Thursday, April 23, 2009

Yosemite Running Tours?

I've been wanting to go out West and explore this great land that I've called home for the past 35 years.....for like ages.
I got the wild idea to take a couple of weeks of vacation this year and go out to Yosemite and fast pack or run the wilderness trails. The problem here is, I have no idea where I am going and no idea the best places to run. It would much better to go out with someone I knew who knows Yosemite better than I do. Actually anyone would do since I have no idea where to start.
Booking Yosemite, from what I gathered seems like a complex process with gathering permits, camping reservations that fill up a year in advance, etc. Have you ever seen the park website? Make your head spin.
I ran across this advertisement in Ultrarunning Magazine for Adventure Running Company. Perfect. They have everything planned out. Nothing to worry about. The downside is, that it's about $1000.00 for 5 days. When I think about it, this price seems very reasonable given the issues I mentioned above.
I'd have to weigh the costs of the package, factor in airfare, and car rental (not 100% sure I'd need it other than getting from the airport).
This doesn't include my wife flying out a week later to join me in San Fran for an additional week. Of course she would probably need to stay at the Ritz Carlton. I'm not complaining as I have stayed at a Ritz Carlton and I never wanted to get out of their luxury beds they have.

Me? I could camp out on the beach and eat on $50.00 the entire week.

If anyone has had any experience with this let me know as I am planning something like this within the next couple of years. I may just plan it out myself, but when being out in Wilderness like that, you probably need people along with you.


  1. Although I haven't been there in several years, Yosemite is a beautiful place. Sounds like a great adventure. I hope you can work out all the details.

  2. Two years ago I posed the running, hiking, biking vacation package to my family... it did not go over so well. :)

    I still think it would be a amazing vacation!!!!

  3. That's so cool. I didn't even know there is such a thing as a running adventure that you can book. Sounds perfect, because I will really need to be with others when running and hiking in wildlife like Yosemite. I personally LOVE the west for running; let us know about your plans:-)
