensity, I was going to use this workout as a test.

Before we started the warm up I decided to warm up on my own with a 1000 meter row and a few box jumps. At the end of the workout I decided to warm down with another 1000 meter row.

During the WOD, I backed off the intensity but kept it at a pace where I was actually getting something out of it.
In the end I got decent workout in with no headache. Maybe borderline, but still none at all.

Warm up
1000m Row (On my own)
30 Squats
20 Push ups
20 Pull ups ( I didn’t do all of them)

Dumbbell Snatches

2000 m Row
10 DB Snatches L/R hand
2000 m Row
10 DB Snatches L/R hand
My time: 21:43

Warm down:
1000m Row (On my own)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Tonight started out great as I got to Rogue a little early to warm up and ward off any migraine that was looming.

I knew ahead of time we were going to have Kettlebells to work with. What I didn't know was that we had a 1 mile run at the end to do. Okay, no big deal. I'm a runner, and I can handle a mile. Actually, it was less than a mile. We had to circle the property twice and on the second round, my head split in two. Nice. I almost made it through without any issues.

The kettlebell workout consisted primarily of Kettlebell Cleans which I absolutely love like pink eye, but it is all necessary.

I started out with 50 box jumps and a 1000 m Row on my own with a few half hearted pull ups mixed in.
I think I was just still a little sore from yesterday's workout.

Warm up:
30 Squats
30 Push Ups
20 Roll Overs
20 Over Head Squats with PVC pipe

KB Clean and Jerks

C&J: Every 20, 15, 10 sec regression for 4 minutes each.

1 Mile Run

Warm down: 50 abmat sit ups

Great Workout
Tomorrow: Day off (I think)


Tonight started out great as I got to Rogue a little early to warm up and ward off any migraine that was looming.

I knew ahead of time we were going to have Kettlebells to work with. What I didn't know was that we had a 1 mile run at the end to do. Okay, no big deal. I'm a runner, and I can handle a mile. Actually, it was less than a mile. We had to circle the property twice and on the second round, my head split in two. Nice. I almost made it through without any issues.

The kettlebell workout consisted primarily of Kettlebell Cleans which I absolutely love like pink eye, but it is all necessary.

I started out with 50 box jumps and a 1000 m Row on my own with a few half hearted pull ups mixed in.
I think I was just still a little sore from yesterday's workout.

Warm up:
30 Squats
30 Push Ups
20 Roll Overs
20 Over Head Squats with PVC pipe

KB Clean and Jerks

C&J: Every 20, 15, 10 sec regression for 4 minutes each.

1 Mile Run

Warm down: 50 abmat sit ups

Great Workout
Tomorrow: Day off (I think)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Kipping Pull Ups

Tonight we worked on Kipping pull ups again at Rogue. I was really glad we did as I think the more I do them the closer I am to being able to get more and more of them in a row. Right now, I think I'm up to 1 1/2. -Kidding, but not too far off. Maybe more like 4 with the kip. This isn't bad since when I started CF, I couldn't do 2 kipping pull ups. I always felt like my arm was being pulled out of it's socket. In reality, I don't practice these as much as I want to.
I'm able to do the swing part better than anything and feel that I am really close to getting these.

I've got about 2/3's of the kipping pull up down. It's the last 1/3 that gives me trouble.
Practice makes perfect I guess. I think jumping pull ups and assisted pull ups should help with this.

The WOD was a little tough for me again but I worked through it with yet another pounding headache. Seems the Burpees is what made it start hurting. I switched to doing 2 push ups to one full Burpee.
I always feel bad when I have to modify my WOD, and then still post a quicker time. Not sure on this one.

Warm up:
60 KB Swings
20 Push ups
10 Pull ups
Kipping Pull ups

10-1 Regression
Pull ups
KB Swings
Burpees - Modified to 2 push ups per 1 Burpee.

Ran 11 miles too.

Kipping Pull Ups

Tonight we worked on Kipping pull ups again at Rogue. I was really glad we did as I think the more I do them the closer I am to being able to get more and more of them in a row. Right now, I think I'm up to 1 1/2. -Kidding, but not too far off. Maybe more like 4 with the kip. This isn't bad since when I started CF, I couldn't do 2 kipping pull ups. I always felt like my arm was being pulled out of it's socket. In reality, I don't practice these as much as I want to.
I'm able to do the swing part better than anything and feel that I am really close to getting these.

I've got about 2/3's of the kipping pull up down. It's the last 1/3 that gives me trouble.
Practice makes perfect I guess. I think jumping pull ups and assisted pull ups should help with this.

