Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dog Interruption

Tonight was to be a quick and easy run anyway, but halfway through the run, my wife called me to inform me that my dog Buxton was having "Man Problems" I won't go into detail but I can tell you it made me run a little faster.
I was about a mile away from home when she pulled up to pick me up. We raced back home to find my dog perfectly fine and happy to see me. Oh well, you'll have that.

Totals: 3.55 Miles
Ave HR: 170
Max HR: 187


  1. Man problems but then perfectly fine? Sounds like he was just trying to get you to run faster. LOL

  2. I think it was separation anxiety.
    My wife says I have created a monster. Whatever that means. was just a ploy by my wife to get me home quicker.....hmmmm.

  3. I am with Rob. Man problems... that just sounds funny!
