Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Quadrathon Diner with a Hobgoblin

Here is my diner tonight after a kickin CrossFit workout: Steak and a Hobgoblin Dark English Ale. All part of my Beer, Beef, and Buffalo diet plan. -With the exception of Chocolate Milk and brownies for recovery, and cookies for pre-workout energy. Other than that, it's straight forward. Best of all: It's working.

I'm just now sitting down to read all about Stuart's (aka: Quadrathon) blog and his recent race at PCTR Sycamore Canyon Trail Run. Go here to read all about it.

Good Job Stuart!

Tonight I went off to Rogue a little early as I had a few things to do afterward. I typically go to the noon class on Monday's and 6:30 class the rest of the week.
Today's focus: Turkish Get Ups
Go here to see Cat doing the Turkish Get Ups: TGU 101

Warm up:
800m Run
20 Push Ups
10 Strict Pull Ups

Skill: Hand Stand Push Ups (HSPU) & Turkish Get Ups (TGU)
WOD: "The Acronym"
10 TGU
400m Run

AMRAP in 20 minutes

My score: 4 Rounds

I'm getting better at the HSPU's. I remember the last time we did these, I couldn't do a single one. This time around, I did them all.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Double CrossFit and then some

Me doing the CrossFit stagger:

I pretty much lost my brain somewhere today, not sure really.
I've been wanting to double up on some CrossFit training in preparation for some Ultras this year.
My plan is to do as much cross training as possible, and still keep the medium and long distance runs. Time on my feet is crucial.
Since the weather didn't cooperate on Sunday, and I never not my Ride in. Today was a scratch as well for a Ride. I'm hoping to get out next Monday for a long ride. We'll see.

Today's 1st workout:
Warm Up:
1 Mile Run
Flutter kicks until the instructor failed. (I think we did 80)

Skill: Clean & Jerk (I used 135lbs)

WOD: 21-15-12-9 reps:
DB Thrusters (30 lbs)
Pull Ups
My time: 8:58

Run 4 Miles
Cat (pictured above), and I went out to Blendon Woods to run a little bit after CrossFit. I wasn't planning a run, but we knew the distances of the trails. I'm calling it 4 miles.

Second CrossFit workout:

Warm Up:
800m Run
30 Push Ups
20 Squats
30 Flutter Kicks
Skill: Clean & Jerk (I used 95lbs for this one)

WOD: 21-15-12-9 reps:
KB Thrusters (20 lbs) I used KB's and lighter weight for this workout.
(Jumping) Pull Ups
My time: 4:08 -Killer cardio workout.

Run 800m (On my own)

6 miles ran
Double CrossFit workouts

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fight Gone Bad

Since the weather is not cooperating today I decided a Sunday CrossFit beatin was in order.
I woke up very late today at 11:00AM and sprung out of bed like a coiled spring ready to go for the noon session.
Saturday's and Sunday's at Rogue are exceptionally painful. Gotta love it.
Today's WOD: Fight Gone Bad
I've never done this workout before and in theory, it is to mimic what an MMA fighter goes through minus the punches, kicks, and bleeding. Please see the video below for full details.

Warm up: Indoor McBride (Still don't know what this means)
1600m Row
30 Burpees

Skill: Wall Ball, Push Press, Box Jumps, SDHP (Sumo Dead Lift High Pull), Rowing


Wall Ball
Push Press
Box Jumps

My Score: 187

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Got My Easter Basket Today

Here it is, every beer drinkers dream Easter Basket:

Okay, I bottled my beer today. Take a look at the Picasa link below to see all the pictures. I am short on time tonight in trying to upload them all.

I ended up with a little less than 5 gallons. I had some over flow, excess foaming and one blow out during the fermentation process.
I was laughing so hard today because I never noticed when I picked up a spigot that someone at the store I bought this at, didn't spell spigot right......Only in Lancaster, Ohio.
The pictures show the sanitization process up through the final bottling steps. Take a look at how good that beer looks.

I was rushing to get my bottling done as I needed a CrossFit workout.

Warm up: Indoor McBride (whatever that means):
1600m Row
30 Burpees

Skill: Deadlifts: 3,2,2,1,1,1,1 (Maximal Weight) I used 225 for most reps.

WOD: Mini-Cindy:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
10 Rounds for time.

My time: 10:41

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Please Note......

I am phasing this blog out as it is simply too difficult to blog, facebook, twiter and do everything else I need to do.

Please see my other blog for the same content that I'd would put here.


Please Note......

I am phasing this blog out as it is simply too difficult to blog, facebook, twiter and do everything else I need to do.

Please see my other blog for the same content that I'd would put here.


Back at it

After taking a much needed rest day yesterday, I went out to Rogue Fitness for a little CrossFittin'.
Believe it or not, the warm up of all things left me a tad winded.
This is why I love CrossFit so much. Think of it as daily speed work in disguise.
The workouts vary so much that it never gets boring.

