Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cycling for a Cause

I wanted to take a minute to give a shout out to two wonderful ladies that I know who are cycling for their particular cause.

Jodi is cycling in the Bike the Bluegrass 2009 for her Brother-In-Law, Dave who has had MS for over 15 years. The funds raised help in the research for MS and for people who currently have MS and will help them to live a better life.
To donate, click on Jodi's name above that will take you to her link.

Robin is cycling for the Palmetto Peloton Project which is an event to raise funds to help eradicate Cancer.
The funds raised are to help:
Greenville Hospital System Oncology Research Institute
The Lance Armstrong Foundation
The Clinical Research Unit of Cancer Centers of the Carolinas

To donate, click on this link: Palmetto Peloton Project. Once there, click on Robin Blackburn.

Whether it is cycling or running, or neither of the two, we can all help a little in the advancement of research for these illnesses.

Times are tough, budgets are tight but, I believe what comes around goes around. Regardless of your beliefs, help these two ladies in their quest to help others in need. Even the smallest of donations gets them to their goal and closer to a cure.

I will be putting a link on my Sidebar to these organizations. Simply give up those crappy Latte's for a week and donate that money to something more rewarding in life.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Unplanned Rest Day - Somewhat

I was stoked and ready to go today when I woke up wishing I could go straight to CrossFit and then off to a trail for a long run. I had a few things to do first before all that could happen.
Everything was looking good until we started doing pull ups at Rogue. In the first set, I stepped down wrong onto a box close by and hyper extended my ankle. How on earth do you hurt your ankle doing pull ups? Damn it!
I tried to walk it off and the more I did, the worse it got.
Part of the work out was to run 400 meters for 4 rounds. Actually it was:
15 Pull Ups, 10 Romanian Dead lifts, 400 meter run, 4 rounds -FOR TIME.

I was able to do the first set of pull ups, but tried to do the RDL's and instantly my ankle seared with pain. I stopped and hopped onto the Rower and did 1000 meters. I couldn't even put pressure on my ankle even rowing, so I left my foot out of the stirrup and did them anyway.
I ended up doing 3000 meters total.
Needless to say I had a total buzz-kill since I wasn't able to make it out to a trail or finish the prescribed WOD.
I just got done icing it and rubbing in Arnica Gel. It's feeling a little better, but I am nervous now as I have a few things going on the next couple of weeks.

1 mile warm up at CF.
3000 meter row.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bataan Death March

Today was my first day back to CrossFit at Rogue in about 2 weeks. I was a little worried going in as I had no idea how I was going to handle the beating. Sunday's are always tough and today was no different.
Warm up:
60 Squats
30 Push Ups

Today's WOD: Bataan Death March
There were 8 stations for 10 reps each, set up circling the building complex where Rogue is located. When we run the entire building the distance is 800 meters or so.

Station 1: Push Press
Station 2: Front Squats
Station 3: Hang Clean
Station 4: Overhead Squats
Station 5: Power Snatch
Station 6: Dead lifts
Station 7: Push Jerks
Station 8: Back Squats

The weight I used was 75 lbs.
Basically, we started out with the barbell on our backs like we were doing a squat and walked to the first station, and did the first 10 reps. Then to the next and so forth. In all the total distance was a mile and after the last station we ran the remaining 100 meters with the weight on our backs.
I thought I was going to drop the weight in between stations, but held on as tight as possible.
It was more mental than anything. The best I could do was put it out of my head and endure it.
What an awesome workout. Just what I needed and just what I was looking for.
Went out after CrossFit for a Bike Ride. I was hoping to get in about 20 miles, and that's just what I did. I rode out to Baltimore and back to Pickerington.
I kept getting into fights with the wind. Seems every turn I made, the wind was blowing right into me making the effort even more difficult. The ride was uneventful except for a giant St. Bernard-Mastiff mix who came out to run along side of me. The dog looked like a cow. I didn't get nervous at all since one wrong move I could have wiped out. He wasn't barking or growling, but looked intimidating.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I decided to go for a trail run this morning at Salt Fork State Park with Kim right after work. Check out her blog for a recap of the run plus more pictures.

