Sunday, September 21, 2008

Back into it......

I havn't ran at all this past week other than the 5k I ran on Wednesday because of my ankle incident.
Going off past experiences, I held off from running or doing anything "stupid" and causing further pain/damage.
Today, I set out to do a 15 miler all on road in preparation for a Marathon that is looming just a few weeks away.

After reading the review of Honey Stinger from Gotta Run, I broke down and ordered some from REI. I wasn't expecting to have it so quick. I've known for some time about the product, but could never find them anywhere.
I ordered all the flavors, but only tried 3 of them (Honey, Ginsting, and Strawberry) on my run. The honey aftertaste was great, and found that I wasn't gagging after eating them.

I mapped out a course, dropped water the night before, and set out this morning at 7:30.
Not sure if it was the Honey Stingers or what it was, but I felt like I had boundless energy until I hit the 13 mile mark. I think it was because I didn't eat breakfast. Who knows.

I made it back home to find myself so exhausted.
My dog wanted outside so I went out and found a comfy place on the sidewalk and laid there facedown in the shade.

Thank goodness for my Recover-Ease. which reminds me, I need to order some soon.

Totals: 15 miles…..All Road
Ave HR: 170
Max HR: 189


  1. Hey Darrell,
    I actually had a neighbor look at out their door at me, and I waved back at them to let them know I was okay.
    I never thought concrete could be so comfortable.

  2. The ankle carries you well. Glad to hear that.

  3. Way to hit the 15 miler!! Glad the Stingers worked well for you. I have cleaned out our local running store here so today I will be ordering these online.

    Now just watch your step and keep those feet happy!

    BTW - I found the honey stingers on Amazon for $18 a book. For orders over $25 shipping is free.

  4. Robin,
    I didn't think to order them from Amazon. Good thinking.

    In order to keep my feet happy, I need to get one of those personal massaging foot spa's.

    Not that I'll be able to keep up with you and Don, I will be planning some Mohican runs starting November.

  5. Nice job on the run Nick, but c'mon you know better than to run on an empty stomach!

    PS send me you address for the WTW swag and did you get my Yosemite email?
