Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I've been doing some thinking

Yep, I am thiking these days now that it is warm outside.
I created my separate CrossFit Blog in hope to keep things separate. CrossFit on one, Running on the other.
With me now on Facebook, and Twitter, I simply don't have much time for all of them.
I've been tossing around the idea of importing my other blog into this one, and simply have just one blog.
The next thing is should I change the name of my blog? Technically, I am a Rookie and probably will be for some time. I just cannot come up with a good name. Any ideas?
You know it is a training blog and not just a running blog. Everything I do is training.
CrossFit helps me with mental endurance, hill running, and helps me learn to not suck so much oxygen.

I just bought a 40lb vest that I will be using for both CrossFit and Running. I put the thing on today and I felt so wobbly. This will get interesting for sure.

What are your thoughts? You can post as anonymous if you want.

I'm going to post this on my CrossFit site as well, and see what my 2 followers have to say. : )


  1. why not simplify things and list it all on one blog. that is my vote. I find that between email accounts, FB, blogging, and whatever i am forgetting I sure could spend some of my time better.

    Not the most creative with names. Would love to see what Heather could come up with...lol! I came up with mine by looking in the mirror. I have a necklace charm that simply says "GOTTA RUN". Now you have the inside scoop.

  2. I'd merge, like Robin says minimize the time spent on all the sites; go for quality not quantity.

    Rookie..hell we're all rookies!

    As it cover a multitude of things come up with something along those lines, I like RG suggestions she's got that creative juice flowing!