I knew going into this run that I would be so tired from being up all night because of work. Seemed like a good Ultra Training to me.
Kim showed me her Sparkly-New Buckle from Umstead 100 mile trail run that she recently completed.

We started out on the Horseman's camp trail with what we believed would be 12 miles. The trail is all bridal trail and can make for some nice muddy running. I wasted no time getting into the mud.
The temps were great and we even had a nice breeze kick up at times. For some reason, not sure exactly, but I was spent even after 6 miles. This trail was no easy picnic. There were a lot of ups and downs. The heat by this time wasn't helping any either plus, I ran out of water.
I was Zapped of my energy. (I still am actually)
Kim kicked up a Wild Turkey going up a hill and I near came out of my skin. Wasn't ready for that one.
We had a great time despite the early exit from the trail.
I came home and almost instantly fell asleep. The sun just took a lot out of me. Not good news as I need to heat train for upcoming races.

Here are a few extra shots of today: Salt Fork Run

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Yosemite Running Tours?

I've been wanting to go out West and explore this great land that I've called home for the past 35 years.....for like ages.
I got the wild idea to take a couple of weeks of vacation this year and go out to Yosemite and fast pack or run the wilderness trails. The problem here is, I have no idea where I am going and no idea the best places to run. It would much better to go out with someone I knew who knows Yosemite better than I do. Actually anyone would do since I have no idea where to start.
Booking Yosemite, from what I gathered seems like a complex process with gathering permits, camping reservations that fill up a year in advance, etc. Have you ever seen the park website? Make your head spin.
I ran across this advertisement in Ultrarunning Magazine for Adventure Running Company. Perfect. They have everything planned out. Nothing to worry about. The downside is, that it's about $1000.00 for 5 days. When I think about it, this price seems very reasonable given the issues I mentioned above.
I'd have to weigh the costs of the package, factor in airfare, and car rental (not 100% sure I'd need it other than getting from the airport).
This doesn't include my wife flying out a week later to join me in San Fran for an additional week. Of course she would probably need to stay at the Ritz Carlton. I'm not complaining as I have stayed at a Ritz Carlton and I never wanted to get out of their luxury beds they have.

Me? I could camp out on the beach and eat on $50.00 the entire week.

If anyone has had any experience with this let me know as I am planning something like this within the next couple of years. I may just plan it out myself, but when being out in Wilderness like that, you probably need people along with you.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Oops, I did it again.....

If you started singing the Britney song in your head, that's your fault, not mine : )

It must have been the endorphin high that made me do it, but I can tell you that you'll have to wait a little while to figure out what it is that I did. I won't tell as it will motivate me even more to blindside everyone. -I love messin with people.

I just saw the official race results from the Mohican 50k. I came in exactly at 7:30. That was my time goal. Maybe I should play the Mega Millions this week.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Forget the PR Mohican 50k Race Report

I'm done, my body is pissed off at me, but I loved every minute of it. I had a goal of running 7:30 for the race. Considering this is a very tough course, it was realistically doable plus the fact that I am slow as moss creeping up the North side of a tree.

Couldn't help but notice the graffiti: "Lightning" in the background after I took the picture. Was this an omen for things to come? -I don't think so.
I look like a total Dork with my new compression socks on. I can tell you these socks are awesome, and you should really invest in a pair.

Click on the link below for pictures from this weekend. The mountain bikers assembled for a group ride and we snapped some pictures for them. Had I not played Ansel Adams all day, maybe my race time would been a little better.

Mohican 50k Weekend

I got to the Start/Finish area at around 11:00AM on Saturday to see what Rob (RD of the race) wanted me to help out with. Terri and I started packing race packets.
When we were done Roy Hegar took me and Erie Tom (Tom Jennings -RD of the new Oil Creek 100m, 50m, 50k races on October), over to the Covered Bridge to mark the trail leading to the finish. It's about a 4 mile effort. I ended up taking Tom on a Daytime Snipe Hunt on the wrong trail. I've been on this trail a lot, but not really backwards. Tom forgave me after we got back with 6 miles under our belts. It was pretty much 7 hours of being on my feet all day. I was beat.

