Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Headed to Hawaii: Learn to keep yer Big Mouth shut!

The other day while on call, I was outside frying some chicken in my new Turkey Fryer and wanted to keep a close ear on my pager in case I got called.
Not paying attention to the 7 gallon beer bucket with water in it, which was beside the chair, I sat my pager on the seat part of the chair. Again, it never crossed my mind that my pager wanted to go for a swim. In it went, to the bottom. Oh no! I ran over to the bucket, and fished the pager out and quickly checked to see if it was still working. Nope. It was dead.
I was furious at myself.
I knew better than to do that. For some reason, I WASN'T THINKING!
My wife calmly said, "I can fix it" LMAO! no way could she fix this. "What? Are you some sort of magician"? I asked. The argument ensued.
She said, "I'm going to put it in a bowl covered with rice". Oh man, this was getting funnier by the minute. I was borderline asking to be killed.
Now, I am fairly open minded and usually take advice and put it in my thought process before making a final decision. Also, I really am "one of those guys" who can admit when they are wrong.
This time was different. I wouldn't have anything to do with it. My ears and mind were shut down.
I have a degree in Electronics, a degree in Computer Systems Management, have worked on 1000's of computer systems and electronics and I can tell you, no way would this work.

"Why don't you ever listen to me"? she said. Knowing where this would lead me, I just bit my tongue and said: "Go ahead punk...make my day"!
(I didn't say: punk...make my day"!...I just took that from Clint Eastwood)

Boy, I just could not wait for this to fail, and say: "Ha! I told You"!
Well, 24 hours later the pager turned on. Doh!......But wait...it shut off. Yay! I won!...Not quite.
At this point, my mind opened a little. I said put it back in the rice in a bag and leave it there for a few days.
This morning before I went to bed, I pulled it out of the bag, and the pager was working. I plugged it in to charge and when I woke up today, it was fully charged and working just fine receiving pages throughout the day. Doh!
So, I guess I am headed to Hawaii now. I told my wife that if this little crazy trick of hers worked, I would take her on a trip to Hawaii whenever she wanted.

She told me, at least there are no races in Hawaii....Oh yes there is. She doesn't know about HURT 100 & 100k ultras.

CrossFit WOD from Yesterday:
1 mile warm up
30 Squats
30 Push Ups
20 Pull Ups
Skill: Front Squats: 3,2,2,1,1,1,1: my weight: 135lbs. -Kept it light.

11 Push Jerks: 95 lbs
30 Wall Balls: 12lb ball
400m run
3 Rounds for time.
My time: 14:57


  1. I thought YOU were supposed to be tapering..."Pot, meet kettle" LOL

  2. Ha! Hilarious. And I'll keep that in mind for the next time I dunk one of my gadgets (which...will likely be soon). Though, likely NOT in a Turkey Fryer.

  3. What a great trick. Your wife truly is a magician.

  4. hi
    awesome story. yes - i think our life has had wierd crossover moments, eh?
    rice works! iknow bc i tried it. i did the same thing and then also baked my blackberry in a oven for about 1.5 hrs. it still works.
    i'm glad it worked out and now i'd like to know about the turkey please.

  5. Mark: I am fat because I've been tapering way too much.

    Ray: Try the "Don't Eat" silica packets. They work too.
    Darrell: Don't make her head swell anymore thanh it is.

    RG: The Deep fried Turkey is unreal. I will never go back to Oven Baked Turkey again.
