Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Where have you been?

I know, I kinda dropped off the face of the earth for a little while. I needed some serious down time.
A wise man told me that we need to do this at least once a year. I replied: "This is the first break I've taken from running since I started in 2004." I took up my last 11 days of vacation, and tonight I go back to work.
I have gotten a lot of stuff done around my house while being off work. I need to go back to work just get some rest.

A lot of you know that this year I had faced a huge struggle with headaches and injuries. The injuries believe it or not is caused by what is causing my headaches. I have a Macro Adenoma Brain Tumor. It is the size of a small lemon, and is located right on my pituitary. Sounds complicated and scary. The one part is complicated, the other part, not so much.
I'm not scared even after my second consult this week. The simply put it this way: "There's nothing we can do for you." I have one option: Surgery. If I go this route, they cannot get all of it out and will most likely return. The big problem is afterward, I would have to be on hormone replacement meds the rest of my life. Total suckage there.

Regarding the headaches, the tumor itself is not what's causing the headaches. The medication, which is a Parkinson's drug (Parlodel) is what knocks me down and laughs at me when ever I take it.
Then there is the anti-nausea meds, which sorta work, but knock me out when I take them.
I don't take pain meds other than Excedrin. I refuse to be on heavy doses of pain drugs.

As I stated, the tumor is not dangerous in that if it grows any more, then it can put pressure on my optic nerve and cause me to go blind.
The second opinion guy told me that the tumor did not shrink if at all. My thinking is, why am I still taking this medication. I think I might stop taking my meds here soon as I simply can't take the pain. It is easily 10x's worse that my worst ever headache.
I may break down and ask for something to make me comatose while the drug wears off.

My back feels much better. I took some time off from working out and running. My Crossfit membership had expired. I think I am going to go in a different direction with that.
I know a cool Cat that owns a Kettlebell gym and she's damn good. Her business Partner Dave Clancy is a Badass too. The name of their gym: "State of Fitness" in Gahanna.

I'm not sure CrossFit will be something or me to do in the immediate future. Don't get me wrong, CrossFit will be incorporated for sure.

I have been bad about reading blogs.....my apologies.
Hope everyone has a great Christmas.

Let me know how you all are doing.