Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bataan Death March

Today was my first day back to CrossFit at Rogue in about 2 weeks. I was a little worried going in as I had no idea how I was going to handle the beating. Sunday's are always tough and today was no different.
Warm up:
60 Squats
30 Push Ups

Today's WOD: Bataan Death March
There were 8 stations for 10 reps each, set up circling the building complex where Rogue is located. When we run the entire building the distance is 800 meters or so.

Station 1: Push Press
Station 2: Front Squats
Station 3: Hang Clean
Station 4: Overhead Squats
Station 5: Power Snatch
Station 6: Dead lifts
Station 7: Push Jerks
Station 8: Back Squats

The weight I used was 75 lbs.
Basically, we started out with the barbell on our backs like we were doing a squat and walked to the first station, and did the first 10 reps. Then to the next and so forth. In all the total distance was a mile and after the last station we ran the remaining 100 meters with the weight on our backs.
I thought I was going to drop the weight in between stations, but held on as tight as possible.
It was more mental than anything. The best I could do was put it out of my head and endure it.
What an awesome workout. Just what I needed and just what I was looking for.
Went out after CrossFit for a Bike Ride. I was hoping to get in about 20 miles, and that's just what I did. I rode out to Baltimore and back to Pickerington.
I kept getting into fights with the wind. Seems every turn I made, the wind was blowing right into me making the effort even more difficult. The ride was uneventful except for a giant St. Bernard-Mastiff mix who came out to run along side of me. The dog looked like a cow. I didn't get nervous at all since one wrong move I could have wiped out. He wasn't barking or growling, but looked intimidating.


  1. Nick,
    You must have a lot of patience. All that crossfit (besides being hard) would drive me crazy, I short cut through my abs and pushups because I get impatient about doing something else, like drinking pepsi and eating slim jims. LOL

  2. The cross fit work out makes me think about some of the work-outs we did when I was in the Army where we would have to carry something heavy from station to station. Those were some of the hardest workouts I ever did! I'd rather run 20 miles than hike 10 miles with a 40 pound rucksack anyday.

  3. HA I saw this and thought you had signed up for the race! I am not sure what's harder having read what you're doing!
