Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cindy my Love

I have been debating for quite some time whether or not I would post about any Crossfit workouts that I do at home or anywhere else..
I have done a few on my own since joining Rogue but never posted them.
Well, I am still sick and since I pushed through this I thought it was warranted. I will from now on post the workouts I do at home.

Tonight was my favorite CF WOD: Cindy. Actually the jury is still out on that one, but it seemed to be one I repeated a lot when I started CF on my own.

What made tonight a little different was that I did "Cindy" at my other gym I go to.
I was getting a few strange looks, but I didn't care. Those losers stand around gawkin at girls and grabbing each other on the behind while people like me could care less and want to workout.
Anyway, I ran a total of 11 miles today plus Cindy.

5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
AMRAP in 20 minutes.

My score: 11 rounds. I wasn't feeling well and wasn't pushing it at all.


  1. What's so strange about pull ups and push ups etc? What other gym is this??? I think working out hard is "sexy" and very inspiring.

  2. I guess since I wasn't lifting a ton of weight and because my shirt was soaking wet from the 7.5 miles I previously ran. I can only assume since because it was out of the norm. There is a community rec center in a neighboring town to where I live: Grove Port Recreation Center. It is a cheap gym membership to supplement things if I cannot make it to CF or outside.
    I've seen people there freak out over sweating too much. Those are the people who have nothing sexy about them.
    But, you are right.
