Thursday, January 31, 2008

5 Miles and more

Today I started out with a nice little ab session, followed by a Kickboxing session, Core, then a little thing I love to do: Run.

In & Outs: 25 reps
Bicycles: 25 reps
Reverse Bicycles:25 reps
Crunchy Frog: 12 reps
Wide leg situp: 15 reps
Fifer Scissors: 12 reps
Hip Rock 'N Raise: 12 reps
Pulse Ups: 12 reps
Oblique V-Ups: 12 reps each side
2-30 sec rounds of Freestyle punching and kicking
2-30 sec rounds of L-R jabs
2-30 sec rounds of R-L Combo punches
1-30 sec round R arm jabs
1-30 sec round L arm jabs
2- 1 minute rounds of jumprope
1-1 minute round of high knee jumprope

1-30 sec round of R leg Roundhouse kicks
1-30 sec round of L leg Roundhouse kicks
2-30 sec R-L punch R-L Roundhouse kicks
1-30 sec round of R-L jab Roundhouse kicks

1- 1 minute round of high knee jumprope

1 minute R-L-H-U (right, left, hook, uppercut) punches, L knee kick.
1 minute L-R-H-U punches, R knee kick

1-2 minute R Combo punches and kicks
1-2 minute L Combo punches and kicks

1-1 minute round of relaxed jumprope

BOSU ball crunches 3 sets of 20
Perfect Pushups 3 sets of 10 (I'm weak)
BOSU ball planks 3-30 sec sets
BOSU ball side planks 3-30 sec sets
BOSU ball Mason twist with 12 lb medicine ball 3 sets of 20-24 reps

Ran 5 miles at the gym.

This was a great workout. sorry so long, but it is what it is. The first set of abs was a killer because it was movement without pause.
I probably will not workout tomorrow night and do some stuff on Saturday and Sunday.

Totals: 5.03 miles.......Time: 49.02

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

No Run today

I had some dental work done this morning at 8AM.
I had two Silver fillings removed and replaced. I've had some sensitivity in one tooth, and they decided to remove them and refill them with better material. The originals apparently have mercury in them. My wife said she wondered why I wasn't normal. -What ever that means...???

Well, I thought for sure it would be no big deal since that is what they told me anyway.
I had expected no change in my normal routine today and I had thought I would be able to run or workout. WRONG!
I got home this morning, and could not sleep. My cheek was so big, I was drooling all over myself. It was fun trying to speak too. Eventually I was able to go to sleep but woke up a few hours later with an incredible pain in my jaw. I felt like I had got the hell kicked out of me by my wife.
Needless to say, I was not able to make it out to run. My jaw is fine now, just a little sore.
I may do some light core stuff tonight on my lunch hour.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Cardio Tuesday

I went to the gym tonight with the thoughts of running 4-5 miles. I am on call this week and my time is limited when I go places. I got to the gym a little later than I wanted which then cut into my time allotted to run.
Everything was going great about 2 miles into the run. A lady behind me on the elliptical started singing out "Eye of the Tiger". I hear off in the distance: WTF is that????

Now, for some reason, little things have been really, really annoying me. I simply believe it is because of my lack of endorphins from running.
When I run, I feel great and nothing bothers me.
This lady was down right pissing me off. Believe me, I tried very hard to ignore her.
The song got louder and louder. Now surely, this woman knew she was singing out loud, and had enough sense to not to do that. But then again, good for her. If only I had my iPod to cover up her noise. About 10 minutes into her singing out loud to several songs, I had just had enough.

I'm not a confrontational person, but something had to give. I simply plugged my ears with my fingers and finished up 3 miles. I had to get out of there. My nerves were shot at that point.

I decided to come home and do some Kenpo. I finished an hour of Yoga and Kenpo and never felt better.
I am looking forward to a good long run soon.

Totals: 3.02 Miles...Time: 29:05

Yoga/Kenpo: 1 hour

Sunday, January 27, 2008

I got up early this morning to do another cardio session in place of running. The last time I did this, I ended up with a nice migraine. This time, my wife was sitting there watching me (that's her way of exercising). The video starts you out with a light warm up. Jog in place, lower your knees and jog in place, then jumping jacks. As soon as I started on the jumping jacks, my head started hurting. My wife said that was really weird since I was not over doing anything.
Anyway, I stopped and sat down for a few minutes. I kept drinking Gatorade, and felt better after about 15 minutes.
I decided to start out at a snails pace this time and just did some core circuit moves.
Per my previous post, I just bought a BOSU ball and put it to use.
I did 3 sets of planks for 30 seconds each, then 3 sets of side planks for 30 seconds each.
I did pushups with my perfect pushups (I won't tell the number because I am way too embarrassed with that). Then I did imaginary jump ropes. I repeated this 3 times each circuit.
I then restarted the video, and had no issues. The Cardio video that I was doing is really tough. It had some great Yoga/Stretching moves at the beginning.
I did not finish the video as I had about 18 minutes to go on it. Not bad since I will probably do another session tonight, plus I wanted to do some other core/hip strengthening moves with the BOSU ball.
It is supposed to be nice tomorrow, so I may get out and run a little at a park.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

More cross training fun

I have been easing back into the routine the past week or so from the plague I caught from someone back in December.
I've been busy catching bargains on Craigslist and eBay for the past few weeks in hopes to keep my workouts more at home and away from lazy people at the gym who don't wipe down the machines after they get done. (I have a fear of getting sick now)

Anyway, I bought a Wavemaster Punching bag on eBay for $36.00. -My dog hates that.

I bought a BOSU ball last night from a Kooky lady from Craigslist for $40.00.

And I acquired the P90x program. -We'll just leave it at that.

