Sunday, June 28, 2009

CrossFit with the Oak Tree Brothers

I pulled my sorry self out of bed this morning and met up with Bret & Sean whom I've know since middle school. We hadn't seen each other in years and we sat around and shot the breeze while Sean drank an entire pot of coffee, and I played with Bret's little Beagle Puppy.
We all discovered we were into CrossFit via Facebook and decided we needed to meet up for a workout. Make no doubt about it, these boys are badass and built like Oak Trees, but you couldn't meet a nicer pair of brothers.
Sean decided on a WOD that he missed the day before. Bret and I took one look at it and decided to come up with one on our own since our shoulders would probably not be happy with us.
After Sean was done with his workout, it was time for Bret and I to take on our Workout.
We planned out:
10 KB Snatch (53 lbs)
10 HSPU (Hand Stand Push Ups)
400m Run
4 Rounds for Time!
My Time: 10:53, Bret's Time: 9:53
I started off strong as usual, and faded big time. On the 3rd round I was so tired that a full force run was really only about a 9 1/2 minute mile. By the 4th Round, I was sucking as much oxygen as possible.
That's what I like about these types of workouts that involve running. It's a much better workout than spending hours in the gym or hours out on the road or trail.
We were done in 10 minutes.
As I lay on the concrete sucking all the air out of the atmosphere, I couldn't help but to think about how good that felt.
After our workout, Bret and I headed off to Deer Creek State Park close by and ran a quick 4 1/2 miles on some trail by the Lodge. It was a nice relaxing pace and uneventful. Just what I like.
Totals: 5.5 miles + CrossFit WOD

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Some CrossFit, a Quick Run, and a little Birdy

I decided it was time to get back to training for the next adventure down the line. I went to CrossFit yesterday for a workout and then off to Blacklick for a run with Mike Keller.

The CrossFit WOD was a good one as always.

Warm Up: Cindy
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
3 Rounds
20 Roll Overs

Skill: Seated Shoulder Press: 3-2-2-1-1-1-1

15 Pull Ups
15 KB Swings (53 lb KB)
15 Burpee Box Jumps
AMRAP in 15 minutes

My Score: 3 Rounds

After that workout, I didn't think I was going to have the energy to be able to run afterward.
This was a great chance for me to test out my feet since my blister episode. I was ready to go out for a run on Monday and Tuesday but, I decided to take it easy these days and get some work done around my house.
My feet held up pretty good which gives me the greenlight to start the madness over again.
We ended up with 4.21 for mileage. I'll take any at this point.

That afternoon when I went to check the snail mail, I heard a loud chirping noise coming from a tree near my front door. I didn't think much of it really. Later when I came home from the store I heard the loud chirping again. Knowing our outside cat would be prowling soon, I decided to investigate a little. Turns out it was a little bird that fell probably 18 feet from it's nest located on top of our roof. I have no idea how it survived a fall like that.

I took a ladder and went up to the roof only to find the birds siblings dead in the gutter. I never found a nest.

I didn't want to leave the bird outside somewhere a cat could get to it so I brought into my garage for the night. Every 2 hours I went out and fed the little nestling little bits of cat food from a spoon.
Here is a video of me feeding the bird. I fed him/her two worms I found while burying the siblings. The bird ate those quickly. My wife found a site that said to try soggy dog food, or wet cat food. Seems the bird likes the cat food the best.

Am I crazy? Maybe so. I don't like to see helpless animals suffer...and they are all helpless.

When I woke up today I immediately went and checked on the nestling and sure enough, it's mother returned and had food to give to it's baby.

Turns out that stuff about handling a bird and or it's nest isn't true. I had put the bird into an abandoned Robin's nest but ended up taking the bird out and made my own as they do recommend not putting the bird in a nest that belongs to another bird.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Very Happy with my DNF

The 20th Anniversary of the Mohican 100 was this weekend. Something I've been a part of for the last 4 years, I finally got to run this old girl.
I am very happy and proud that I made it was far as I did. My feet hurt something fierce, and I experienced the ups and down associate with this kind of madness.

The race started out with perfect temps. It had rained up to a few minutes before the race and was clear the rest of the day. The temps were not bad and we had a nice breeze for much of the day.
I heard a lot of people complain about the heat. It was warm but, I really didn't think it was all that bad.
I was well hydrated despite severe muscle cramps from mile 21 on to when I dropped out.

The day before the heat and humidity was intense. I was sweating a lot and didn't think to replenish the salt that I'd lost. I think this contributed to the muscle cramps the next day. On race day, I was taking about 2 S-Caps per hour and it seemed to not help. I think my sodium stores were way far gone.

I had a hard time running and a hard time walking. A slow shuffle was all I could do from about mile 37 to mile 42. From there it was a walk until I started running again just before mile 50.

