Friday, February 27, 2009

Praying to the Jump Rope god.

Tonight was a brutal workout at Rogue.
Before I came in tonight, I did a pre-Crossfit workout in my garage.
I took the pup on a run around the block, then did an unknown number of jump rope, KB swings, wall balls, and pull ups. The idea was to warm up without getting a headache. It worked.

Off to Crossfit I go.

We warmed up a bit and told the instructor: Nate
that I wanted to leave a Rower out just in case.
In the end, I never used it.

There were a few "alternative choices" available for the WOD.
I knew this was going to be bad if we had choices.
Regardless, it is what it is and it had to be done.

In the end, I couldn't do a single hand stand pushup and did double Donkey Kicks the first round, and double push ups the subsequent rounds. I figured I needed more work in this area anyway.
It was an awesome beating fior sure.

Warm up:
20 Squats
20 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups

Skill: Cleans

20 DB Cleans w/35 lb DB. (I used 20 lb DB’s)
10 Handstand Push ups or 20 Donkey Kicks or 20 Push Ups
100 Jump ropes
4 Rounds for time

My time: 19:57

No freakin Headache.


  1. I haven't been paying attention, but have you seen your headaches go away? I wonder if it was because the new work load you are now doing?

  2. Hey J, no biggie. They have not really gone away.
    The doctors gave me some new meds that seem to not be giving me really bad headaches.
    I also need to warm up a bit before I go to CF. I still have to watch the intensity though.

  3. ...The idea was to warm up without getting a headache...I know it's not funny; yet it is.

    Seriously, I hope they'll stay away from now on.

  4. Stephanie: I know. I was telling people I did a pre-Crossfit workout, and it did provoke some laughs.
    I hope it does too.