I wanted to start working out at home since I get headaches almost daily. If I were to sign up for Crossfit or some other cardio kickboxing class, I just run the risk of wasting my money. If I get a headache, I'll have to stop. -Frustrating
The P90x program has all kinds of things I can do with next to nothing in terms of equipment.
Besides, it has Stretching, Yoga, Plyometrics, Cardio, and Kickboxing... just-to-name-a few-important-ones-to-me.
I was doing the Stretching video the other day, and all I can say is: I am soooo inflexible.
The Stretching and Yoga videos will be my most valuable asset.

I got up early this morning and decided to do the Kenpo Kickboxing video. After about 30 minutes, I developed a migraine. This happens almost every time I start exercising.
When I am running the Red loop at Mohican, I get a migraine going up the Big hill, when I do jump rope, when I start running. I can't win it seems.

I'll just end today with some core work out. Gotta work on the transverse abdominus.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tonight was a quick work out. I started off on the bike for about 20 minutes before moving to the treadmill.
I brought my iPod tonight for a little assistance. It always helps out when I am on the treadmill and they have tennis playing on the TV's.
I ended up with 3 miles which felt really good. I should be back into higher mileage soon.

Totals: 3Miles.......Time: 28:44

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I went to the gym today and decided to try a little thing I used to do called: RUNNING.

I warmed up with 5 minutes of jumprope, and went in and ran 2 miles.
I wasn't planning on running any further, I just wanted to test the waters so to speak. It felt good to get back on there, but could tell I was really out of shape from being sick.
I am only going to run a few miles a day for the next month or so. I have no plans to push it until I adapt again.

I have been so freaked out about getting sick over and over. I was soaking the treadmill with the cleaning solution before I even got on it.

Totals: 2 Miles......Time: 19:24

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Thought I was going to die.

But I didn't!
I am alive, but barely. I am still not out of the woods. My doctor informed me that I do not have Mono, just Pneumonia. WTH? JUST Pneumonia?
I have not been sick in two years, and this hits me like a woman going to a sale.

Now, decision time:
I will most likely not be running Buckeye Trail 50k. I'll see if I can transfer my entry to someone.
I do not think I will be making it to Mississippi either. I believe I can get my entry fee back, just not my plane ticket. I'll only be out $100.00.
I think I would rather take it easy, do some other cross training, and look for some summer/fall races to do.
Hey, it's life. Things get in the way. I am going to stay on it and see where it takes me from here.

Mohican registration is out there and ready. They do have a 50 mile option that is sounding a little better to me at this point. I will have to wait and see closer to the time.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Once again, things are on hold.

I just got back from the doctor this morning. I have been really sick off and on for the past 3 weeks or so.
Going running while sick didn't help matters any either.

My doctor seems to think I have Mono. He gave me a 5 day round of Anti-biotics, decongestant, and ordered blood tests. If it does come back positive for Mono, then I can forget Buckeye Trail, which it is looking that way anyway, and the Mississippi 50. There is nothing you can do for Mono anyway.

I may have to just settle for a Mohican 50 miler instead of shooting for a Mohican 100. I was told that there will be a separate 50 miler this year for Mohican which is cool.
There will be some cool races later in the year I can shoot for. It just bums me out to be so close, and miss out on something you've looked forward to for month's.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Anyone else out there sick?

I have had about enough of this. I have been sick since Christmas Day.
I have not been able to run much, and I have two big races coming up.
Not that I will be racing them. Actually, I may be racing for next to last place.

My wife and I both have been sick since Christmas, and just cannot get rid of it. It started in my sinuses, then went to my chest. Then back to my sinuses, then to my chest.

I was supposed to go to Mohican today to run 20 - 25 miles. Instead, I woke up at 4:45 to wheezing in my chest, and feeling , like I was on drugs.

I've been on heavy doses of Airbourne and Zycam. I have not had it as bad as my wife because of this, but it just won't go away.

Totals: 0 miles.......Time: To get back into it..........Pace: sick as hell

Saturday, January 5, 2008

It has been decided for 2008

I am going to venture into making home brew and bottle it.
First off, I have to say I love Sam Adams Beer: Oktoberfest, Black Ale, Honey Porter.
Some of the hops they used make me have very bad headaches. I cannot drink the Sam Adams Light because my head hurts for days after drinking just a half bottle.

I need to gather my equipment and fine a place where I can do this.
Stay Tuned.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Workout tonight, and a little running....

I have been hesitant to jump back into running too soon after this bout of being sick. It seems the past two times I came back from Mohican, I continued to get sick. Actually, I don't think I have ever gotten over it. My wife has been really sick and has missed a couple of days of work. Something that never happens.
Anyway, I forced myself out of the house, and went to the gym to continue the work needed to prepare for 2008 running.

I began with my usual 10 minute jump rope session, which killed!
After that, I jumped into a full chest workout:
Bench Press
Dumbbell Press
Incline Press
Decline Press

I have not done Bench Press in Years! If you would have known me before my running days, you would laugh at that statement. The heaviest I ever bench pressed was a solid 353 lbs. The heaviest I ever weighed was a solid 236 lbs. I was a lot of muscle then.
At that point in my life, I turned to running as a release to the many stresses to life, thanks to my wonderful friends Laura and Mike.
Running is my drug of choice now, NOT Weight Lifting. Weight lifting made me aggressive as hell. No, I wasn't on anything, it just made me frustrated even more with life. Running released everything for me. Its those endorphins I tell ya! So addictive!

Anyway, I am trying to disguise my pathetic running tonight with a side story about lifting weights. I ran 1 mile tonight. There, I said it.
I just wanted to test the waters tonight to see how I would respond.
I can feel the sickness still in my chest a little. I made sure I sat in the 200 degree heat of the sauna when I was done.

Totals: 1 Mile Time: 9:35 Pace: 9:35