Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tempo Run

Quick 5 miles tonight. Actually slow by my account, but still 5 miles.
I had to stay close to home since I am covering the on-call pager for a co-worker tonight, and had to break out the treadmill.
At first my knees ached as I statred out. This is probably because I've been running on the road so much, but I felt great the entire time. WTH is going on here? I have not felt this great in years.

In runs past, I have been so sloggish and fatigued that i have never pushed myself at all. This time, I have been pushing myself on all my Tempo runs.

Are you intrigued as I am on how my energy levels have been so great and how I have been doing so well with my runs?
Well, stay tuned.
I may have a company who will be sponsoring me on my quest for my very first 100 miler in June of next year. -The Mohican 100.
I've been taking their product for about 3 weeks now, and I can tell you, I have never felt better in my entire life.

Totals: 5 miles...treadmill
No HR information available.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Okay, last week I stated come hell or high water, I was running a 20 miler today.
I did just that. All on road.
I stopped at 13 miles where my wife was this morning and changed my clothes. I know this isn't going to be possible during the Columbus Marathon, but I was soaking wet and a little cold.
It was starting to drizzle a bit, and I decided that warm dry clothes was a smart idea.
She told me I was cheating, and I said, Hey, I wrote the rules for my run today, not anyone else.
I felt 10 times better doing this. (Changing clothes)

After that I headed back out to finish the 7 miles needed.
I was a little tired toward the end, and think it had something to do with not taking in any gel or calories during the run. For some reason, I wasn't feeling it with the gels today. When I stopped to change my clothes, I ate a packet of Watermelon Sport Beans, and
about 17 miles into it, I decided to take my 1st Honey Stinger.

I decided to do leg drains at the end, but my dog came running outside and attempted to lick all the salt off my face. Good thing I was about to take a shower.

Anway, check out my friends blog about the Akron Marathon today: Kim and Rob
Both ran an awesome race. Good job guys!

Totals: 20.01 miles...Road
Ave HR: 163
Max HR: 180

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Worth It's Weight Swag is Here!
Man this stuff couldn't have came any quicker as I need the extra Recover-Ease for the final weeks leading up to the Marathon.....and I needed a new hat. I nearly threw mine away the other day while on a run because it stunk so bad. ( I bleached it since)

I called my wife today and told her what I got, and that I got some Dirty Girls, and that I couldn't wait to try them out. -Huh? was the response I got.
I felt "The Force" of her hand reaching through the phone and quickly explained they are like the ones I had Xy Weiss make me for my 1st Ultra I ran.

And a big thanks to SLB for putting a nice $500.00 check in my package....(Just kidding everyone)
I just wanted to see if all 4 of my Blog readers caught that.

And Robin, if you are reading this, I sent you an email requesting an address for Scott's Nike Tailwind. Hope to have it to him soon.

As required, I will post a picture soon of my wonderful prizes.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Couldn't help myself on this one.

Had another great run tonight. I set out to do an easy run since lastnight was a hard workout. Soon I found myself running hard anyway. I have two days scheduled off and figured I would be recovered enough for my plans to do a 20 miler on Sunday.

Totals: 5 miles...road
Ave HR: 181
Max HR: 196

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

For every Bad Day = a Good Day

I was able to redeem myself tonight with a great run in my hood.
As my header says for every bad day equals a good day. I felt so good the entire time.

I've kinda stepped back the mileage this week because I want to try to put a 20 miler in this coming Sunday. Come hell or high water, run or walk, I will do a 20 miler.

Totals: 5 miles hard...on road
Ave HR: 176
Max HR: 192

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Keep on smilin

Started out with a tempo run planned and ended up having to quit with a mile to go from my house. I developed what was possibly the worst migraine I've ever had on a run.
I went to an ENT (ear nose and throat) specialist today for chronic sinus problems, so I am hoping this will give me some relief.
I've always gotten exercise induced migraines due to sinus pressure and have played with hydration, electrolytes, but nothing has ever worked.
No problems with the ankle BTW.