We did Clean & Jerks tonight for the skill. Seems every instructor has been close to beating the Tar out of me because I just don't get the proper way to do them.
I think we figured this out tonight. Typically, the grip should be thumb's length from the inner rings on the bar. For me, as soon as I moved my grip narrower than I should, the lift instantly got easier and everything clicked. I know the reason for this, and it'll just have to be something I have to get used to. Finally, I feel like I got them. Heather (instructor) really worked with me and showed me a few things that just made everything fall in place.
The instructors at Rogue are Top Notch.

I have the beginnings of more blisters on my hands from both pull ups and the Kettlebells.
I am getting stronger on the pull ups. It may seem weird, but I think a lot of this has something to do with the bar. At Rogue, there is the main pull ups system which is awesome, but the outside overhead door there is another pull up station with 1" galvanized pipe.
During the WOD, I walked over to get some air and to try that pull up bar. I busted out 7 kipping Pull Ups in a row without batting an eye. Previously, I could only do 3-4.

Anyway, good work out as always.

Warm up:
250M Run
20 Squats
250M Run
20 Roll Overs

Clean & Jerk: 1 Every minute for 15 minutes adding weight as you go.

7 Push Press - 115 lbs
10 KB Romanian Dead Lifts
14 Kipping Pull Ups (The last set I did 28 Jumping Pull Ups)
AMRAP (AS Many Rounds As Possible) in 15 minutes

My score: 6 Rounds

Sunday, March 22, 2009

How can I tell that CrossFit works?

Go hear and see what I acomplished today just off of a few long runs and few days a week at Rogue Fitness.

My Running Blog

What will you do with your CrossFit Schoolin?

How can I tell that CrossFit works?

Go hear and see what I acomplished today just off of a few long runs and few days a week at Rogue Fitness.

My Running Blog

What will you do with your CrossFit Schoolin?

Nice long day at Mohican

Forget the PR, Mohican 50k Familiarization run #6 took place today with 15.45 miles planned.
Please see the link below for pictures from today.
I apologize for not getting every ones name, as my head was somewhere else this morning.
I will have to say that anyone thinking this will be "just another 50k" will be sorely mistaken. If anyone does get a 50k PR, Don Baun will be at the finish line with a box of Girl Scout cookies for you (Okay, not really). mmmmmm Do-si-Do's......

Mohican pictures

Grist Mill, and the Green/Red pictures

We started off this morning around 8:00AM from the Start of the FPRM 50k race.
Rob and Michelle had ran the Green Jewel 50k the day before and we all new better than to listen to them about how they were going to "take it easy" today and stay back with us mortals. Okay, Rob did. I wasn't feeling well this morning and stayed back for the first few miles to get adjusted to the cold air and the winding climb up the initial mile or two of the Orange Loop. I've never ran this loop backwards, and I can tell you it was a real treat. Come to think of it, every run up at Mohican is a treat.
This race is going to provide some awesome terrain with a lot of variety.

I finally caught up with the lead rabbits as they were just finishing up their 20 push ups I commanded out of them at Hickory Ridge Aid Station (mile 5.9). They had probably been there 10-15 minutes or so drinking all the water and talking like they were having an easy time. Actually , they probably were. These guys/girls are the real deal.
At around mile 7 or so, you'll notice that you are running the Backbone of a hill with each side having a drop off. If you look closely, the left of you is nothing but sheer cliffs with stunning views of the River Gorge. I guess if you fell down the cliffs, you could just head back to the finish line for an early victory and some Girl Scout cookies (not really).
I was feeling good and decided to just hammer the downhills as I will need it going into this race. Downhills are just as important, if not more, than up hills.
Lucas and I kept teetering back and forth catching up to each other and shooting the breeze. Eventually we met up for the last time at the Covered Bridge. I took in the awesome views of the Clear Fork section of the Mohican River. I'm always amazed at how I can stay on the trail as I am always looking at that river. I could live there the rest of my life and be happy. (I know sounds weird).
Finally, I see the last leg of the FPRM 50k race. I kept thinking about the race and this very last moment. Take in the views and all that this race/park has to offer. Gonna be a good one.

I was able to pass up Don and beat him back to the finish. Not sure what he was doing. -Alright, he took the correct trail back as I went the wrong way. I wasn't sure we were using the North Rim trail (Very Hilly) during the race and just used the bike trail. Same mileage, different trail. I was able to see Michelle going back out for more mileage and Mark Carroll was just finishing up his mileage. These guys/girls are animals.

Grist Mill: 2.0 miles

After some humor of me going the wrong way, I talked Don into running to the Grist Mill with me as I've never ran that trail before. It was a quick two miles out and back and I was looking to get some extra mileage.

Green/Red Trails: 8.10 miles

After some McDonald's, I went back to the Covered Bridge and decided to run the Green/Red trails of the FPRM 50k race. I ran at least the Green section correct.
Rob had told me which way to go, and when I got to the intersection for the Right turn, I ran into a couple with their dogs and shot the breeze with them. I'm a sucker for dogs, so what the heck.
I asked them was I going the correct way to the Bridal Staging area. They nodded in a direction and off I went. Trying to take in the views, I quickly realized I was going the wrong way. I have built in sonar, which is why I knew. Anyway, I turned around and headed back the correct way. I ran into the couple again and asked them which way to the Bridal staging. The woman piped up and said "He told you the wrong way".
Never mind. I am on the right trail now. Eventually I made it back to the Covered Bridge only seeing a giant turkey and an over friendly dog who almost went home with me.
My knees and quads had had enough, but in reality, I still had more left in the tank.
I had to get home anyway.

