Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Quick run..........

Actually not quick, more like a slow run.

This medicine my doctor has me on makes me so nauseated. It took everything I had to get out and go to the gym. Either I sat around like a bump on a log, or I went out and at least attempted something. Actually, my wife started watching What not to Wear on TLC, and that was enough to get me up.

Once I started running, I felt much better. As soon as I was done, I felt worse. Go figure. Maybe I should run everywhere I want to go. Or, maybe not.

5 miles


  1. She claims she wanted me to hang around. I'm starting to catch on now.
    That show lowers my Testosterone levels to near zero.

  2. Hi Denise. Best of luck on your plans for this year.

    I have great ambitions but a lot of things keep getting in my way.

  3. Ha! What a great motivator, the chick channels. I get them too.

  4. You have to look at the positive side of your wife's TV least it wasn't The Bachelorette.