The WOD was a little tough for me again but I worked through it with yet another pounding headache. Seems the Burpees is what made it start hurting. I switched to doing 2 push ups to one full Burpee.
I always feel bad when I have to modify my WOD, and then still post a quicker time. Not sure on this one.

Warm up:
60 KB Swings
20 Push ups
10 Pull ups
Kipping Pull ups

10-1 Regression
Pull ups
KB Swings
Burpees - Modified to 2 push ups per 1 Burpee.

Ran 11 miles too.

Quick run at Blackhand Gorge

I met up with Luc today at his house and then it was off to Blackhand Gorge for a quick run on the trails down there.
I was so cold this morning before we started out. I believe I had a base layer shirt, then a t-shirt, followed by a thermal shirt, then another 2 t-shirts, and finally a zip up. I felt like the Michelin Man. Kinda looked like him too.
Anyway, I was still cold.

Soon after we started I warmed up but was fine the remainder of the run.
The Marie Hickey trail was really cool. This is the kind of trail I like to run. Very runnable and scenic.
We took it slow as I wasn't sure how I was going to feel, but in the end it all paid off. It was a great run, and I look forward to many more runs down there.
The trail passed by this small gorge area with a couple of waterfalls. If Luc had not pointed it out, then I would have never know it was there.
After the run I had a few errands to run, but was able to make it out to the gym for a relaxing run on the dreadmill. Actually, I shouldn't say that. The treadmills I use there are nice. They are really smooth and best of all, they have built in fans.
I was hoping to get 10 miles in on the treadmill, but my wife called whining that she wanted to come home early. -Geesh. I gotta interrupt my run for that? I was only able to get 7 miles in.
After I picked up my wife, I quickly ran her home and dropped her off on her head so I could make it to Rogue Fitness in time for Crossfit.
I guess I just didn't get enough of a beating from running today.

11 miles -trail and treadmill
Here's a bonus: A picture of the giant Longaberger basket building I pass to get there.

I bet that would hold a lot of Sam Adams for a picnic.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Went to CF tonight a little fearful that I wasn't going to make it through the WOD.
Seems the last 3-4 times I've went I still get that pesky migraine.
Anyway, it was a nice beating as always.
I must be a glutton for punishment becasue I really just pushed my way through without a thought of giving up.

We worked on a complex of olympic moves which I really liked.

The WOD itself was simple, but don't let that fool you. I used a band for assistance on the dips, and ended up dropping the weight on the d-bell thrusters. Seemed everytime I did the d-bell thrusters the pressure in my head increased making it miserable. The drop in weight was a good idea.

Even though I did less resistance, I was still feeling it and loved every minute of it.

Went to CF tonight a little fearful that I wasn't going to make it through the WOD.
Seems the last 3-4 times I've went I still get that pesky migraine.
Anyway, it was a nice beating as always.
I must be a glutton for punishment becasue I really just pushed my way through without a thought of giving up.

We worked on a complex of olympic moves which I really liked.

The WOD itself was simple, but don't let that fool you. I used a band for assistance on the dips, and ended up dropping the weight on the d-bell thrusters. Seemed everytime I did the d-bell thrusters the pressure in my head increased making it miserable. The drop in weight was a good idea.

Even though I did less resistance, I was still feeling it and loved every minute of it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Getting a few Strange Looks today.....

Okay, I know you all have been on the edge of your seats waiting for an update, well, it is here.
I have been incredibly sick, but seem to push through it when and where I can.
Today I went out for a run and ended up getting 3.5 miles out and had to stop and walk back home. I ended up getting a migraine again. Next time I think I'm just gonna hop on the treadmill to warm up before I go out for a real run.

I decided to go back out to the gym and run on the treadmill since I felt better. I was incredibly nauseated, but I thought to myself, hey this is good Ultra training.

I was getting a lot of strange looks tonight because I was running and had a bottle of pop in my hand and drinking it while running. I stopped at the store to pick up a bottle of Ginger Ale to sip on while I ran. What did they know anyway.

I must be a glutton for punishment because after the initial run of 3.5 mile run, not counting the 3.5 mile walk back, I ended up doing another 7.5 miles plus a CF workout: "Cindy".
Again I was getting strange looks while doing this workout. Maybe it was deserved, but again, what did they know?

