Monday, February 16, 2009

Quick run at Blackhand Gorge

I met up with Luc today at his house and then it was off to Blackhand Gorge for a quick run on the trails down there.
I was so cold this morning before we started out. I believe I had a base layer shirt, then a t-shirt, followed by a thermal shirt, then another 2 t-shirts, and finally a zip up. I felt like the Michelin Man. Kinda looked like him too.
Anyway, I was still cold.

Soon after we started I warmed up but was fine the remainder of the run.
The Marie Hickey trail was really cool. This is the kind of trail I like to run. Very runnable and scenic.
We took it slow as I wasn't sure how I was going to feel, but in the end it all paid off. It was a great run, and I look forward to many more runs down there.
The trail passed by this small gorge area with a couple of waterfalls. If Luc had not pointed it out, then I would have never know it was there.
After the run I had a few errands to run, but was able to make it out to the gym for a relaxing run on the dreadmill. Actually, I shouldn't say that. The treadmills I use there are nice. They are really smooth and best of all, they have built in fans.
I was hoping to get 10 miles in on the treadmill, but my wife called whining that she wanted to come home early. -Geesh. I gotta interrupt my run for that? I was only able to get 7 miles in.
After I picked up my wife, I quickly ran her home and dropped her off on her head so I could make it to Rogue Fitness in time for Crossfit.
I guess I just didn't get enough of a beating from running today.

11 miles -trail and treadmill
Here's a bonus: A picture of the giant Longaberger basket building I pass to get there.

I bet that would hold a lot of Sam Adams for a picnic.


  1. You officially win the award for teh strangest photo I've seen all day!

  2. I took that picture going down the highway at about 60mph.
    It is a sight to see for sure.

  3. Now that is a basket!! Winter Larger is about to be replaced :(

    Great miles and workout! You better start posting nice things about that wonderful wife of yours.

  4. That's a nice bit of running midweek.

    I've seen that basket. Most trips to OH include a jaunt down to Dresden. My Mom and sisters collect them, we've got a few around our house as well.

  5. Be nice to your wife. Spouses can make or break your training and race plans. But sometimes it would feel good to drop them on their heads! LOL

  6. You're cracking me up - your poor wife!

  7. Hmmm I would love to find out how many Sams that would hold and then how long it would take to make go away.

  8. That trail looks incredible. umm, where's the snow?

    nvr hrd of the wierdass basket before but it does take the prize...