I was feeling great at mile 52 and decided to change socks and keep on going. I grabbed my headlamp as it was starting to get dark out.
About 2 miles out from the next Aid Station My switched on my headlamp and it wouldn't come on. I opened up the case and noticed that I had sweat and water that leeched into the battery case and was shorting it out. I had it around my neck for about 10-13 miles. It's possible water trickled down there from when I was drinking.
I was able to wipe it down and get it working again. Off and on until the Covered Bridge it would shut off on me. It was pitch black and I couldn't see a thing. I was a tad freaked out being out there by myself and with a headlamp that didn't work so well. I know to carry and extra light, which I had in my drop bag at mile 52, I just went off and forgot it.
I made the decision to drop at the Covered Bridge which was about 6 miles away. I figured my feet were just too far gone and unrepairable. I figured the podiatrists were packed up and gone. Had they been there and were able to fix them, I think I would have went on to see how far I could go. Turns out, I got there just in time and they fixed them, but the pain remained. I was done.
I was able to get my feet fixed and get a ride back to the start/finish where I chatted with Colleen and Mike Keller for hours. The winner of the race (Wyatt Hornsby) came in at 19:53!
hours or something.

I had no stomach issues as I believe I have dialed in on my diet and what to do and not to do for races. In all, it was a great race. I couldn't say enough about the volunteers. They were simply awesome.

Totals: 64 miles. Not sure of my time. I think it was 17 1/2 hours or something.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Mighty Mo....and please do Tase me Bro

I am running my first Mohican 100 Trail Race this weekend. Actually, my first 100 ever.
It is the 20th anniversary of this race. I just had to be part of it, finish or not.
I was able stuff all of my drop bags into the required sandwhich bag, or was it the 2.5 gallon one?
Oh well, I got it all into a Ziplock sandwhich bag to conserve space and to keep the confusion down......Inside joke.

I am really unsure what to think of it all. In reality, I don't expect my body to hold up in the later miles.
I have multiple goals set:
1) Wake up on time Saturday Morning (Please someone check on me at 4:00AM sharp! Blue tent, by the pavilion.)
2) Don't get sick like I did at Dances with Dirt. (That sucked.)
3) Make it to at least the Rock Point Aid Station (Half way: 52 miles).
4) Keep walking/shuffling until I either time out, break a bone, sprain a nerve, twist a brain cell....or finish?
I think I will make it to Goal 4 and time out or get off trail and wind up in Cleveland.

I had a lot of set backs this year, but was able to keep my fitness level in check with CrossFit, but the time on my feet thing really hurt me. CrossFit cannot give me that.
To be honest, I am looking forward to being part of an amazing event shared by so many of my trail running friends.
Sad to say but my buddy Rob "Tough as Nails" Powell will not make it as I have ordered him to sit this race out and bring me a Pizza at Mile 62, to kick me in the ass, and Zap me with a Taser to get me to the Grist Mill at mile 75.
Nah, just kidding. He hurt his back trying to carry a rather large Keg of Beer like it was a Camelbak or something while on a training run. Okay, the part about the Keg isn't true either.

Today is Wednesday and I am already at Mohican in my head. Going over the trails and the aid stations. I need to relax and just take in the experience. That's what it is all about.
I'm actually bummed that more of my blog readers and friends cannot experience Mohican.
The best way I can describe it is that it's simply Magical.

I believe a BIG Thank You needs to go out to Don Baun who designed the course. Simply Awesome Don, but couldn't it be more of a downhill course? Just for the 20th anniversary?
I will be smiling from ear to ear and maybe giggling like a school-girl as I am running the trails on Saturday, because in my head...It's all Mine!
Zap, Zap

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Headed to Hawaii: Learn to keep yer Big Mouth shut!

The other day while on call, I was outside frying some chicken in my new Turkey Fryer and wanted to keep a close ear on my pager in case I got called.
Not paying attention to the 7 gallon beer bucket with water in it, which was beside the chair, I sat my pager on the seat part of the chair. Again, it never crossed my mind that my pager wanted to go for a swim. In it went, to the bottom. Oh no! I ran over to the bucket, and fished the pager out and quickly checked to see if it was still working. Nope. It was dead.
I was furious at myself.
I knew better than to do that. For some reason, I WASN'T THINKING!
My wife calmly said, "I can fix it" LMAO! no way could she fix this. "What? Are you some sort of magician"? I asked. The argument ensued.
She said, "I'm going to put it in a bowl covered with rice". Oh man, this was getting funnier by the minute. I was borderline asking to be killed.
Now, I am fairly open minded and usually take advice and put it in my thought process before making a final decision. Also, I really am "one of those guys" who can admit when they are wrong.
This time was different. I wouldn't have anything to do with it. My ears and mind were shut down.
I have a degree in Electronics, a degree in Computer Systems Management, have worked on 1000's of computer systems and electronics and I can tell you, no way would this work.

