Saturday, March 14, 2009

Speed Work from Hell

Okay before you say: wussy, or some other form of bad word to me.....This Speed work session was unexpected....and was handed out Rogue CrossFit style.

Most days when we get there, the workout of the day may be on the board. They'll keep you guessing by erasing it and then rewrite it after the warm up and skill sessions.
We all thought we were going to be doing some rowing and other miscellaneous exercises.
NOPE. We were running. Not particularly the type of running I do unless I am in a full out sprint to K-Roger for a sale on some Sam Adams.
Let it be known, that I am very humbled by everyone at CrossFit. Any given time, any given day, they will beat your ass and leave you sucking all the available oxygen from the atmosphere.

You don't get to run a lap or sit down, or mope, whine, complain. If you do, it'll just get worse for you in the long run.
Seems people were lollygagging, complaining, etc, and it kept making "J" our instructor ever more upset. Not good dudes!


As I am writing this, I am incredibly sore, and will pay dearly later in a couple of days for this one.

The warm up was to be low intensity, which never turns out to be that way. I end up 3/4 sprinting the entire 1.5 mile run. As we came back, "J" said "more running, out the front door"
This is where everyone starts to get irritated.
We were running 100m sprints.
Then a 400m Sprint around the building.
After that, he makes us think we are going inside which we did, then said "Out the back, we're running more sprints" at this time, I was on the verge of throwing up, my head was splitting open.
Someone who knows I'm a runner said" Hey Nick, you going home and run after this?" my reply was something like "Hell No" I was planning on it, but not now. This fast running is for the birds.

I was beyond dead-legged at this point and had no idea how I would be able to proceed.
A nice little migraine popped up for a more exciting time ahead.

The workout was:
20 Squats
200m Run
20 Push Ups
200m Run

As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes. I was running like a granny that needed an oxygen tank. Would have been nice actually.

We started out, and these guys/girls were tough. I was only able to push as hard as I could without falling over.


I've never quit a CrossFit session while having a headache, so today would not be an option to either.
On the bright side, the intensity and pain is nowhere near what it used to be.
Also while running, I was looking at the bright side of this torture: There was only 20 minutes of this.
After about my 4th round, I felt like Mr. Burns doing Push Ups with his arms quivering, and getting ready to strain a face muscle.

I was able to complete 5 rounds. I think that had my head was not ready to split open, I would've done a little better.

3.25 miles -CrossFit beating.


  1. okay, i might be masochistic but that sounds like an awesome workout. one thing i will miss about crossfit (i'm cancelling my membership due to financial reasons :( :( :( ) is the royal butt-kicking i would get any time there'd be a run in a workout. people knew i was a runner so they would push me extra hard.

    i might try that workout myself on a track once i'm back up and running.

    nice job out there!

  2. Hey Sara. I think only you and I among others only understand this.
    I am lucky in that if I do fall under hard times, I am slowly building up my CF gym at home so I can always have access to CF.

    I am so sore this morning but cannot wait to get back there tomorrow or Monday to start it all over again.

  3. You CF folks need some assistance. This stuff just sounds painfull. Appealing though, but painfully wrong.

  4. well, your head didn't split opena and you didn't puke. great work. and for sure you'll be back to do it again. geez. must be a runner.