Home: I went out with my pup and ran an extra 1.5 miles tonight to give me 27 on the day.

Totals: 27 miles TOTAL

Friday, March 20, 2009

Making some Homebrew

I decided to make a batch of beer tonight. -The first of the year. The brew to be: English Brown Ale. I was looking to brew a simple beer and that's what I got.

To start off, everything needed to be sanitized and scrubbed as all my equipment has sat around all winter long. The more I brew, the more I am thinking of ways to make the process better.
I need to be on the hunt for:
Wort Chiller
High pressure Bottle/Carboy cleaner
and so many more miscellaneous items.

I'm not going to go through all the steps involved, but here is a few pictures and descriptions of each.
This process couldn't be any simpler.

Oh yeah, should yield about 50 bottles.

Here is a picture of the initial mash in the brew pot. I'm monitoring the temperature between 160-170 degrees.

The Malt extract going in.

The Hops going in.

Oh man, I wish you could smell this awesome aroma kicking up.

After about an hour, the brew is done and it is time to chill the Wort.

Picture of the Cold Break:

The Wort is now in the Carboy and the airlock is place. The next time I bring it down, it'll be time to bottle it. Should be next Friday.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I was whipped before we even started today. After yesterday's pent up energy release, I was ready for a long sleep today which never happened. Since it is warm outside, my dog has had other plans for me by waking me up in the middle of the day.
I debated whether or not to go into Rogue, but decided I would regret it if I didn't.
One last push before Sunday's 21 mile trail run at Mohican.

The workouts are varied in that you never know what you are walking into when you get there.
Check out this video link below of the Rogue Warriors in action doing "300"
Watch "J" bust out those deadlifts like they are child's play.

Rogue 300

Warm up:
1 mile run

300 complex (see below)

WOD: 300

25 pull-ups
50 deadlifts at 135 pounds
50 box jumps
50 floor wipers
50 push-ups
50 KB clean and press
25 more pull-ups -- for a total of 300 reps

My time: 23:19???? I think.
There were people posting 16:00-18:00 minutes for this.

Be back Monday......


I was whipped before we even started today. After yesterday's pent up energy release, I was ready for a long sleep today which never happened. Since it is warm outside, my dog has had other plans for me by waking me up in the middle of the day.
I debated whether or not to go into Rogue, but decided I would regret it if I didn't.
One last push before Sunday's 21 mile trail run at Mohican.

The workouts are varied in that you never know what you are walking into when you get there.
Check out this video link below of the Rogue Warriors in action doing "300"
Watch "J" bust out those deadlifts like they are child's play.

Rogue 300

Warm up:
1 mile run

300 complex (see below)

WOD: 300

25 pull-ups
50 deadlifts at 135 pounds
50 box jumps
50 floor wipers
50 push-ups
50 KB clean and press
25 more pull-ups -- for a total of 300 reps

My time: 23:19???? I think.
There were people posting 16:00-18:00 minutes for this.

Be back Monday......

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Check out my other blog for today's CrossFit fun:



Check out my other blog for today's CrossFit fun:


Pomeranian on Crack?

That's what I feel like tonight after my CrossFit beating. (meaning, I have tons of energy) Did I not work hard enough? Yeah Right. Believe me, I was pushing as hard as I could tonight during the workout.
I was smoked for sure after that. Not sure why I have tons of energy now.
Rewind to an hour or so earlier when I was at Chestnut Ridge running/walking the hills with my new 40 lb Vest.
Stephanie: The thing beat me to death. I need to find a way to strap it down across my chest if I am going to do short runs with it.
I did 4 miles total, all hills, no mercy.
Then off to Rogue as fast as possible for some CrossFit fun.
I had thoughts in my head before the workout that I was going to go home and run since it was so nice outside. That tune changed about halfway through the workout. I'd had enough running for the night.
Tomorrow, I'll probably run and then wind down for Sunday.

Totals: 4 miles weighted vest 40 lbs
Crossfit Run total: 2.25 miles

CrossFit WOD:
Warm up:
1 Mile Run
30 Burpees
Skill: No time for a skill today
500m Row
20 Wall Balls
400m Run
4 Rounds for time.
My time: 23:41

Warm down:
400m Run
50 abmat situps (supposed to be 100)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I've been doing some thinking

Yep, I am thiking these days now that it is warm outside.
I created my separate CrossFit Blog in hope to keep things separate. CrossFit on one, Running on the other.
With me now on Facebook, and Twitter, I simply don't have much time for all of them.
I've been tossing around the idea of importing this CrossFit blog into my other one, and simply have just one blog.
The next thing is should I change the name of my blog? Technically, I am a Rookie and probably will be for some time. I just cannot come up with a good name. Any ideas?
You know it is a training blog and not just a running blog. Everything I do is training.
CrossFit helps me with mental endurance, hill running, and helps me learn to not suck so much oxygen.

I just bought a 40lb vest that I will be using for both CrossFit and Running. I put the thing on today and I felt so wobbly. This will get interesting for sure.

