Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Crossfit with the Best

First of all, tonight was a kick ass night at Crossfit. I went out for a quick run afterward which made it an even better night.

Tonight I worked on my pull ups since I am terrible at doing them. I am getting better and better. I simply just need to keep it up and not slack off.

I arrived a little early to warm up on my own with a 1000m Row. Little did I know we had to row another 1000m for the regular warm up.

I'm extremely humbled by all of these Rogue Warriors and consider it a privileged to work out with them all. For goodness sake, look at those times for our WOD. How could you not be?

Caity Matter worked out with us tonight. If you don't know who she is, do some research on her on the Crossfit HQ website. She won the Crossfit Games in 2008 and is one of those athletes that will leave you eating dirt and sucking wind.

We worked on our skill session which consisted of a Power Snatch, Snatch Balance and Over Head Squats (OHS). This was the first time I've ever done them and of course I felt like a fish out of water. Caity offered some advice which really helped. I need to work on these Olympic moves more. I found that I really like the Power Snatch just as I do the Power Cleans.
For some reason, I am still trying to muscle the weight up instead of getting under the weight during the transition part of the lift.

The WOD was 21-15-9 regression of Kettlebell thrusters and pull ups.
I ended up using the bands when I couldn't do anymore pull-ups. I really hate using these bands and cannot wait for the day I can do a workout without them.

The best part, I was able to make it through the workout without a headache and was able to push through as normal.

Warm up:
1000m Row (on my own)
1000m Row
20 Squats
20 Roll Overs

Power Snatch
Snatch Balance
Over Head Squats (OHS)

Kettlebell Thrusters and Pull ups
I used 30 lb KB's and bands for most of the pull ups.

My Time: 6:18

Warm Down:
60 abmat sit-ups
Numerous Kipping Pull Ups.

6 mile Run


  1. You make it look easy on the picture;-) Great job!

  2. These Power Snatches are a lot of fun, if I can can end up doing them right.
    Thank you.