Be back at it tomorrow.

Totals: 3.62 miles....tempo run
Ave HR: 174
Max HR: 191

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Back into it......

I havn't ran at all this past week other than the 5k I ran on Wednesday because of my ankle incident.
Going off past experiences, I held off from running or doing anything "stupid" and causing further pain/damage.
Today, I set out to do a 15 miler all on road in preparation for a Marathon that is looming just a few weeks away.

After reading the review of Honey Stinger from Gotta Run, I broke down and ordered some from REI. I wasn't expecting to have it so quick. I've known for some time about the product, but could never find them anywhere.
I ordered all the flavors, but only tried 3 of them (Honey, Ginsting, and Strawberry) on my run. The honey aftertaste was great, and found that I wasn't gagging after eating them.

I mapped out a course, dropped water the night before, and set out this morning at 7:30.
Not sure if it was the Honey Stingers or what it was, but I felt like I had boundless energy until I hit the 13 mile mark. I think it was because I didn't eat breakfast. Who knows.

I made it back home to find myself so exhausted.
My dog wanted outside so I went out and found a comfy place on the sidewalk and laid there facedown in the shade.

Thank goodness for my Recover-Ease. which reminds me, I need to order some soon.

Totals: 15 miles…..All Road
Ave HR: 170
Max HR: 189

Friday, September 19, 2008

Okay, this isn't my ankle but my wife said I am acting like it is.
I went on a quick run last night and it felt fine until the 5k mark, and I decided to stop as it was hurting a little. I don't think Ice will help any longer - no swelling. I think I will take it easy until Sunday and do a long run then. In the mean time, I will do some light running and maybe some light plyo exercises.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hurricane Ike, Twisted Ankle, and the Joy of Living Accident-Prone.

The remnants of Hurricane Ike skirted past us on Sunday, and knowing it was coming, I skipped my morning run and decided I would hit the treadmill later on in the evening.
I got some work done around my house and by the time I finished, the wind had kicked up hard.

I can't say much seeing how the Texas coast was obliterated in Galveston and Houston.
Anyone remember seeing that office building on CNN with all the windows blown out? That was one of our buildings and I was on calls all night Friday, and all day Saturday dealing with it.

Anyway, the wind was ferocious. I have never seen wind that powerful around here in my lifetime. According to the stats we had: Steady Winds: 33 and Gusts: 47 MPH. LMAO! That was nothing compared to what Texas saw.

Apparently it reached 75MPH at Port Columbus which is only 20 minutes from my house.
I could not imagine riding out a Hurricane. Ever! Anyway, I am once again, on one of my tangents........

I ran out into my yard because my hammock was about to become a giant kite and end up in Michigan ( I don't want a Wolverine to pee on it anyway), so I stepped out into my grass to go grab it and the next thing I knew, I was on the ground. Hard! I heard a pop and it started throbbing. I twisted my ankle as I stepped off my patio that is only 8 inches off the grass. WTH?
My wife was laughing, and all I wanted to do was pull her out into the yard and let the wind blow her paper thin ass down the road. That would teach her.

I've been icing it and have a compression wrap on it now.
Tomorrow, I may try rubbing some dirt on it and see how I do at a quick run.

The Joy of Living Accident-Prone. -Sounds like the making of a new book to me........hmmmm.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dog Interruption

Tonight was to be a quick and easy run anyway, but halfway through the run, my wife called me to inform me that my dog Buxton was having "Man Problems" I won't go into detail but I can tell you it made me run a little faster.
I was about a mile away from home when she pulled up to pick me up. We raced back home to find my dog perfectly fine and happy to see me. Oh well, you'll have that.

