Thursday, March 26, 2009

Got My Easter Basket Today

Here it is, every beer drinkers dream Easter Basket:

Okay, I bottled my beer today. Take a look at the Picasa link below to see all the pictures. I am short on time tonight in trying to upload them all.

I ended up with a little less than 5 gallons. I had some over flow, excess foaming and one blow out during the fermentation process.
I was laughing so hard today because I never noticed when I picked up a spigot that someone at the store I bought this at, didn't spell spigot right......Only in Lancaster, Ohio.
The pictures show the sanitization process up through the final bottling steps. Take a look at how good that beer looks.

I was rushing to get my bottling done as I needed a CrossFit workout.

Warm up: Indoor McBride (whatever that means):
1600m Row
30 Burpees

Skill: Deadlifts: 3,2,2,1,1,1,1 (Maximal Weight) I used 225 for most reps.

WOD: Mini-Cindy:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
10 Rounds for time.

My time: 10:41


  1. i don't think i'm terrible at spelling, but spigot kind of sounds like "spiket" ... :)

    the worst typo i've ever seen:

    "offle" rather than awful.

  2. Sara, I think that takes the cake. My wife and I love going through Craigslist and seeing the spelling blunders.

    That is offle. : )

  3. Man I am so loving your Beer info. I can not wait to get started!

  4. Ugh, cleaning bottles is the worst process known to mankind.

  5. Rob, I can't wait to brew again. Actually, I can't wait until I can drink what I bottled.

    Ray, I have this nifty little bottle washer that makes it go quicker but, it still sucks.
    I'm working on getting a draft/keg system set up.

  6. Sandy, that is awesome. I am from a long line of Home Brewers and Moon Shiners myself, and have heard a lot of stories about bootlegging during Prohibition. I have an old 5 gallon Milk container my dad used to brew…not sure what really, but my brother handed it down to me. I remember as a kid seeing copper coils and weird looking vessels in my dad’s shed, never knowing really what they were.
    I live in Pickerington Ohio which is a suburb of Columbus Ohio. I love to see anything made/history in Ohio related.
