Sunday, March 22, 2009

Nice long day at Mohican

Forget the PR, Mohican 50k Familiarization run #6 took place today with 15.45 miles planned.
Please see the link below for pictures from today.
I apologize for not getting every ones name, as my head was somewhere else this morning.
I will have to say that anyone thinking this will be "just another 50k" will be sorely mistaken. If anyone does get a 50k PR, Don Baun will be at the finish line with a box of Girl Scout cookies for you (Okay, not really). mmmmmm Do-si-Do's......

Mohican pictures

Grist Mill, and the Green/Red pictures

We started off this morning around 8:00AM from the Start of the FPRM 50k race.
Rob and Michelle had ran the Green Jewel 50k the day before and we all new better than to listen to them about how they were going to "take it easy" today and stay back with us mortals. Okay, Rob did. I wasn't feeling well this morning and stayed back for the first few miles to get adjusted to the cold air and the winding climb up the initial mile or two of the Orange Loop. I've never ran this loop backwards, and I can tell you it was a real treat. Come to think of it, every run up at Mohican is a treat.
This race is going to provide some awesome terrain with a lot of variety.

I finally caught up with the lead rabbits as they were just finishing up their 20 push ups I commanded out of them at Hickory Ridge Aid Station (mile 5.9). They had probably been there 10-15 minutes or so drinking all the water and talking like they were having an easy time. Actually , they probably were. These guys/girls are the real deal.
At around mile 7 or so, you'll notice that you are running the Backbone of a hill with each side having a drop off. If you look closely, the left of you is nothing but sheer cliffs with stunning views of the River Gorge. I guess if you fell down the cliffs, you could just head back to the finish line for an early victory and some Girl Scout cookies (not really).
I was feeling good and decided to just hammer the downhills as I will need it going into this race. Downhills are just as important, if not more, than up hills.
Lucas and I kept teetering back and forth catching up to each other and shooting the breeze. Eventually we met up for the last time at the Covered Bridge. I took in the awesome views of the Clear Fork section of the Mohican River. I'm always amazed at how I can stay on the trail as I am always looking at that river. I could live there the rest of my life and be happy. (I know sounds weird).
Finally, I see the last leg of the FPRM 50k race. I kept thinking about the race and this very last moment. Take in the views and all that this race/park has to offer. Gonna be a good one.

I was able to pass up Don and beat him back to the finish. Not sure what he was doing. -Alright, he took the correct trail back as I went the wrong way. I wasn't sure we were using the North Rim trail (Very Hilly) during the race and just used the bike trail. Same mileage, different trail. I was able to see Michelle going back out for more mileage and Mark Carroll was just finishing up his mileage. These guys/girls are animals.

Grist Mill: 2.0 miles

After some humor of me going the wrong way, I talked Don into running to the Grist Mill with me as I've never ran that trail before. It was a quick two miles out and back and I was looking to get some extra mileage.

Green/Red Trails: 8.10 miles

After some McDonald's, I went back to the Covered Bridge and decided to run the Green/Red trails of the FPRM 50k race. I ran at least the Green section correct.
Rob had told me which way to go, and when I got to the intersection for the Right turn, I ran into a couple with their dogs and shot the breeze with them. I'm a sucker for dogs, so what the heck.
I asked them was I going the correct way to the Bridal Staging area. They nodded in a direction and off I went. Trying to take in the views, I quickly realized I was going the wrong way. I have built in sonar, which is why I knew. Anyway, I turned around and headed back the correct way. I ran into the couple again and asked them which way to the Bridal staging. The woman piped up and said "He told you the wrong way".
Never mind. I am on the right trail now. Eventually I made it back to the Covered Bridge only seeing a giant turkey and an over friendly dog who almost went home with me.
My knees and quads had had enough, but in reality, I still had more left in the tank.
I had to get home anyway.

Home: I went out with my pup and ran an extra 1.5 miles tonight to give me 27 on the day.

Totals: 27 miles TOTAL


  1. Nice mileage Nick! Sounds like a great day at Mo. I'm with you, I could run those trails forever there!

  2. Great job, looks like the snows on it's way out which is more than can be said for the sun!

  3. Nice running, Nick. Wow, I was spent after 15!? Looks like I got some work to do before the race.

    I had fun today. If I recall correctly, you stated that your screwed up on your Garmin. If you need the mileage from the Orange loop, let me know and I'll send you the KMZ. Keep in mind, I skipped Hickory Ridge Aid Station. :P

  4. You did great! Way to go out there today Nick!

  5. Just had to round it off to a nice 27 miles. I LOVE IT!!!

    Great re-cap of your Ultra Run :)

  6. Thanks guys/girls. It was too great of a day to not keep running.
    I plan on many more days like it this year.
