Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lost in Mohican #@#%&$*(#!

Okay, I wasn't REALLY lost. I knew where I was. I figured I was still in Ohio and most likely in Mohican State Park.
I again had no idea where I was going to run today when I woke up at 4:00AM. I just knew I was in need of a run and I had to get some trail running in.
Off to Mohican.
I got there at about 6:30ish, which was still dark. I decided to park at the Fire tower and run down to the Covered Bridge. This made much more sense to me.
The plan was to run the Red/Green trail loops which would have given me a nice 21 mile beating.
I started down the tail end of the Green trail with my head torch strapped on, and took note of the eerie quiet.
I was hoping to not surprise any animals at this time of the morning. About half way into the run, I noticed Columbia Gas decided to tear up a good portion of the forest and trail, and I had problems finding the trail again. By the time I got down to the creek, it was lighting up a bit and I noticed the new bridges being built to cross the stream in some places.
I then started up the Red section of the trail and noticed there was no one parked at the Covered Bridge. What's up with that? I had the park to myself?
It was uneventful until I turned where I thought I was supposed to turn, and ended up at a Gas Well, and had no idea where the trail was. I was so mad, I've never gotten lost at Mohican.
I'm like a magnet with directions and for the life of me, I couldn't find my way.
Columbia Gas was gettin some bad ju ju from me for sure.

I had no choice but to go back the way I came. As I ran back I found a new trail I had not bee on before, and thought, I'd just take this and see where it led me. To me, all trails lead to Mohican, so I couldn't get lost.
I ended up running for a while and found this water fall off to the side that I've never seen before. I walked up to it and took the pictures you see here.

Eventually, I saw the lake off in the distance and knew I was on track. I found the trail to Lyons Falls and decided to run the Purple loop trail and then finally I ran part of the Yellow trail. I had about enough when I got back to the CB and ran back to my car on the Green trail.
My Garmin said 15 miles, but it sure seemed longer.
On my way home I guess I decided I didn't get enough, and stopped at CrossFit for a noontime beating. I've been peeling calluses and popping the blisters on my hands from the workout ever since.
15 miles
CrossFit workout


  1. Why can men never admit when they are lost??

    That was one long trail run and to top it off with CF... that is killer in my books.

  2. What's that gas station doing there anyways? I'd be so upset, too. Seems like a great park otherwise.

  3. Wow,
    You're getting up at my time of day. You should have let me know you were going to Mohican, I would have met you for a few miles. Too bad you couldn't make it on Saturday, it was a great training run for all. Maybe you can make one of the last few. Way to go getting up and out there!

  4. Getting lost can occasionally be kinda fun and nice...except when you get really lost. Then it somehow becomes less fun.

  5. The falls name is 'Tipping Rock Falls'.
    It use to be on the maps of Mohican in the 1950's and 60's. There was a trail and all. Obviously, the clearing on top has impacted the look.
    There are 55 wells in Mohican. The state gets a nice chump of money for each well. They are not producing wells, they are for storage. They pump gas underground all summer, then in the winter pump it out for all those folks living in the northeast. That gas recovery charge some pay on your bill is to get it out of storage. Great run.

  6. I totally feel your pain! Let's stick to the Red/Green loop this weekend, otherwise it could get a little too interesting for me. :)
