Sunday, June 28, 2009

CrossFit with the Oak Tree Brothers

I pulled my sorry self out of bed this morning and met up with Bret & Sean whom I've know since middle school. We hadn't seen each other in years and we sat around and shot the breeze while Sean drank an entire pot of coffee, and I played with Bret's little Beagle Puppy.
We all discovered we were into CrossFit via Facebook and decided we needed to meet up for a workout. Make no doubt about it, these boys are badass and built like Oak Trees, but you couldn't meet a nicer pair of brothers.
Sean decided on a WOD that he missed the day before. Bret and I took one look at it and decided to come up with one on our own since our shoulders would probably not be happy with us.
After Sean was done with his workout, it was time for Bret and I to take on our Workout.
We planned out:
10 KB Snatch (53 lbs)
10 HSPU (Hand Stand Push Ups)
400m Run
4 Rounds for Time!
My Time: 10:53, Bret's Time: 9:53
I started off strong as usual, and faded big time. On the 3rd round I was so tired that a full force run was really only about a 9 1/2 minute mile. By the 4th Round, I was sucking as much oxygen as possible.
That's what I like about these types of workouts that involve running. It's a much better workout than spending hours in the gym or hours out on the road or trail.
We were done in 10 minutes.
As I lay on the concrete sucking all the air out of the atmosphere, I couldn't help but to think about how good that felt.
After our workout, Bret and I headed off to Deer Creek State Park close by and ran a quick 4 1/2 miles on some trail by the Lodge. It was a nice relaxing pace and uneventful. Just what I like.
Totals: 5.5 miles + CrossFit WOD


  1. Killer Workout man! I am jealous.

  2. 10 mins of hell...give me four and half hours on my bike any day over that!

  3. So cool you guys just met up and got along well.

  4. You do some crazy stuff there at CF. The variety is great.

  5. Mike: It was a killer. I always have that not so great feeling during the workout. Now another story.
    Stuart: Come on. You know you want to play with fire. Come to the dark side. Your fitness level will be through the roof.
    Stephanie: These guys are the best. They haven't changed since middle School.
    Darrell: CF is awesome. It never ceases to amaze me how sore I am the next day.

  6. CrossFit is the real deal! I can't afford to go to a CF gym anymore, but I should really try to work in some crossfitesque training into my running. I just get lazy about it! Good Work!!