I go back to my tent set up at Don Baun's house just a few miles down the road.
Don and his wonderful wife Betty we so gracious in letting me pop my tent up in their back yard. The also had a big spaghetti dinner waiting on us. It was so good. The kinda home cooking I miss. Thank you both!
I didn't get any sleep as I think it was me eating way to much food and the medicine would not get absorbed properly. I took the night off on Friday and was only able to get about 2 hours of sleep before volunteering most of the day Saturday. I tried to sleep, but couldn't. So, 2 hours of sleep on Friday, with 7 hours of volunteering Saturday with six miles included, Ran the race, got my PR, and then still no sleep made for a long weekend.

Haliburton 50k in Canada.
Back track to my first 50k which started and ended in disaster. Stomach issues from the start made me bonk badly halfway through the race. I finished it, but very miserable and felt defeated. I was on track for a 6:30 finish and it never happened. In training I could go farther than I bonked. I walked the rest of the way back and finished in an embarrassing 8:5o-something.
My second 50k, had to drop out half way through due to electrolyte issues.
A lot of research went into why I had these problems and now, I can say I ran the Perfect Race (For Me Anyway).

Mohican 50k
I knew to hold back in the first 3 miles or so and not get caught up in the excitement and try to run hard. The first section is deceiving and will trash your legs by the time you got to the covered Bridge.
At the start there were a lot of words spoken regarding what Mohican means to a lot of people.
It was such an appropriate way to start the race.
We were off at 8:00AM ET. I started in the back so I could stick to my plan.

First Aid Station, was just a Fill-n-Go stop and a cookie.
I had many goals for today and one of those was to not dilly-dally at the AS's. Fill and go.
When I got to the Covered Bridge AS though, I hung around to eat a ton of orange slices, water melon, white grapes, and drank lots of Melon Heed. (Too much like Melon Head which, is me)
I took off on probably the most beautiful section of Mohican: Purple loop, or the Little Lyons falls and the Lyons Falls.
I must take time to mention Stephanie, Lilly and another name I didn't catch, that I really enjoyed the graffiti spray painted names on a gorgeous fallen tree leading up to Little Lyons Falls. Made me so proud of your artistic talents. We don't live in Detroit, Chicago, LA or even New York. What is wrong with you? This is God's Country, and please don't mess with it.

Anyway, up the two handed climbing of the tree roots and then toward the lodge. I took pictures along the way of various people. The lake views were amazing. I got to the AS and asked if they could fill my bottle with beer. They all laughed and said sure. How about Heed instead. They gave me Orange Heed, which tastes like the Caster Oil I once had to drink as a kid. That scarred me for life. Needless to say, I didn't drink much of it for the next 5 miles or so. When I left the Covered Bridge AS, I saw Mark Carroll running fast like he just shot up and robbed a Liquor Store. He was having an amazing day as was I.

I started on the green section. Oh boy. Lot's of walking up hill. Some runnable spots. The hills didn't phase me. I just kept thinking about my hard work put in during CrossFit. The hills were cake to walk up. I had the strength. This statement will haunt me later in the race.
I got to the Fire tower, again Fill-n-Go. I was outta there quick. It was a nice bike trail section the rest of the way back to the Covered Bridge. I only had 4.25 miles left and decided to blow past the CB AS and continue on. I felt good and strong and didn't need anything.

My wheels started to fall off with about 2 miles to go. I started thinking about that last mile. This section was cruel and unusual punishment. Up to that point, I walked most hills, ran some, but I never stopped the entire time going up. I got half way and turned to the guy behind me and asked him: Is this cruel or what? Oh yeah he said, Unreal. We laughed the rest of the way up.
I was whining and crying all the way up the hill. Once at the top, it was pretty much all downhill to the finish line.
I was so happy to finish somewhat strong. I believe I met or broke my time goal of 7:30. We'll have to wait and see how things turned out officially. Granted I would not have PR'ed this race had I not been sick at Haliburton. That's neither here nor there.
Overall, I felt so strong and energized. That was the Spirit of Mohican in me helping out.
I was popping Advil like crazy along with my S-Caps and Heed. I had no real stomach issues because of this other than the Orange Heed meltdown.
The AS workers were awesome. They were all entertaining and graciously allowed me to keep harassing them all day.

