Monday, March 30, 2009

Double CrossFit and then some

Me doing the CrossFit stagger:

I pretty much lost my brain somewhere today, not sure really.
I've been wanting to double up on some CrossFit training in preparation for some Ultras this year.
My plan is to do as much cross training as possible, and still keep the medium and long distance runs. Time on my feet is crucial.
Since the weather didn't cooperate on Sunday, and I never not my Ride in. Today was a scratch as well for a Ride. I'm hoping to get out next Monday for a long ride. We'll see.

Today's 1st workout:
Warm Up:
1 Mile Run
Flutter kicks until the instructor failed. (I think we did 80)

Skill: Clean & Jerk (I used 135lbs)

WOD: 21-15-12-9 reps:
DB Thrusters (30 lbs)
Pull Ups
My time: 8:58

Run 4 Miles
Cat (pictured above), and I went out to Blendon Woods to run a little bit after CrossFit. I wasn't planning a run, but we knew the distances of the trails. I'm calling it 4 miles.

Second CrossFit workout:

Warm Up:
800m Run
30 Push Ups
20 Squats
30 Flutter Kicks
Skill: Clean & Jerk (I used 95lbs for this one)

WOD: 21-15-12-9 reps:
KB Thrusters (20 lbs) I used KB's and lighter weight for this workout.
(Jumping) Pull Ups
My time: 4:08 -Killer cardio workout.

Run 800m (On my own)

6 miles ran
Double CrossFit workouts


  1. "Skill: Clean & Jerk"

    Really, I can put that down as a skill? WOOHOO!

  2. You are going to SMOKE your next ultra!!

    Please tell me you are now resting.

  3. Ray, Weight Lifting Chicks dig guys with "Clean & Jerk" Skills.......

    Robin: We'll see. I have a 50k/25k this Sunday.
    No Rest now. I'm going to CrossFit tonight and then Run tomorrow....Then Rest!