Totals: 3.55 Miles
Ave HR: 170
Max HR: 187

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

7 Miles and a Big Mac

I felt beyond tired yesterday so I took a day off. Actually, I took two days off. Not sure exactly what it was but I just could not wake up. I felt like I was drugged.

I took my vitamins and I felt great after that. I believe I am iron deficient which would account for my sloth like movements the past few days.
You would think a guy like me would not be deficient in iron. well, from looking at my last blood panel, I was low.
Beef is not on my menu and from looking at my overall diet, I still don't eat enough meat to supply me with enough iron.
I take (when I remember) the whole food vitamin: Alive! Multi-Vitamin -Mineral vcaps.

So what the hell does this have to do with a Big Mac? -Nothing really.

I was reading a CNN story on a guy who has eaten 23,000 Big Mac's 0ver the past 36 years. He has only missed eating a B.M. 8 times over 36 years. Not bad.

So, you would guess this guy was as large as a McDonald's building, but he is not.
He's 6'2" and weighs in at 185. -WTH? I gained 3 pounds just reading the story.

Apparently he walks 10 miles a day. What kinda crazy dude walks or runs 10 miles a day? Come on. I only ran 7 miles today and had no Big Mac's, and this guy is still one up on me.
Except for one thing: I bet he smells like a Big Mac, and I don't

Totals: 7 Miles (Hard)
Ave HR: 176
Max HR: 190

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Recover-Ease Strikes Again.

Warning, I may curse a few times duing this entry.

I was looking at my mileage for the week and I was about 1/4 mile short of 35 miles with running and a little over 6 miles with my bike. I know, compared to some, this is nothing.
That's small mileage, but it is a start for my winter training.

I took my Recover-Ease today after my run. Again, I am compelled to notify all 3 of my blog readers about this product. It friggin works!

Doing the actual running is only half of the training. The other half is recovery.
I can tell you that compared to my 12 miler I did on Monday versus the 13 miler I did today, my time was better than the 12 miler. That to me is everything.
Recovery is so damn important. I think if I hadn't taken this product on Monday, I wouldn't have faired so well on my long run today.

Go buy Recover-Ease....................... Now Damn It!
LSD Half Marathon today

My intentions were just that today. To run 13 miles. Heck, why not go the extra .11 miles and make it a half marathon?
I could have gone further, but I decided when my Garmin hit 13.11 miles, I had just enough for the day.
Besides, the walk back to my house, which was a little less than 3/4 of a mile, was a great cool down for my legs.
The run went really well. I started out at about 6:30AM ET, and watched the sun slowly rise over the course of the run. This to me is the best time of the week to run: Sunday Morning.
Running LSD is my favorite type of run. It lets me relax and zone out for miles.
I kept telling myself that I would stop at a certain point down the road for a water break. When I would get there, I would say nah, and keep on going.

I stopped one time at mile 9 just to take in a Strawberry & Vomit GU and some water.
The rest of the run went great. Nothing too exciting. I saw a full can of Coors Light -eewh, 1 dead possum, 1 dead squirrel and two dead snakes, 5 lively dogs, 6 live runners, and a picture of some naked chick lying on the side of the road. She wasn't lying naked on the side of the road the picture was. -Had to clarify. Amazing the crap you find out in the country.

Anyway, today is the day! My official weigh in was done after my run because I forgot to before my run. My final weight for the Weight Loss Challenge is: 201.9. I wish I had a camera to back it up, but I don't. It still has Sea Water and Sand in it. Just have to take my word on it.

Totals: 13.11 miles
Ave HR: 172
Max HR: 184

Friday, September 5, 2008

Food Review

Okay, I have never done a "Food Review" (I don't think), but for some reason, I have felt compelled to let all 3 of my blog readers know about this wonderful sweetener: Organic Raw Blue Agave Nectar by Wholesome Sweeteners Inc.

This stuff is Low on the Glycemic Index. Meaning, it won't spike your blood sugar like other sweeteners (uhhhhhh..... High Fructose Corn Syrup) because it is slowly absorbed into the blood stream. It is 1 1/4 times sweeter than sugar so it takes less to sweeten your food/drink.

