Sunday, February 22, 2009

Super Mouse and White Squirrel

Okay, haven't totally lost my mind, but I guess I may be getting close. No, it's not a name for a new comic book or cartoon....although.
Since I've not ran since last week, I might as well post something for my fan club of 5 people.

My wife came running into the house the other night and told me I just had to come look at something amazing.
I was thinking the only thing amazing outside could be a Sam Adams delivery truck had broken down and the driver abandoned it in my driveway.
So I went out and she was right. I couldn't believe my eyes.
There was a mouse in a San Cherry tree in front of my house hanging on for dear life.
What you don't see in the picture is a cat, that seems to have adopted us over the years, looking up at the mouse just waiting for it to slip and fall to the ground. Easy meal.

The mouse is in the upper middle part of the picture. Let me know if you cannot click on the picture and make it bigger.
Now, I am a sucker for animals. All animals. Okay, except snakes, alligators, crocodiles, sharks, you know the dangerous ones.

The mouse was making such an effort that there was no way I was about to let Junior (the cat) as we call him, eat this poor little mouse. So, I chased the cat away as my wife went inside to find me a box or something. Trying to get the mouse into the box was a challenge in itself. After about 5 minutes of trying to knock him into the box, he finally went in. Now, what to do with him? I decided the best place was to take him across the street and release him in a field.
In the end, the cat was pissed off, but the mouse, myself and maybe my wife was happy.

Where does the White Squirrel fit into all of this? It doesn't.
I was driving down a road in Canal Winchester one day and was shocked to see this little white cat playing with these squirrels.
I got up a little closer and noticed, this wasn't a cat. It was a squirrel playing with his/her friends.

Luckily there was no traffic on this road because I was snapping pictures like a dumbass who's has never seen a squirrel before.

Anyway, there you have it: Super Mouse and White Squirrel.


  1. Not so much on the click and make bigger bit...

    But, the fact that you've posted photos of whacky white squirrels makes up for it. :)

  2. White squirrels and saving a mouse, I do believe that Sam Adams truck did end up in your driveway and you you did sample all those beverages.

  3. Oh too bad, I can not click on the pic and see the mouse.

    Is the squirrel really white???

  4. i actually saw my first and only white squirrel during a training run last year. It was amazing.

    Glad you saved that poor little mouse. the cat will forgive you both :)

  5. Check it out now with the link to Picasa I just put up.

    Ray, I believe I have been putting up way too many whacky pictures lately.

    Now, Don, I don't drink that much. If it was a colored squirrel, like rainbow striped, I'd just blame it on the local hooligans.

    Stephanie, It is white as can be. I wish I could see him up close to see if he has red eyes.

    Robin, what can I say, I'm a big softy for animals. That cat has since gotten over it since I do keep a dog house with straw in my garage for him.
