Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Forgetting to Post

I forgot to Post this workout yesterday as I had a lot of stuff going on.

Another sweet day at Rogue in the books. The weather was nice so we all know what that means: Running has arrived at Rogue.

Warm up:
500m Row (On my own)
400 Jump Ropes (On my own)
1 Mile run

KB Swings (30lb KB. It was too light, so next time, I'll go up in weight)
Deadlifts (I stuck with 135. Testing the waters)
Pull Ups
Donkey Kicks

WOD: "Burner" (Gee I wonder what it could be)
20 KB Swings
10 Deadlifts
20 Burpees
10 Pull Ups
20 Donkey Kicks

400m Run

2 Rounds for time:

My time: 15:03


  1. I have a question for you: With all that weight training, how do you incorporate the running? I work out 3 times a week, but I get so sore at times and just really tired (heavy legs) that I can barely run 3 miles.

  2. Stephanie, I wish I could run more. I am still leery about this foot injury I have.
    Cross training (CrossFit) has been a God-Send to me. My running now seems effortless. My heart rate has dropped at least 20 points during a long run since I started CF.
    I have boundless energy most of the time. My supplementation helps too. Here shortly I will start doing Double CrossFit Monday's.
    I am sticking to doing at least my long run every week and CF in between.
    After this 50k in April, I will need to start ramping my running up a bit for some fall adventures.
    As far as running, I get it in when I can. I'll run at night if I have to.

    All this I can assure you still keeps me humble because there are so many incredibly fit people at my CF gym and on the trail.

  3. I started the gym and all the weight training to prevent injuries, because I had so many. Now I'm really hooked:-) Somewhere there will be a balance.