This stuff ROCKS!
I just cooked up some whole wheat pancakes (at 3:00AM ET) with a little bit of the Blue Agave Nectar on top and I have zero guilt.
I even put this in my ice tea and it tastes great. Better than that Splenda crap.

The downside: This little bottle will set you back $5.00 for 11.75 ounces.
But, I guess it is worth it if you cannot handle the sugar cravings.
If anyone knows where I can buy a 50 gallon drum of this stuff let me know.
Quick run on the Woodway tonight.
I haven't ran on my treadmill in a while and I can see why. It is boring. Now I know why I run on the road or trail.
I took last night off to d0 some work around the house. Hmmm. It was boring also.
Anyway, nothing to report. It is coming down to the home stretch with the Worth the Weight challenge. I am holding on as tight as I can to my position. Right now I am in 3rd place.
It's so hard when you have a wife who sits around with a Coke in one hand and a bag of chips in another. I seem to look at what she eats and gain weight.

Should be set for a medium distance run on Sunday.

Have a great weekend.

Totals: 3 miles
HR Max: 180
Ave: ?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Junk In = Junk Out

I heard this many times before and I am sure you have too.
I have not been eating right the past week or so despite the looming deadline for the Worth it's Weight Challenge.
You are what you eat, and the quality of food you consume effects your output. Period.

There are some freaks out there who eat junk and it has no effect on them, but I am not them.

My point is, I had no energy tonight for a simple 8 mile run. I was beat toward the end despite my slow ass pace the entire time.

Total mileage: 6.64 miles...walked a little bit toward the half way point up a hill.

Ave HR: 172
Max HR: 186

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cross train tonight with the bike.
On my long run yesterday, the first time I walked, I noticed my ankle was hurting from the day before. I had taken my dogs on a walk along the local high school cross country course, and twisted my ankle as I got out of my Jeep.
Oh well I thought. Nothing big.
I decided to take tonight off from running and just cross train.
Kinda uneventful.

Totals: 6.09 miles......32:35.........5:21 Pace
Ave HR: 143
Max HR: 172

Monday, September 1, 2008

WTF? A Parade for Me?

We'll get to that in a moment.

I decided to make today the day for my long run instead of the typical Sunday run. My schedule got messed up and I never got much sleep yesterday.
I started out today with 12 miles in mind. I ran my typical rural route since it is always a peaceful run.
I actually saw two other runners going the opposite direction when I got to Mt. Pickerington. Kind of a rarity to see other runners out. There were however a lot of cyclists out enjoying a day off for Labor Day.
I got about 8 miles into my run and decided to pull over in the shade and take a rest. I whipped out my baggie of S! Caps and just then a County Sheriff rounded the corner. He slowed down and looked at me. Not sure what he was thinking. I guess I wasn't suspicious enough to bother, so he went on.
I choked down a second Lemon Lime GU, and off I went.
I got into down town Pickerington and noticed a lot of people congregating along the streets. I asked some guy about it and he said there was a parade about to start.
I went onto the town square where I had planned on filling up my water bottle. I finished with that and went onto the home stretch of my run.
I had only one lace to run because the sidewalks were filled with 100's of people. I started laughing my ass off as some people were cheering me on. I yelled at this one lady, and asked was all this for me?
I went on and felt a little embarrassed as the parade route went on for about another 3 miles.
I heard some people yelling "Hey Nick" -Must have been neighbors.

I think this is where I realized, I bit off more than I could chew for this run. I was very tired and I started to walk too much. I had done well up until that point without walking at all. I figured that the day before I hadn't eaten properly which is why I felt really sluggish toward the end.
I did finish out the run and ended up with 12 miles on the dot.

Totals: 12 Miles

Avg HR: 175, Max HR: 193