Sunday, April 19, 2009

Forget the PR Mohican 50k Race Report

I'm done, my body is pissed off at me, but I loved every minute of it. I had a goal of running 7:30 for the race. Considering this is a very tough course, it was realistically doable plus the fact that I am slow as moss creeping up the North side of a tree.

Couldn't help but notice the graffiti: "Lightning" in the background after I took the picture. Was this an omen for things to come? -I don't think so.
I look like a total Dork with my new compression socks on. I can tell you these socks are awesome, and you should really invest in a pair.

Click on the link below for pictures from this weekend. The mountain bikers assembled for a group ride and we snapped some pictures for them. Had I not played Ansel Adams all day, maybe my race time would been a little better.

Mohican 50k Weekend

I got to the Start/Finish area at around 11:00AM on Saturday to see what Rob (RD of the race) wanted me to help out with. Terri and I started packing race packets.
When we were done Roy Hegar took me and Erie Tom (Tom Jennings -RD of the new Oil Creek 100m, 50m, 50k races on October), over to the Covered Bridge to mark the trail leading to the finish. It's about a 4 mile effort. I ended up taking Tom on a Daytime Snipe Hunt on the wrong trail. I've been on this trail a lot, but not really backwards. Tom forgave me after we got back with 6 miles under our belts. It was pretty much 7 hours of being on my feet all day. I was beat.

I go back to my tent set up at Don Baun's house just a few miles down the road.
Don and his wonderful wife Betty we so gracious in letting me pop my tent up in their back yard. The also had a big spaghetti dinner waiting on us. It was so good. The kinda home cooking I miss. Thank you both!
I didn't get any sleep as I think it was me eating way to much food and the medicine would not get absorbed properly. I took the night off on Friday and was only able to get about 2 hours of sleep before volunteering most of the day Saturday. I tried to sleep, but couldn't. So, 2 hours of sleep on Friday, with 7 hours of volunteering Saturday with six miles included, Ran the race, got my PR, and then still no sleep made for a long weekend.

Haliburton 50k in Canada.
Back track to my first 50k which started and ended in disaster. Stomach issues from the start made me bonk badly halfway through the race. I finished it, but very miserable and felt defeated. I was on track for a 6:30 finish and it never happened. In training I could go farther than I bonked. I walked the rest of the way back and finished in an embarrassing 8:5o-something.
My second 50k, had to drop out half way through due to electrolyte issues.
A lot of research went into why I had these problems and now, I can say I ran the Perfect Race (For Me Anyway).

Mohican 50k
I knew to hold back in the first 3 miles or so and not get caught up in the excitement and try to run hard. The first section is deceiving and will trash your legs by the time you got to the covered Bridge.
At the start there were a lot of words spoken regarding what Mohican means to a lot of people.
It was such an appropriate way to start the race.
We were off at 8:00AM ET. I started in the back so I could stick to my plan.

First Aid Station, was just a Fill-n-Go stop and a cookie.
I had many goals for today and one of those was to not dilly-dally at the AS's. Fill and go.
When I got to the Covered Bridge AS though, I hung around to eat a ton of orange slices, water melon, white grapes, and drank lots of Melon Heed. (Too much like Melon Head which, is me)
I took off on probably the most beautiful section of Mohican: Purple loop, or the Little Lyons falls and the Lyons Falls.
I must take time to mention Stephanie, Lilly and another name I didn't catch, that I really enjoyed the graffiti spray painted names on a gorgeous fallen tree leading up to Little Lyons Falls. Made me so proud of your artistic talents. We don't live in Detroit, Chicago, LA or even New York. What is wrong with you? This is God's Country, and please don't mess with it.

Anyway, up the two handed climbing of the tree roots and then toward the lodge. I took pictures along the way of various people. The lake views were amazing. I got to the AS and asked if they could fill my bottle with beer. They all laughed and said sure. How about Heed instead. They gave me Orange Heed, which tastes like the Caster Oil I once had to drink as a kid. That scarred me for life. Needless to say, I didn't drink much of it for the next 5 miles or so. When I left the Covered Bridge AS, I saw Mark Carroll running fast like he just shot up and robbed a Liquor Store. He was having an amazing day as was I.

I started on the green section. Oh boy. Lot's of walking up hill. Some runnable spots. The hills didn't phase me. I just kept thinking about my hard work put in during CrossFit. The hills were cake to walk up. I had the strength. This statement will haunt me later in the race.
I got to the Fire tower, again Fill-n-Go. I was outta there quick. It was a nice bike trail section the rest of the way back to the Covered Bridge. I only had 4.25 miles left and decided to blow past the CB AS and continue on. I felt good and strong and didn't need anything.