What are your thoughts? You can post as anonymous if you want.

I've been doing some thinking

Yep, I am thiking these days now that it is warm outside.
I created my separate CrossFit Blog in hope to keep things separate. CrossFit on one, Running on the other.
With me now on Facebook, and Twitter, I simply don't have much time for all of them.
I've been tossing around the idea of importing this CrossFit blog into my other one, and simply have just one blog.
The next thing is should I change the name of my blog? Technically, I am a Rookie and probably will be for some time. I just cannot come up with a good name. Any ideas?
You know it is a training blog and not just a running blog. Everything I do is training.
CrossFit helps me with mental endurance, hill running, and helps me learn to not suck so much oxygen.

I just bought a 40lb vest that I will be using for both CrossFit and Running. I put the thing on today and I felt so wobbly. This will get interesting for sure.

What are your thoughts? You can post as anonymous if you want.

I've been doing some thinking

Yep, I am thiking these days now that it is warm outside.
I created my separate CrossFit Blog in hope to keep things separate. CrossFit on one, Running on the other.
With me now on Facebook, and Twitter, I simply don't have much time for all of them.
I've been tossing around the idea of importing my other blog into this one, and simply have just one blog.
The next thing is should I change the name of my blog? Technically, I am a Rookie and probably will be for some time. I just cannot come up with a good name. Any ideas?
You know it is a training blog and not just a running blog. Everything I do is training.
CrossFit helps me with mental endurance, hill running, and helps me learn to not suck so much oxygen.

I just bought a 40lb vest that I will be using for both CrossFit and Running. I put the thing on today and I felt so wobbly. This will get interesting for sure.

What are your thoughts? You can post as anonymous if you want.

I'm going to post this on my CrossFit site as well, and see what my 2 followers have to say. : )

Monday, March 16, 2009

Going to be a sore one.

I've been sore for days now. I think it has all been because of my recent fun days at Rogue Fitness and yesterday's 20 mile bike ride.
Today I just had to suck it up and get the old sore out and put new sore back in.

Warm up:
800m Run

Over Head Squats w/95 lbs

800m Run
3 Rounds:
Strict Press
800m Run

My time: 13:45
Ran 6.03 Miles of Hill work afterward

Going to be a sore one.

I've been sore for days now. I think it has all been because of my recent fun days at Rogue Fitness and yesterday's 20 mile bike ride.
Today I just had to suck it up and get the old sore out and put new sore back in.

Warm up:
800m Run

Over Head Squats w/95 lbs

800m Run
3 Rounds:
Strict Press
800m Run

My time: 13:45
Ran 6.03 Miles of Hill work afterward

Hill Werk

Today I decided I need to get some hill work in at Chestnut Ridge.
I went to CrossFit today for a Rogue-Style Beat-Down, and was thinking about coming back for the evening session for a second Beat-Down. I must have forgot to put my brain in this morning 'cause I wasn't sure I was thinking at the time.

Since it was way too nice to pass up, I went to over to Chestnut Ridge for a trail run. Time was against me today as I need to get some sleep before I go to work tonight.
The hills at this park are good ones to train the ups and downs. There are walkers, but the first lap around I ran up them all except the mile long hill. I'm not sure I've ever ran up that hill.
Anyway, this has to be a quick blog post.

6.03 miles
CrossFit WOD.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Atomic Wings and a 205 Lb Green Guy on a Bike

Went out for the first Bike Ride of the year today.
I had planned this last week, but when I woke up today, it felt like I was getting over a bad snake bite or something. I felt unbelievably poisoned from yesterday's "Atomic Wing episode".
Here is how it all went down:
I got the dumb idea that I wanted to go to Quaker Steak & Lube and try some Atomic Wings. Really, how bad could they be?
I get my wings and the first thing I noticed as I winced my face. The vapors were coming off these wings like a pot of boiling water.
Okay, they look good.
Here goes.
Initial bite, not bad..... 2 seconds later getting warmer....1/2 a second later, oh my goodness.....it's getting worse by the second....how can people eat these? Where is my Mt. Dew? Where is my water? Get these out of here! I need a napkin to wipe my tongue off. My face is on Fire!
(My wife says: Oh come on, they can't be that bad.) She dips her spoon into a wing sauce and tastes it: OMG! How can you stand that? WTF? OMG! That is so wrong! OMG! She finally calms down and mistakenly puts her spoon, with the sauce still on it, back into her soup and then takes a bite. OMG!, OMG! I just ruined my soup!
I am laughing so hard at this point.
There is no way I can finish these wings. Seriously, hot boiling coffee or tea would have been a welcomed feeling to my mouth at that point.
I start on another. My wife says: What are you trying to prove? Nothing, I say. I can't wimp out now. I am on a mission to eat the entire basket.
For real now, after the second wing and squirming around in our booth sweating, having cold chills, heart palpitations, I wanted to run out of the restaurant screaming.
Well, let's just say the Atomic Snake bit me hard. I felt hung over most of the night/morning and I hadn't drank a single beer.