"Why don't you ever listen to me"? she said. Knowing where this would lead me, I just bit my tongue and said: "Go ahead punk...make my day"!
(I didn't say: punk...make my day"!...I just took that from Clint Eastwood)

Boy, I just could not wait for this to fail, and say: "Ha! I told You"!
Well, 24 hours later the pager turned on. Doh!......But shut off. Yay! I won!...Not quite.
At this point, my mind opened a little. I said put it back in the rice in a bag and leave it there for a few days.
This morning before I went to bed, I pulled it out of the bag, and the pager was working. I plugged it in to charge and when I woke up today, it was fully charged and working just fine receiving pages throughout the day. Doh!
So, I guess I am headed to Hawaii now. I told my wife that if this little crazy trick of hers worked, I would take her on a trip to Hawaii whenever she wanted.

She told me, at least there are no races in Hawaii....Oh yes there is. She doesn't know about HURT 100 & 100k ultras.

CrossFit WOD from Yesterday:
1 mile warm up
30 Squats
30 Push Ups
20 Pull Ups
Skill: Front Squats: 3,2,2,1,1,1,1: my weight: 135lbs. -Kept it light.

11 Push Jerks: 95 lbs
30 Wall Balls: 12lb ball
400m run
3 Rounds for time.
My time: 14:57

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Good Day at Mohican

Since my wife cannot join me next week for the Mohican Trail Run, we decided to take a quick trip up there and do a little site seeing and a run on the Purple Loop.
Now understand, my wife is repulsed by exercise and is not a runner. I have tried many times to get her to run with me, but I have somewhat failed in that category. I can't have everything right?
I was able to talk her into and easy 4 miles on the most beautiful trail sections of Mohican State Park. I just love this place!
We were not even a mile into the run, and she said: "how much further"? I replied: "about 3 and a 1/2". "WHAT!?!?!?! My legs are dead tired". I started laughing. I told her it was all down hill after we passed the Dam.
There was a lot of potty mouth from my wife as we trudged up the big hill during the second mile. I cannot repeat them here as children may be reading, but it was comical. "I thought it was all downhill"? This went on and on. I was having fun with it as I had not even broken a sweat at this point.
We were running along and a couple on horseback sneaked up on us. Every time I run out there it never ceases to scare me to death when I run into people on horseback. It is weird to have this giant animal appeared out of nowhere when rounding a corner of a secluded trail. This was the first time I ever ran across horseback riders on this loop.
We finished the loop and I talked my wife into walking through the Mohican River to cool off.
I took her on a drive around the area to check out the race course and to go up to Landoll's Castle. In all the times I volunteered at the Landoll's Castle aid station for the race, I had never been up to the castle. This place was awesome. We were way too muddy and wet to go in, but I can tell you I want to live at this place.

After the Castle visit we went driving a little more and ended up at the Fire tower in Mohican. This was the first time I ever climbed up to the top. It was a little unnerving with the tower shaking. The staircase leading up to the top is steep and narrow. One slip and down you go.

The view was incredible. Well worth the climb up.

My wife is the little red dot to the left. Not sure if you can click on full view or not. She chickened out about a 1/4 of the way up. She was getting dizzy. Actually, I didn't blame her. She missed out on a great view.

Don't Lick your Computer Screen!

Here is the first official pouring of my newest creation: My Dunkleweizen (German for Dark Wheat). I Love the Germans.....and the Belgians....and the British....and the Bohemians

I was a little nervous kegging this batch, as I've never kegged before. Thank goodness for You Tube and the net. The idea of kegging is so I don't have to bottle which is a pain to do.
Also, if I want a little bit of beer, I can drink as little of it as I want to.
I also was able to pick up these very nice Beer glasses with a Black Lab on them, since I am totally obsessed...I mean, dedicated, to my pup: Buxton.
The beer will get better with a little age, but I am not sure it will age that long as I only have 5 gallons of it. The carbonation is alright, but seems not be at it's full potential yet.
The alcohol content is low as it should be for this type of beer. It came in just under 5% ABV.
Despite this, when I tested out a few too many glasses the other day I ended up a little fuzzy.
No more beer for the rest of the week. It's time to detox so I can be ready for next weeks' race.
Even though I love beer, it doesn't always love me. I always feel sluggish for days after drinking beer. Not a good race strategy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Double Fran