I have this video of the descent of the Lyons Falls. For some reason, it will not upload. I will try later on to add it if possible.
Rob Powell has put on a fine race. It will sure go down as a classic event. This Buckle I got will be cherished as it is my first Ultra Buckle. Here is a picture of my buckle with my race number.

I remember signing up for the race at exactly midnight the day registration opened. I got my number 1 race number.

Update: I finally fell asleep last night at about 11:00PM and just woke up at 3:30PM.- A nice 16 1/2 hour nap. My body is not sore at all. My knees feel great. I'd better play it safe and just watch movies the rest of the day.....and drink a well deserved BEER.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Is everyone reading this sitting down?

Okay, I wanted to let everyone know: I ran today, and skipped CrossFit. Yeah no kidding!
The weather always beats me down and well, I'm so over Winter that I declare today will be the last cold day of Spring.
It was warm yesterday and cold rainy today. Since I couldn't get a run in yesterday, I had to go out in the cold rain today just get some miles in. Turns out, I survived and I'm simply reminded that the cold and rain isn't so bad once you get moving.
I promise, I will start running more. I need more time on my feet.
Today's plan was to run about 10 miles as slow as humanly possible without walking. The plan is to get me used to an extra slow pace for Mohican in June.

I can tell you I was hurting....a little. Kinda surprised me. Right now though, I don't feel like I did any mileage. I guess that's a good thing.

Nevermind the Blinding Green Jacket, Nice sunglasses Dork.

I went out to Slate Run Metro Park and it was raining a little. Later on in the run it was pouring down. I decided to end the run at 9 miles. Below is some of my buddies I ran into while running around the wetlands:
Move it, or your all gonna be dinner.

Friday, April 10, 2009

FRAN almost killed me.

This was the first time I did FRAN today at Rogue. I did Fran once here at home with dumbbells and jumping pull ups. -Not the same.
FRAN is a benchmark workout that everyone doing CrossFit wants to improve on.

For me, this was the first real benchmark on this one. For the Thrusters, I tried the prescribed weight (95 lbs) during the skill session, but proved too much for my shoulders. I scaled down to 75 lbs which seemed borderline but it would have to do.

So in a sense, I still didn't do a full prescribed FRAN.

During the 2nd and 3rd set of the WOD, I felt like I was going to blackout. I was seeing purple stars. This was a good thing for sure, cause that meant I was getting my ass kicked.
It honestly felt like a hot poker was searing my lungs. There was no way I was going to get through this workout. Suck it up!
This was the first time I ever felt like my clothes were on fire. My body was pissed off for sure.
I was never so happy to be done.

Before going to Rogue tonight, I had thoughts of going out and running 8-10 miles. No way was that happening. I was smoked. As I write this, I am still smoked and it isn't helping any that my wife is watching some testosterone sucking TV show.

Warm up:
30 OHS w/PVC pipe
30 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups

Skill: Thrusters & Pull Ups

Thrusters (75lbs)
Pull Ups

For Time.
My time: 9:20

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

No Belly Aching Please

Someone pulled the plug on my energy level. I started my belly aching today about a 1/2 hour after I got up. Actually I did have a stomach ache. My breakfast consisted of brownies and chocolate milk.
I pulled myself out of the crybaby mode and went to Rogue anyway. By the time I got there I was ready to go.
We had pull ups again tonight, and I was still feeling the effects of yesterday's WOD.
Tomorrow is the Maibock tapping at Gordon Biersch so no CrossFit for me. See you Friday.

Warm up:
800m Row
20 Squats
20 Push Ups
10 Strict Pull Ups
30 KB Swings

Skill: OHS (over head squats)

Row 1000m
4 Rounds of:
5 Pull Ups -(I used assisted)
10 Push Ups
15 OHS - 75 lbs (Shoulders couldn't take much more weight)
Row 1000m

My time: 17:32

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Winter has sucked the Life out of me.