Okay, back to the Ride:
Seemed everywhere I rode today, I was peddling into a strong head-wind.
Despite this, it was a nice day out and all together a great ride. I need to have my bike looked at though because it was making an annoying squeak the whole time when I was peddling.
I rode through some really nice neighborhoods around here and eventually found Rod Parsley's private gated estate. Not sure if you know who he is, but he's the Televangelist of World Harvest Church.

Note to self: I need to buy the following:
Gorillapod Camera Tripod -The one that Stuart has.
Cycling gloves
Fast Forward Carbon Seat Post. -I think my bike is slightly too big for me. Who knows.

One thing I must suggest to all who run/ride in the cold: Buy a DuoFold Varitherm base layer shirt. I picked this up at Sports Authority yesterday for $23.00 and used it on my ride today.
I was burning up within minutes. Luckily I got a call from my wife and she was close by. I told her to meet me to take one of my shirts back home. The rest of the ride I was just right.
I've been looking for a thermal base layer, and I think I found it. Too bad I won't get to really use it until next year.....because it IS going to warm up soon....Right?

20.35 miles road bike ride.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Pull Up Bar Upgrade

I built this pull up bar last summer out of 1" Residential Gas Line that I bought at Home Depot. Back then, I couldn't do a single pull up so I never knew at that time the cross bar was too big to grip. Now before you go saying it isn't really about grip, I must tell you, I have a lot less strength in my right hand than my left. -Long story, you'll just have to trust me.

Fast forward to my time thus far at Rogue Fitness, and I can now muster out a few pull ups at a time. There is a huge difference between doing them at home versus at the Rogue Compound.

Here at home, I feel like I have no grip and therefore it causes me to lack the pull up power needed to do multiple reps. When I am at Rogue I experience that much less. What I noticed was the bar at Rogue is smaller in diameter than compared to mine. Not by much but it makes a difference. I've been looking at rebuilding a pull up bar, but decided the one I have would suffice if I just rework the cross bar.

The fix:

I went and bought a 3/4" crossbar, and 1" to 3/4" reducers and new elbows to accommodate the 3/4" bar. I disassembled the original bar which in itself was a freakin chore. I put everything back together and noticed a huge difference in my pull ups. I still suck at them, but it will give me a chance to bust out in the garage on a whim and do a few reps.
I replaced the parts where the Red Arrows are. (Hard to see).

Pull Up Bar Upgrade

I built this pull up bar last summer out of 1" Residential Gas Line that I bought at Home Depot. Back then, I couldn't do a single pull up so I never knew at that time the cross bar was too big to grip. Now before you go saying it isn't really about grip, I must tell you, I have a lot less strength in my right hand than my left. -Long story, you'll just have to trust me.

Fast forward to my time thus far at Rogue Fitness, and I can now muster out a few pull ups at a time. There is a huge difference between doing them at home versus at the Rogue Compound.

Here at home, I feel like I have no grip and therefore it causes me to lack the pull up power needed to do multiple reps. When I am at Rogue I experience that much less. What I noticed was the bar at Rogue is smaller in diameter than compared to mine. Not by much but it makes a difference. I've been looking at rebuilding a pull up bar, but decided the one I have would suffice if I just rework the cross bar.

The fix:

I went and bought a 3/4" crossbar, and 1" to 3/4" reducers and new elbows to accommodate the 3/4" bar. I disassembled the original bar which in itself was a freakin chore. I put everything back together and noticed a huge difference in my pull ups. I still suck at them, but it will give me a chance to bust out in the garage on a whim and do a few reps.
I replaced the parts where the Red Arrows are. (Hard to see).

Speed Work from Hell

Okay before you say: wussy, or some other form of bad word to me.....This Speed work session was unexpected....and was handed out Rogue CrossFit style.

Most days when we get there, the workout of the day may be on the board. They'll keep you guessing by erasing it and then rewrite it after the warm up and skill sessions.
We all thought we were going to be doing some rowing and other miscellaneous exercises.
NOPE. We were running. Not particularly the type of running I do unless I am in a full out sprint to K-Roger for a sale on some Sam Adams.
Let it be known, that I am very humbled by everyone at CrossFit. Any given time, any given day, they will beat your ass and leave you sucking all the available oxygen from the atmosphere.

You don't get to run a lap or sit down, or mope, whine, complain. If you do, it'll just get worse for you in the long run.
Seems people were lollygagging, complaining, etc, and it kept making "J" our instructor ever more upset. Not good dudes!


As I am writing this, I am incredibly sore, and will pay dearly later in a couple of days for this one.

The warm up was to be low intensity, which never turns out to be that way. I end up 3/4 sprinting the entire 1.5 mile run. As we came back, "J" said "more running, out the front door"
This is where everyone starts to get irritated.
We were running 100m sprints.
Then a 400m Sprint around the building.
After that, he makes us think we are going inside which we did, then said "Out the back, we're running more sprints" at this time, I was on the verge of throwing up, my head was splitting open.
Someone who knows I'm a runner said" Hey Nick, you going home and run after this?" my reply was something like "Hell No" I was planning on it, but not now. This fast running is for the birds.

I was beyond dead-legged at this point and had no idea how I would be able to proceed.
A nice little migraine popped up for a more exciting time ahead.

