Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pomeranian on Crack?

That's what I feel like tonight after my CrossFit beating. (meaning, I have tons of energy) Did I not work hard enough? Yeah Right. Believe me, I was pushing as hard as I could tonight during the workout.
I was smoked for sure after that. Not sure why I have tons of energy now.
Rewind to an hour or so earlier when I was at Chestnut Ridge running/walking the hills with my new 40 lb Vest.
Stephanie: The thing beat me to death. I need to find a way to strap it down across my chest if I am going to do short runs with it.
I did 4 miles total, all hills, no mercy.
Then off to Rogue as fast as possible for some CrossFit fun.
I had thoughts in my head before the workout that I was going to go home and run since it was so nice outside. That tune changed about halfway through the workout. I'd had enough running for the night.
Tomorrow, I'll probably run and then wind down for Sunday.

Totals: 4 miles weighted vest 40 lbs
Crossfit Run total: 2.25 miles

CrossFit WOD:
Warm up:
1 Mile Run
30 Burpees
Skill: No time for a skill today
500m Row
20 Wall Balls
400m Run
4 Rounds for time.
My time: 23:41

Warm down:
400m Run
50 abmat situps (supposed to be 100)


  1. and to think you did all of this before heading off to work..... AWESOME!!!

  2. Thanks Robin. I was whipped at the end of the work day too.

  3. So how was the run with he 40lbs?

  4. Stephanie, the 40lb vest beat the heck out of me. I need to find a way to strap it tighter to my chest. That was the only spot that hurt.