Imagine that. It's snowing again here in Ohio with temps in the 20's. I've had enough. If I didn't have such a good job, I'd be out of Ohio in a hurry.
I think this has been my lack of motivation the past two days. Granted I took it easy after Sunday's race, but in reality, I should have kept the normal training schedule. I was exhausted for some reason ever since Sunday. I woke up today not wanting to do anything, but decided it wasn't acceptable.
I'm not whining, I'm just saying.

CrossFit tonight was a good one. My lower back was hurting on Sunday and got me to thinking that I need to be doing some more "back squats" and "good mornings". We ended up doing 5x5 back squats which gave me a great leg workout.

I decided that I need to start going a little heavier on the AMRAP workouts and not worry about time or the accumulation of rounds. Getting stronger is the key, and I feel that I am getting stronger every week. I was able to do 5 full STRICT pull ups in a row tonight which has never happened. I know this sounds pathetic, but for someone who is 205 lbs and when I started CF, I couldn't do a single pull up.
I'm finding that the 30lb KB's are getting too light, so I switched to the 44lb KB for the swings.

Warm up:
60 Flutter Kicks
20 over head squats (OHS)
20 Push ups
20 Pull ups

Skill: 5x5 back squats

30 KB Swings: 20kg = 44lbs
10 Pull Ups ( I did as many as I could without a band, then switched to assisted PU's)
10 Burpees
AMRAP in 20 minutes

My score: 5 Rounds

20kg = 44lbs

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Fools Race

I started off today by getting up way too early at 3:30AM to make it to Peninsula, Ohio for the Inaugural Fools 25k & 50k. Nice thing about being out this early is there were no cars on the road.
After giving Rob and Don their "Presents" and harassing Michelle about not bringing her any "Presents", I took a few pictures and we were off . I believe there were about 200 runners that turned out for the race.

I will have to say, this race was well put together and the volunteers were awesome. Probably the best aid station volunteers I've experienced during a race.
For some reason, I simply could not relax today. Not sure really what it was. In reality it was all about a training run and not a race. I'm not a racer don't intend to be but, it was sure fun to pick people off at the end of the race.

Even at the 13-14 mile mark, I still was unsure if I would continue on and do the loop again for a 50k. In the span of 1 mile, I came up with about a dozen reasons why I shouldn't and decided to call it a day with a 25k.
I have a 50k coming up in a couple of weeks and just wanted to play it smart.

I hung out with the 1st Place Woman (3rd overall for the 25k) and the Race Director of the Mohican 50k. They're alright people. Very Humbled, very fast, and don't forget: comical.

We waited on Mr. Don Baun to finish the 50k. None of us was smart enough to realize we could have been down at the Winking Lizard drinking beer while we waited. But, we were nice and decided to wait.
After a killer Burger and an awesome Hoegaarden (thanks Rob) we parted ways.

I came home more tired from the drive than the race, and my wife was watching some Love Story crap (all day long). I decided at that point to go out and do a CrossFit workout on my own and regain some of my testosterone lost from watching whatever it was she was watching.

20 Push Ups
5 Pull Ups
25 KB swings with 53lb KettleBell.
4 Rounds for Time, except I forgot to stop my timer. Oh well.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Old Engine Oil

Since I am bored stiff waiting for Sunday, I decided I'd carb up a little and drink one from my prized stash of beer.
Tonight's pick: Old Engine Oil.
This Beer is brewed in small batches in Scotland at the Harviestoun Brewery
I really enjoy a thick, viscous beer now and again, like every other week or so.
If you look on the label, it says exactly that: Viscous, Chocolatey, Roasty. This beer definitely offers all of those qualities.
While pouring the beer, I couldn't help but to say to myself: "WOW, that looks like used motor oil". mmmmmm.
I was expecting a bitter, overwhelming Stout, but in reality, it was more like a Stout & Swartzbier crossbreed.
I will have to say that Swartzbier is one of my favorite types of beer. Dark, and mild like a Blonde Lager. Essentially, a Swartbier is a Blonde Lager but Dark, and much yummier. -Did I just say yummier?
Anyway, I did enjoy this beer, an really glad I picked it up just to try it.
Have a great weekend, and I'll report back on Sunday.

Please Send Good Vibes to Kim, aka: Trail Goddess
She is running Umstead 100 miler this Saturday/Sunday.