The workout was:
20 Squats
200m Run
20 Push Ups
200m Run

As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes. I was running like a granny that needed an oxygen tank. Would have been nice actually.

We started out, and these guys/girls were tough. I was only able to push as hard as I could without falling over.


I've never quit a CrossFit session while having a headache, so today would not be an option to either.
On the bright side, the intensity and pain is nowhere near what it used to be.
Also while running, I was looking at the bright side of this torture: There was only 20 minutes of this.
After about my 4th round, I felt like Mr. Burns doing Push Ups with his arms quivering, and getting ready to strain a face muscle.

I was able to complete 5 rounds. I think that had my head was not ready to split open, I would've done a little better.

3.25 miles -CrossFit beating.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Not this type of Running

Okay, I'm just gonna say it. Tonight was a bitch.
We thought we were going to be rowing, but that was not the case.

I love running. It's what I'm all about. But this running even though nessescary, sucked really bad.

Warm up:
1.5 mile run (Turned into a harder run than I wanted to)

2-100m sprints
1-400m sprint (I was dead after the first two sprints)

20 Squats
200m Run
20 Push Ups
200m Run

AMRAP in 20 minutes

I was only able to manage 5 rounds. Had my head not been split open, I may have been able to squeeze out 1-2 more at most.
I think since the weather is turning warmer, we will be doing more work outs like this.

I bought a pair of Rogue Shoes tonight. I wasn't able to use them yet, but everyone I talk to says they are the best.

Not this type of Running

Okay, I'm just gonna say it. Tonight was a bitch.
We thought we were going to be rowing, but that was not the case.

I love running. It's what I'm all about. But this running even though nessescary, sucked really bad.

Warm up:
1.5 mile run (Turned into a harder run than I wanted to)

2-100m sprints
1-400m sprint (I was dead after the first two sprints)

20 Squats
200m Run
20 Push Ups
200m Run

AMRAP in 20 minutes

I was only able to manage 5 rounds. Had my head not been split open, I may have been able to squeeze out 1-2 more at most.
I think since the weather is turning warmer, we will be doing more work outs like this.

I bought a pair of Rogue Shoes tonight. I wasn't able to use them yet, but everyone I talk to says they are the best.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tater Flipper

Never done a Tater before and most everyone in the class had no idea what "J" was talking about. We thought for sure someone was going home with a broken foot or two.
Taters require total focus because if you take your eye off the Kettlebell once, then you will drop it.
The skill seems to never go well when I have to do power cleans. I think it has something to do with my wrist. -Long story.
Anyway, I didn't get any sleep today, so probably no running tonight. My dog had other plans in waking me up at noon for no reason.
I'm going to try and upload a video of the workout.

Warm Up:
100 KB Swings
20 Push Ups
20 Roll Overs

Clean & Jerk

10 Taters
5 Push Press w/95 lbs
10 Ball Slams

AMRAP in 15 minutes:
My score: 9 rounds...almost 10.

Tater Flipper

Never done a Tater before and most everyone in the class had no idea what "J" was talking about. We thought for sure someone was going home with a broken foot or two.
Taters require total focus because if you take your eye off the Kettlebell once, then you will drop it.
The skill seems to never go well when I have to do power cleans. I think it has something to do with my wrist. -Long story.
Anyway, I didn't get any sleep today, so probably no running tonight. My dog had other plans in waking me up at noon for no reason.
I'm going to try and upload a video of the workout.

Warm Up:
100 KB Swings
20 Push Ups
20 Roll Overs

Clean & Jerk

10 Taters
5 Push Press w/95 lbs
10 Ball Slams

AMRAP in 15 minutes:
My score: 9 rounds...almost 10.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Forgetting to Post

I forgot to Post this workout yesterday as I had a lot of stuff going on.

Another sweet day at Rogue in the books. The weather was nice so we all know what that means: Running has arrived at Rogue.

Warm up:
500m Row (On my own)
400 Jump Ropes (On my own)
1 Mile run

KB Swings (30lb KB. It was too light, so next time, I'll go up in weight)
Deadlifts (I stuck with 135. Testing the waters)
Pull Ups
Donkey Kicks

WOD: "Burner" (Gee I wonder what it could be)
20 KB Swings
10 Deadlifts
20 Burpees
10 Pull Ups
20 Donkey Kicks

400m Run

2 Rounds for time:

My time: 15:03

Forgetting to Post

I forgot to Post this workout yesterday as I had a lot of stuff going on.

Another sweet day at Rogue in the books. The weather was nice so we all know what that means: Running has arrived at Rogue.

