Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Bear

Tonight was no picnic at Rogue. Tonya didn't take it easy on us. Not that she should.
I really need to work on my Oly Lifts. I had to drop the weight I initially started with because the front squats were putting a lot of strain on my shoulders. I knew I wasn't doing them right, so just to be safe, I dropped the weight.
These guys I was working out with tonight are beasts. They are not big guys like you'd think, but incredibly strong. They would typically take half the time I would during an AMRAP session.

Warm Up:
30 Squats
30 K2E's
1 Mile Run

Skill: Kipping Pull Ups or Weighted Pull Ups

WOD: "The Bear"

Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Back Jerk

5 Reps X 5 Rounds

Ran tonight. Total of 8 miles.


  1. Nice WOD, I like complex movements like this. What weight though?

  2. Thanks Colin. I started off with 95 lbs, then dropped down to 75, then back to 95 after a few rounds.
    The weight on the back squats was not enough, but was too much on the front squats. For some reason it killed my shoulders.
