Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Cardio Tuesday

I went to the gym tonight with the thoughts of running 4-5 miles. I am on call this week and my time is limited when I go places. I got to the gym a little later than I wanted which then cut into my time allotted to run.
Everything was going great about 2 miles into the run. A lady behind me on the elliptical started singing out loud.....off key....to...... "Eye of the Tiger". I hear off in the distance: WTF is that????

Now, for some reason, little things have been really, really annoying me. I simply believe it is because of my lack of endorphins from running.
When I run, I feel great and nothing bothers me.
This lady was down right pissing me off. Believe me, I tried very hard to ignore her.
The song got louder and louder. Now surely, this woman knew she was singing out loud, and had enough sense to not to do that. But then again, good for her. If only I had my iPod to cover up her noise. About 10 minutes into her singing out loud to several songs, I had just had enough.

I'm not a confrontational person, but something had to give. I simply plugged my ears with my fingers and finished up 3 miles. I had to get out of there. My nerves were shot at that point.

I decided to come home and do some Kenpo. I finished an hour of Yoga and Kenpo and never felt better.
I am looking forward to a good long run soon.

Totals: 3.02 Miles...Time: 29:05

Yoga/Kenpo: 1 hour


  1. Oh NICK!!! How awful!
    YOu need MOHICAN Magic bad brother!! Maybe, when my company from out of the country is here, I can talk them into a short trail run at Mo in Feb!

  2. Kim, I am in real need of a day at Mohican. Short trail run would be fine by me. It would be worth the drive.

  3. Amazing restaint not to say something or flick her with a towel or throw a water bottle at her or push her over...ok well maybe saying something would have done!
