Friday, April 10, 2009

FRAN almost killed me.

This was the first time I did FRAN today at Rogue. I did Fran once here at home with dumbbells and jumping pull ups. -Not the same.
FRAN is a benchmark workout that everyone doing CrossFit wants to improve on.

For me, this was the first real benchmark on this one. For the Thrusters, I tried the prescribed weight (95 lbs) during the skill session, but proved too much for my shoulders. I scaled down to 75 lbs which seemed borderline but it would have to do.

So in a sense, I still didn't do a full prescribed FRAN.

During the 2nd and 3rd set of the WOD, I felt like I was going to blackout. I was seeing purple stars. This was a good thing for sure, cause that meant I was getting my ass kicked.
It honestly felt like a hot poker was searing my lungs. There was no way I was going to get through this workout. Suck it up!
This was the first time I ever felt like my clothes were on fire. My body was pissed off for sure.
I was never so happy to be done.

Before going to Rogue tonight, I had thoughts of going out and running 8-10 miles. No way was that happening. I was smoked. As I write this, I am still smoked and it isn't helping any that my wife is watching some testosterone sucking TV show.

Warm up:
30 OHS w/PVC pipe
30 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups

Skill: Thrusters & Pull Ups

Thrusters (75lbs)
Pull Ups

For Time.
My time: 9:20


  1. I will let you in on a secrect.... I can hardly move!!!! My two boys are turned on to CF stuff and crushed me yesterday! When asked how I felt today.. i lied and said great.

    I AM FREAKING SORE!!!! How am I going to make it through another workout today??? Help :)

  2. Stephanie: Puking does count.
    There for a while I wanted to throw up after every CF workout.
    Now that my headaches are under control, I can push to the point of failure.

    Robin: It does get better. The first few workouts, I didn't think I could take any more push ups. I was unreal sore. Warning: CF is addicting. Kind of a cult following. Good to see we are converting you.....maybe?