My wheels started to fall off with about 2 miles to go. I started thinking about that last mile. This section was cruel and unusual punishment. Up to that point, I walked most hills, ran some, but I never stopped the entire time going up. I got half way and turned to the guy behind me and asked him: Is this cruel or what? Oh yeah he said, Unreal. We laughed the rest of the way up.
I was whining and crying all the way up the hill. Once at the top, it was pretty much all downhill to the finish line.
I was so happy to finish somewhat strong. I believe I met or broke my time goal of 7:30. We'll have to wait and see how things turned out officially. Granted I would not have PR'ed this race had I not been sick at Haliburton. That's neither here nor there.
Overall, I felt so strong and energized. That was the Spirit of Mohican in me helping out.
I was popping Advil like crazy along with my S-Caps and Heed. I had no real stomach issues because of this other than the Orange Heed meltdown.
The AS workers were awesome. They were all entertaining and graciously allowed me to keep harassing them all day.

I have this video of the descent of the Lyons Falls. For some reason, it will not upload. I will try later on to add it if possible.
Rob Powell has put on a fine race. It will sure go down as a classic event. This Buckle I got will be cherished as it is my first Ultra Buckle. Here is a picture of my buckle with my race number.

I remember signing up for the race at exactly midnight the day registration opened. I got my number 1 race number.

Update: I finally fell asleep last night at about 11:00PM and just woke up at 3:30PM.- A nice 16 1/2 hour nap. My body is not sore at all. My knees feel great. I'd better play it safe and just watch movies the rest of the day.....and drink a well deserved BEER.


  1. Nick,
    Great report and great race. Thanks for mentioning me in the report and thanks for the pics and encouragement on the trail. I think you and I both experienced Mohican Magic....and we are now that much more ready for June!
    I just loved this race. I think Rob has an "instant classic" on his hands!
    Recover well friend. You earned it! --Mark Carroll

  2. Awesome race and report Nick it sounds like you really got you mojo together and everything fell into place. With all the Crossfit work you've done you in good stead to have a solid year!

    Congrats again!

  3. I am always amazed at how fast the recovery is from trail running.

    You kicked some ULTRA ASS!!!!! Love the medal and your race number. Can not believe that you did not have stomach issue from the advil.s-cap doses. I would have been dying. Tell me more about the Orange Heed meltdown :)

    Whining and crying up the hill.... don't believe it for a minute.

    Seriously..... YOU ROCKED IT!!! CHEERS to a lot of hard work training that paid off.

  4. You beat a tough race - congratulations on your PR with those killer hills.

  5. Great race man! You were flying out there. Loved you pics! I totally appreciated your encouragement from the car horn! :) Hope to see you soon!

    Oh and I totally agree with the spray paint, that's ridiculous that those people polluted such a beautiful tree in the woods! It's scars will show for a long time. :(

  6. I was most displeased also to see the graffiti on MY Mohican Trails when Reg and I marked the Purple Loop. We might have to get that fixed sooner than later.
    Nick, you did awesome. You were in and out of my AS in less than 1 minute-you had somewhere to go, and a plan to do it in! I was so glad to see you running strong!

    Thank you for all the help on Friday also, to make this a very successful race.

    Mohican training run soon, maybe Maybe May 2, coming up!

  7. Mark: Thanks a lot for all your support. Again you did look like you were having the best race ever.

    Stuart: I honestly don't think I could have gotten through without the CF and metal preparation.

    Robin: Thank you. I think I yelled out an :OMG! while going up that last big hill.

    Stephanie: You are right I did beat a tough race. I think everyone would agree that it was one for the books.

    Luc: It was great to be able to see people doing that out and back loop. Glad I was able to take some pictures.

    Kim: Let me know if you guys decided to go scrub the graffiti. What a disgrace to do that to such a sacred place.
    Anyway, I have you to thank regarding to cutting down my AS time as you had mentioned in one of your posts.
    I will let you know on the Mo Training weekends.

  8. You did great and those volunteers are so perfect! Thank you for taking time to help out. I also cursed Stephanie today when I was picking up flags. I am going to fix that.

  9. Well done! Congratulations on a great race and a new PR!

  10. Great job Nick. It sure looks like you all had a beautiful day for the race.

  11. Nick great race and glad you were able to spend, if not sleep in my back yard.
    Also, many thanks for the beverages............
    Job well down!
    Also, sorry for the delay in posting. This is one busy week.