Warm up:
500m Row (On my own)
400 Jump Ropes (On my own)
1 Mile run

KB Swings (30lb KB. It was too light, so next time, I'll go up in weight)
Deadlifts (I stuck with 135. Testing the waters)
Pull Ups
Donkey Kicks

WOD: "Burner" (Gee I wonder what it could be)
20 KB Swings
10 Deadlifts
20 Burpees
10 Pull Ups
20 Donkey Kicks

400m Run

2 Rounds for time:

My time: 15:03

Sunday, March 8, 2009

You know, some days I gotta laugh

The plan today was to meet Luc for a 21 miler on the Red/Green loops of the Mohican 100 course. The weather was supposed to be around 70 degrees and was supposed to rain later in the evening. Seems the weatherman got ‘er wrong again. Imagine that. It was pouring buckets when we started out. I was under dressed and knew I was going to be in trouble if I started to get cold.
The temps already were in the low 50's, but the rain was not letting up. I didn't get any pictures because I decided the rain was not about to ruin my camera too and I just put it away.
Rewind a few minutes earlier when I attempted to drop water at the Bridal Staging area. When I pulled into the parking lot, the rain was coming down so hard coupled with the fog and no daylight put visibility at about 25 yards. I pulled in and didn't see a culvert and got my wife’s car stuck. We tried several times to free it, but decided to go on and come back to it later when we had a little daylight.
We started out on the Red Trail with me tripping a few times on the roots and sticks. All I could do was not get mad and keep trudging along.
I felt really good and tried not to think about my wife’s car stuck in the mud a couple of miles away.
Fast forward now past the car, cause we didn't get anywhere with it. We were both soaking wet and cold just only a few miles into the run. We decided at mile 5 we would cut part of the Red Loop and just run to our first aid station at Rock Point. We had brownies there and focused heavily on getting there to eat them.
After scarfing our brownies we had to make a decision: Turn around, run back so we could call AAA to come bail me out. We were beyond soaking wet and tired but we both felt good otherwise.
We ended the run at 12 miles soaking wet and freezing cold. -McDonald's never tasted so good.
I can't wait to get back up there to hit the Red/Green trails again under better circumstances. It was a good run despite the rain/cold/car. You wouldn't think it, but it was.

Luc, I owe you one.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Anyone know what these are???????

I'll give you a second to think............Nope...............Nope try again...............Give up?
It is a little blurry I know.

It is an: Ohmygodthesecookieshavecrackinthem cookies. (That's German by the way) And they came all the way from S. Carolina, not Germany.
The bad part was, I had to share them with my wife.
Seriously, this baker needs to start their own business. I can honestly say, these are some of the best cookies I've ever had. (I'm not just saying that R.)
Okay, enough about the cookies cause I want to eat the rest of them right now.

I went to Crossfit tonight because I had some cookies and pizza to work off. I was planning a run tonight as well since the weather was in the 50's which felt like summer. If I didn't run, it would have been a sin. The run felt great. I've noticed my running doesn't hurt now that I've been Crossfitting. Nothing compares to the pain of Crossfit (working out wise). -Seriously. I still get tired, but as Catra has said: Suck it up Buttercup! -Keeps me moving every time.

The next couple of days I am going to take off since I am planning a long run on Sunday. I'm a bit nervous as this will be a distance that my body will not be happy with.

Oh yeah, I got a good book to read while I'm resting up and refueling for Sunday.

Hey all..... send good vibes to this guy on Saturday: Rob is running the Carl Touchstone Memorial Mississippi 50 mile race.
I signed up for this last year, airplane ticket and all, and was too sick to train and run the race. I was bummed. Anyway, this is one tough guy (though he won't admit it) and he will do very well in the race. He's a good guy, but don't tell him I said that.

The Bear

Tonight was no picnic at Rogue. Tonya didn't take it easy on us. Not that she should.
I really need to work on my Oly Lifts. I had to drop the weight I initially started with because the front squats were putting a lot of strain on my shoulders. I knew I wasn't doing them right, so just to be safe, I dropped the weight.
These guys I was working out with tonight are beasts. They are not big guys like you'd think, but incredibly strong. They would typically take half the time I would during an AMRAP session.

Warm Up:
30 Squats
30 K2E's
1 Mile Run

Skill: Kipping Pull Ups or Weighted Pull Ups

WOD: "The Bear"

Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Back Jerk

5 Reps X 5 Rounds

Ran tonight. Total of 8 miles.

The Bear

Tonight was no picnic at Rogue. Tonya didn't take it easy on us. Not that she should.
I really need to work on my Oly Lifts. I had to drop the weight I initially started with because the front squats were putting a lot of strain on my shoulders. I knew I wasn't doing them right, so just to be safe, I dropped the weight.
These guys I was working out with tonight are beasts. They are not big guys like you'd think, but incredibly strong. They would typically take half the time I would during an AMRAP session.

Warm Up:
30 Squats
30 K2E's
1 Mile Run

Skill: Kipping Pull Ups or Weighted Pull Ups

WOD: "The Bear"

Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Back Jerk

5 Reps X 5 Rounds

Ran tonight. Total of 8 miles.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Mofo complex is as followed:

KB Swings
KB (not sure the name of them, but as you swing the KB you pull it to your chest)
KB Cleans
KB Squats
KB Jerks

Warm up: (I did them all with little to no complaining)
50 Flutter Kicks
50 Squats
50 Push Ups


3 MOFO's
20 Burpees
6 MOFO's
15 Burpees
10 MOFO's
9 Burpees
12 MOFO's?????

okay, I got dizzy and nauseated at this point and cannot remember how many MOFO's we did.

Since I half assed some of my Burpees, I punished myself and did a 1000m Row after the WOD.

