Thursday, February 26, 2009

WOD - I didn't do it

Instead, I made up my own because....well, same old story.

Anyway, I started the workout and decided immediately to modify it to keep it from getting worse.
I switched to the Rower to keep the impact down a bit, but tried to go back and do a few pull ups. That wasn't happening so I switched to Over Head Squats for 20 Reps.
I would row for 500m then do 20 Overhead Squats.

On a good note, my hands are starting to get tore up a little from pull ups. I feel myself getting stronger at these every day.

Warm up:
1000m Row (On my own)
20 Wall Balls
20 Push Ups
5 Pull Ups
(2 Rounds)
20 Roll Overs
20 OHS

Skill: Snatch
1x1x1 for 15 Minutes

100ft Walking Lunges
500m Row
20 OHS
500m Row
20 OHS
500m Row
20 OHS
500m Row
20 OHS

Mixed in some pull ups between sets and warmed down with some pull ups and foam roller.


  1. Glad to read that you're hanging on to CF. It's a great workout. You taken any pictures yet?

  2. Hey J: You mean "before" pictures?
    I'm not yet that brave. Maybe I'll do an "after" picture.
    Or pictures of us working out?
    There are some in my previous blog posts.
    I try and have the instructor take pictures of us when possible.

    Crossfit is awesome and can't get enough of it.
