Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I went to the gym today and decided to try a little thing I used to do called: RUNNING.

I warmed up with 5 minutes of jumprope, and went in and ran 2 miles.
I wasn't planning on running any further, I just wanted to test the waters so to speak. It felt good to get back on there, but could tell I was really out of shape from being sick.
I am only going to run a few miles a day for the next month or so. I have no plans to push it until I adapt again.

I have been so freaked out about getting sick over and over. I was soaking the treadmill with the cleaning solution before I even got on it.

Totals: 2 Miles......Time: 19:24


  1. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Take it easy and just ease back into it.

  2. o yes, I know the feeling of that first run. Very nice.