I was fighting the urge to stay home tonight and do nothing. I gathered myself and headed out the door to Rogue knowing I was about to have a bad day. Not sure why exactly, I just had no energy.
When I got there, the skill work out was already on the board, and I knew it was gonna be bad.
Thrusters, and Kipping Pull Ups for the skill means only one thing: Fran
My shoulder was not gonna be happy either. Seems ever since high school, my shoulder has been acting up when I lift anything too heavy, or the wrong way. I need to have it checked out.
This entire workout involves the shoulder heavily.
Despite the shoulder pain, I scaled the workout back for myself. Instead of Pull Ups, I did jumping pull ups. Instead of Thrusters with 95 lbs prescribed weight, I did them with just a 4 foot PVC pipe. Also, I doubled all the reps in the prescribed WOD.
In all, I still got a great cardio work out in. In fact, I almost threw up. Never, never, never eat before CrossFit.

Warm up: 1 mile run
40 Squats
30 Push Ups
20 Pull ups (I used the assisted band)

Skill: Thrusters, Kipping Pull Up

WOD: Fran
21-15-9 reps of: (I did 42-30-18)
Thrusters (PVC Pipe)
Kipping Pull Ups (I used the assisted band)

My time: 7:38 -Not a true Fran time, but at least I did it anyway.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Red, Blonde, or a Brunette? Possibly all Three?

Since I cannot sleep, my mind has been wondering about all the possibilities out there. So many of them, so little time.
I am thinking about my next brew you pervs, not what was going through your mind.

Although, I think Robin Meade now trumps my previous ladies: Elle McPherson, and Katherine Zeta Jones. The Jury will still debate.

Anyway, I am thinking about what to brew next. I have a Dunkleweizen (My Brunette) fermenting as I type this post. It is a recipe I found and I can't wait to see how it comes out. That's what brewing is all about. RIGHT? Give me two more weeks and I'll be drinking it up. I think I'll name it Rotkehlchen Weizen (Robin Wheat). Sounds cooler in German.
When I bought my Kegerator, the guy I bought it from gave me a Sierra Nevada knock off version of their Pale Ale kit (My Blonde). It never turned out, so I dumped it all out.
So, for my Blonde, I'll probably do a California Steam Beer, or a Lefse Blonde, or possibly a light beer for my sissy neighbors who cannot handle a "heavy".
I've been looking at Northern Brewer, Midwest Brewer, and Austin Homebrew Supply to see if there is a Red that I can do. The possibilities are a Scottish 80 Schilling, Raspberry Wheat, or an Irish Draught Ale.

Any thoughts? Suggestions? You an leave comments anonymously if you want.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Mohican Trail Run

I went out to Mohican today for a relaxing run on the Red/Green loops. I got there at 7AM and pretty much had the entire trail to myself.

I wanted to go up to work out a few kinks with my feet, diet and gear.

I'm really glad I had this opportunity as these new shoes I bought are causing way too many hot spots. I still have not decided if I'll use these shoes at all. After today, I ended up with about 3-4 hot spots despite the Vaseline and Injinji socks. Damn you Montrail! Oh well.

I've pretty much honed my diet down to a High Fat, High Starch pre-run breakfast and a Gluten free pasta dinner the night before a long run.

I ate a Johnsonville brat burger (plain) and boiled potatoes (plain) before I left, and simply sipped on my Perpetuem, HEED and Hammer Bars the entire run. Zero stomach issues.

I am going to stay away from candy and anything with sugar (before and during the run). More specifically anything that has a sugar ending in "ose" ie: fructose, sucrose, get the idea.

Towards the middle part of the run I started running into gangs of people on horses. I couldn't believe all the beautiful horses out on the trail. Some of them didn't know what to do as they approached me. Some of the riders had a hard time handling them as they were scared of me.

The run overall was uneventful. Kinda what I was hoping for.

Totals: 21 miles on trail

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Let's Recover with a little CrossFit Action

I took Monday off as I was a little sore from Sunday. It was back at it with the CrossFit beatings at Rogue. Below I have listed out Tuesday and Wednesday's workouts. I'm loving these workouts as they really push you to your limits. My pull ups have suffered a lot. Not that they were anything before, but still.

Today's CF WOD: "Jackie"
1 Mile Run
30 Squats
20 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups

Skill: Front Squats 5x3 (maxed out at 135)

1000m Row
50 Thrusters (45lb bar)
30 Pull Ups
My time: 10:53

Yesterday's CF WOD: "Beat Yer Ass with Lots of Burpees"

800m Run
30 Push Ups
30 OHS with PVC pipe
20 Roll Overs

Skill: Deadlift: 3-2-2-1-1-1 (maxed out at 205)

800m Run
10 Burpees
20 KB Swings (53 lbs)
10 Burpees
20 Box Jumps
10 Burpees
20 Donkey Kicks
10 Burpees
20 Push Ups
800m Run
My time: 14:53