Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Keep on smilin

Started out with a tempo run planned and ended up having to quit with a mile to go from my house. I developed what was possibly the worst migraine I've ever had on a run.
I went to an ENT (ear nose and throat) specialist today for chronic sinus problems, so I am hoping this will give me some relief.
I've always gotten exercise induced migraines due to sinus pressure and have played with hydration, electrolytes, but nothing has ever worked.
No problems with the ankle BTW.

Be back at it tomorrow.

Totals: 3.62 miles....tempo run
Ave HR: 174
Max HR: 191


  1. That sucks, Nick. I remember you were fighting a migraine the day I met you at Mohican. Hope it gets better soon or just goes away all together... forever. :)

  2. Yeah it seems it has become a regular thing with me.
    Seems the first time I met Kim, was at a group run on the Red/Green loops at Mohican. I got a migraine going up that hill and had to hold back a bit.
    This is a hereditary thing and seems I am destined to always have it.

  3. Sorry to hear about the migraines. They do have some pretty good meds for controlling them these days, hopefully you can find the one that will work for you.

  4. You've got the right attitude!