11 miles total
CF WOD: "Cindy"

Cindy my Love

I have been debating for quite some time whether or not I would post about any Crossfit workouts that I do at home or anywhere else..
I have done a few on my own since joining Rogue but never posted them.
Well, I am still sick and since I pushed through this I thought it was warranted. I will from now on post the workouts I do at home.

Tonight was my favorite CF WOD: Cindy. Actually the jury is still out on that one, but it seemed to be one I repeated a lot when I started CF on my own.

What made tonight a little different was that I did "Cindy" at my other gym I go to.
I was getting a few strange looks, but I didn't care. Those losers stand around gawkin at girls and grabbing each other on the behind while people like me could care less and want to workout.
Anyway, I ran a total of 11 miles today plus Cindy.

5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
AMRAP in 20 minutes.

My score: 11 rounds. I wasn't feeling well and wasn't pushing it at all.

Cindy my Love

I have been debating for quite some time whether or not I would post about any Crossfit workouts that I do at home or anywhere else..
I have done a few on my own since joining Rogue but never posted them.
Well, I am still sick and since I pushed through this I thought it was warranted. I will from now on post the workouts I do at home.

Tonight was my favorite CF WOD: Cindy. Actually the jury is still out on that one, but it seemed to be one I repeated a lot when I started CF on my own.

What made tonight a little different was that I did "Cindy" at my other gym I go to.
I was getting a few strange looks, but I didn't care. Those losers stand around gawkin at girls and grabbing each other on the behind while people like me could care less and want to workout.
Anyway, I ran a total of 11 miles today plus Cindy.

5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
AMRAP in 20 minutes.

My score: 11 rounds. I wasn't feeling well and wasn't pushing it at all.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sick, Twisted, Fun

This picture was actually taken a little while back when we were doing Rowing Relays. I was laying on the floor as noted by the arrow. This is what I can't wait to get back to.

This past week or so has left me unbeleivably sick from some medicine my doctor has me on. I've since stopped taking it and will see if it helps. I was feeling as if I was poisoned. Constant headache, severe nausea. Insane pain for sure. Nothing good at all.
The past three CF sessions left me with a severe migraine, but I was able to push through at my own pace to finish it out.
Regardless of what it is, I hope it stops real soon.

Today's WOD was a real treat as always. For the Skill we focused a little on something that I suck so bad at:

Kipping Pull Ups.

I was actually looking forward to the day that we could get some instruction on this and today, it finally came.

When I first started doing CF on my own, I thought I was going to rip my arm out of it's socket. I can barely do pull ups because of this, but so far it felt really good and I had no issues doing these today.
With the instruction I got today from Troy, I think I will have enough to work on these.

Warm Up: (Standard Pre-Beating)

20 Push ups
30 Squats
1000m Row

Skill: (Insight into the "The Beating")
Kipping Pull Ups

WOD: (Main Beating)
B 2 B Squats
Push Ups
Pull Ups
Flutter Kicks

8 Rounds of Tabata for each group.
We all finished in 17:00.

Warm Down: 100 abmat sit ups ( I couldn't do these as my head was pounding.)

Sick, Twisted, Fun

This picture was actually taken a little while back when we were doing Rowing Relays. I was laying on the floor as noted by the arrow. This is what I can't wait to get back to.

This past week or so has left me unbeleivably sick from some medicine my doctor has me on. I've since stopped taking it and will see if it helps. I was feeling as if I was poisoned. Constant headache, severe nausea. Insane pain for sure. Nothing good at all.
The past three CF sessions left me with a severe migraine, but I was able to push through at my own pace to finish it out.
Regardless of what it is, I hope it stops real soon.

Today's WOD was a real treat as always. For the Skill we focused a little on something that I suck so bad at:

Kipping Pull Ups.

I was actually looking forward to the day that we could get some instruction on this and today, it finally came.

When I first started doing CF on my own, I thought I was going to rip my arm out of it's socket. I can barely do pull ups because of this, but so far it felt really good and I had no issues doing these today.
With the instruction I got today from Troy, I think I will have enough to work on these.

Warm Up: (Standard Pre-Beating)

20 Push ups
30 Squats
1000m Row

Skill: (Insight into the "The Beating")
Kipping Pull Ups

WOD: (Main Beating)
B 2 B Squats
Push Ups
Pull Ups
Flutter Kicks

8 Rounds of Tabata for each group.
We all finished in 17:00.

Warm Down: 100 abmat sit ups ( I couldn't do these as my head was pounding.)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I wasn't feeling well again tonight when I went in for Crossfit, but I forced myself to go anyway.