My time: 13:42 Blue Kettlebells. (I'm not sure of the weight)


Mofo complex is as followed:

KB Swings
KB (not sure the name of them, but as you swing the KB you pull it to your chest)
KB Cleans
KB Squats
KB Jerks

Warm up: (I did them all with little to no complaining)
50 Flutter Kicks
50 Squats
50 Push Ups


3 MOFO's
20 Burpees
6 MOFO's
15 Burpees
10 MOFO's
9 Burpees
12 MOFO's?????

okay, I got dizzy and nauseated at this point and cannot remember how many MOFO's we did.

Since I half assed some of my Burpees, I punished myself and did a 1000m Row after the WOD.

My time: 13:42 Blue Kettlebells. (I'm not sure of the weight)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Oh Man

Not sure what I was thinking today when I was on my way home from my 15 mile trail run and decided to stop off for a Crossfit workout at noon.
I was feeling pretty good at the time, and now....not so much.
Regardless, I was feeeling pretty good and was ready to battle.
We started off with a warm up which included a 1000m Row.
The skill was the Kipping pull up and Push Press.....hmmmm I wonder what the WOD was going to be?

I really like when we work on K-Pull ups. Each time the instructors bring a different approach to learnining this move and today, it made a lot of sense.

"J" told us to make it a shoulder movement instead of a leg movement.

When I tried what he said, it all clicked. Now, I can only do about 4 in a row when I'm not dead, but still the pull up felt better. At least I am getting better at doing these.
It was the first workout that I didn't do jumping pull ups or assisted pull ups.

On my way home, I was peeling calluses off my hands and popped the blisters as soon as I got home. My hands are raw, but it's all good.

Warm Up:
1000m Row
30 Squats
30 Push Ups

Push Press
Kipping Pull Up

11 Push Press
7 Kipping Pull Ups
20 Squats

AMRAP in 15 minutes

My total: 6 Rounds

Oh Man

Not sure what I was thinking today when I was on my way home from my 15 mile trail run and decided to stop off for a Crossfit workout at noon.
I was feeling pretty good at the time, and now....not so much.
Regardless, I was feeeling pretty good and was ready to battle.
We started off with a warm up which included a 1000m Row.
The skill was the Kipping pull up and Push Press.....hmmmm I wonder what the WOD was going to be?

I really like when we work on K-Pull ups. Each time the instructors bring a different approach to learnining this move and today, it made a lot of sense.

"J" told us to make it a shoulder movement instead of a leg movement.

When I tried what he said, it all clicked. Now, I can only do about 4 in a row when I'm not dead, but still the pull up felt better. At least I am getting better at doing these.
It was the first workout that I didn't do jumping pull ups or assisted pull ups.

On my way home, I was peeling calluses off my hands and popped the blisters as soon as I got home. My hands are raw, but it's all good.

Warm Up:
1000m Row
30 Squats
30 Push Ups

Push Press
Kipping Pull Up

11 Push Press
7 Kipping Pull Ups
20 Squats

AMRAP in 15 minutes

My total: 6 Rounds

Lost in Mohican #@#%&$*(#!

Okay, I wasn't REALLY lost. I knew where I was. I figured I was still in Ohio and most likely in Mohican State Park.
I again had no idea where I was going to run today when I woke up at 4:00AM. I just knew I was in need of a run and I had to get some trail running in.
Off to Mohican.
I got there at about 6:30ish, which was still dark. I decided to park at the Fire tower and run down to the Covered Bridge. This made much more sense to me.
The plan was to run the Red/Green trail loops which would have given me a nice 21 mile beating.
I started down the tail end of the Green trail with my head torch strapped on, and took note of the eerie quiet.
I was hoping to not surprise any animals at this time of the morning. About half way into the run, I noticed Columbia Gas decided to tear up a good portion of the forest and trail, and I had problems finding the trail again. By the time I got down to the creek, it was lighting up a bit and I noticed the new bridges being built to cross the stream in some places.
I then started up the Red section of the trail and noticed there was no one parked at the Covered Bridge. What's up with that? I had the park to myself?
It was uneventful until I turned where I thought I was supposed to turn, and ended up at a Gas Well, and had no idea where the trail was. I was so mad, I've never gotten lost at Mohican.
I'm like a magnet with directions and for the life of me, I couldn't find my way.
Columbia Gas was gettin some bad ju ju from me for sure.

I had no choice but to go back the way I came. As I ran back I found a new trail I had not bee on before, and thought, I'd just take this and see where it led me. To me, all trails lead to Mohican, so I couldn't get lost.
I ended up running for a while and found this water fall off to the side that I've never seen before. I walked up to it and took the pictures you see here.

Eventually, I saw the lake off in the distance and knew I was on track. I found the trail to Lyons Falls and decided to run the Purple loop trail and then finally I ran part of the Yellow trail. I had about enough when I got back to the CB and ran back to my car on the Green trail.
My Garmin said 15 miles, but it sure seemed longer.
On my way home I guess I decided I didn't get enough, and stopped at CrossFit for a noontime beating. I've been peeling calluses and popping the blisters on my hands from the workout ever since.
15 miles
CrossFit workout