Thursday, June 25, 2009

Some CrossFit, a Quick Run, and a little Birdy

I decided it was time to get back to training for the next adventure down the line. I went to CrossFit yesterday for a workout and then off to Blacklick for a run with Mike Keller.

The CrossFit WOD was a good one as always.

Warm Up: Cindy
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
3 Rounds
20 Roll Overs

Skill: Seated Shoulder Press: 3-2-2-1-1-1-1

15 Pull Ups
15 KB Swings (53 lb KB)
15 Burpee Box Jumps
AMRAP in 15 minutes

My Score: 3 Rounds

After that workout, I didn't think I was going to have the energy to be able to run afterward.
This was a great chance for me to test out my feet since my blister episode. I was ready to go out for a run on Monday and Tuesday but, I decided to take it easy these days and get some work done around my house.
My feet held up pretty good which gives me the greenlight to start the madness over again.
We ended up with 4.21 for mileage. I'll take any at this point.

That afternoon when I went to check the snail mail, I heard a loud chirping noise coming from a tree near my front door. I didn't think much of it really. Later when I came home from the store I heard the loud chirping again. Knowing our outside cat would be prowling soon, I decided to investigate a little. Turns out it was a little bird that fell probably 18 feet from it's nest located on top of our roof. I have no idea how it survived a fall like that.

I took a ladder and went up to the roof only to find the birds siblings dead in the gutter. I never found a nest.

I didn't want to leave the bird outside somewhere a cat could get to it so I brought into my garage for the night. Every 2 hours I went out and fed the little nestling little bits of cat food from a spoon.
Here is a video of me feeding the bird. I fed him/her two worms I found while burying the siblings. The bird ate those quickly. My wife found a site that said to try soggy dog food, or wet cat food. Seems the bird likes the cat food the best.

Am I crazy? Maybe so. I don't like to see helpless animals suffer...and they are all helpless.

When I woke up today I immediately went and checked on the nestling and sure enough, it's mother returned and had food to give to it's baby.

Turns out that stuff about handling a bird and or it's nest isn't true. I had put the bird into an abandoned Robin's nest but ended up taking the bird out and made my own as they do recommend not putting the bird in a nest that belongs to another bird.


  1. Awesome post. Kindness is always noble. I can't believe that your quads were up to that workout. Man-oh-man you are strong!

  2. Hey Mark. My legs are fine actually. I noticed during the race that my legs were not dead. They had a 100 miles in them for sure. Just my feet were not in the game.
    I like to help out animals in need. This little bird has survived another day for our actions. Sometimes I am not sure how people can look the other way.