Seems my nausea went away when I started, but the migraine came on and stayed the entire time.

Warm up:
Lunges, then 10 push ups for 3 Rounds.

Skill: Back Squats 5x5

11 Pull Ups
30 KB Swings
500m Row (I did 1000m)
100 Jump Ropes (I skipped these)

4 Rounds for time.

I was not able to do the jump ropes because the bouncing really killed my head. I instead did an extra 500m row.

My time: 26:40

I wasn't really pushing it as I wasn't feeling all that great. I'm just glad I was able to do something. Maybe next time.
I wasn't feeling well again tonight when I went in for Crossfit, but I forced myself to go anyway.

Seems my nausea went away when I started, but the migraine came on and stayed the entire time.

Warm up:
Lunges, then 10 push ups for 3 Rounds.

Skill: Back Squats 5x5

11 Pull Ups
30 KB Swings
500m Row (I did 1000m)
100 Jump Ropes (I skipped these)

4 Rounds for time.

I was not able to do the jump ropes because the bouncing really killed my head. I instead did an extra 500m row.

My time: 26:40

I wasn't really pushing it as I wasn't feeling all that great. I'm just glad I was able to do something. Maybe next time.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Quick run..........

Actually not quick, more like a slow run.

This medicine my doctor has me on makes me so nauseated. It took everything I had to get out and go to the gym. Either I sat around like a bump on a log, or I went out and at least attempted something. Actually, my wife started watching What not to Wear on TLC, and that was enough to get me up.

Once I started running, I felt much better. As soon as I was done, I felt worse. Go figure. Maybe I should run everywhere I want to go. Or, maybe not.

5 miles

Monday, February 2, 2009

Dive Bombers

I haven't been able to get to Crossfit regularly as I have mentioned before my car is still in the shop. Plus, all last week and into this one, I have been feeling kinda sick all the time. Not sure why, but it wasn't enough to stop me from going to Crossfit.

Today was my first day working with Troy Taylor. As with all the CF instructors he was not easy on us at all, which is a great thing.
We worked on our Dead lifts for the skill and then finally brought out my good old friend the rower.

Dive bombers to Failure
250m row
AMRAP for 20 minutes

I knew going into the WOD I was starting to get a headache, but I was not about to be sidelined. As the WOD progressed, my head hurt worse and worse. The Dive bombers were killer and the rowing didn't help any either.
I felt like I didn't pull out my all when it came to the workout. Maybe next time.

My score:
130 Dive bombers
1700m for the row.

Dive Bombers

I haven't been able to get to Crossfit regularly as I have mentioned before my car is still in the shop. Plus, all last week and into this one, I have been feeling kinda sick all the time. Not sure why, but it wasn't enough to stop me from going to Crossfit.

Today was my first day working with Troy Taylor. As with all the CF instructors he was not easy on us at all, which is a great thing.
We worked on our Dead lifts for the skill and then finally brought out my good old friend the rower.

Dive bombers to Failure
250m row
AMRAP for 20 minutes

I knew going into the WOD I was starting to get a headache, but I was not about to be sidelined. As the WOD progressed, my head hurt worse and worse. The Dive bombers were killer and the rowing didn't help any either.
I felt like I didn't pull out my all when it came to the workout. Maybe next time.

My score:
130 Dive bombers
1700m for the row.

Blackhand Gorge - 8 miles

Sorry for the absence. I haven't been doing anything lately as I haven't been feeling well. I know I'm not getting sick or anything, it's just that I feel like hell.

After my warm and fuzzy Crossfit beating I had today, I set my mind on going to Blackhand Gorge out in Licking County. My wife works fairly close to the park and since we are sharing a car, I thought it would be a great opportunity to get a run in before I picked her up from work. I was hoping this trip out there would help break me of this. I need to read more on the history of the park, but I can tell you it is so nice out there. I beleive this is part of the old Ohio-Erie Canal System. I'm also not sure, but I think the bike path used to be an old railroad track that was converted as part of the Rails to Trails projects in Ohio.
The trail conditions were not great as we all here in Ohio are experiencing. Not sure about you, but this is getting old. I was glad to have my Yaktrax on as the trail was mostly icy slush which made for a great time. My knees and ankles are thanking me for the beating.

I wanted to explore some of the trails up there, but I was really late as it was getting back to pick my wife up.
As you all know, never make your wife stay at work longer than she wants, especially when she is hungry and would most likely chew your head off for dinner.

I cannot wait to get out there in the spring for a better run and see what all this park has to offer.

8 mile run