Thursday, January 31, 2008

5 Miles and more

Today I started out with a nice little ab session, followed by a Kickboxing session, Core, then a little thing I love to do: Run.

In & Outs: 25 reps
Bicycles: 25 reps
Reverse Bicycles:25 reps
Crunchy Frog: 12 reps
Wide leg situp: 15 reps
Fifer Scissors: 12 reps
Hip Rock 'N Raise: 12 reps
Pulse Ups: 12 reps
Oblique V-Ups: 12 reps each side
2-30 sec rounds of Freestyle punching and kicking
2-30 sec rounds of L-R jabs
2-30 sec rounds of R-L Combo punches
1-30 sec round R arm jabs
1-30 sec round L arm jabs
2- 1 minute rounds of jumprope
1-1 minute round of high knee jumprope

1-30 sec round of R leg Roundhouse kicks
1-30 sec round of L leg Roundhouse kicks
2-30 sec R-L punch R-L Roundhouse kicks
1-30 sec round of R-L jab Roundhouse kicks

1- 1 minute round of high knee jumprope

1 minute R-L-H-U (right, left, hook, uppercut) punches, L knee kick.
1 minute L-R-H-U punches, R knee kick

1-2 minute R Combo punches and kicks
1-2 minute L Combo punches and kicks

1-1 minute round of relaxed jumprope

BOSU ball crunches 3 sets of 20
Perfect Pushups 3 sets of 10 (I'm weak)
BOSU ball planks 3-30 sec sets
BOSU ball side planks 3-30 sec sets
BOSU ball Mason twist with 12 lb medicine ball 3 sets of 20-24 reps

Ran 5 miles at the gym.

This was a great workout. sorry so long, but it is what it is. The first set of abs was a killer because it was movement without pause.
I probably will not workout tomorrow night and do some stuff on Saturday and Sunday.

Totals: 5.03 miles.......Time: 49.02


  1. Killer workout, the crunchy frog sounds interesting! Nice to see you're running again.

  2. Nice workout! Cross training, and running, that's what I'm talkin about!! Remind me never to piss you off, I'll get a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick to the face!
