Sunday, September 28, 2008

Okay, last week I stated come hell or high water, I was running a 20 miler today.
I did just that. All on road.
I stopped at 13 miles where my wife was this morning and changed my clothes. I know this isn't going to be possible during the Columbus Marathon, but I was soaking wet and a little cold.
It was starting to drizzle a bit, and I decided that warm dry clothes was a smart idea.
She told me I was cheating, and I said, Hey, I wrote the rules for my run today, not anyone else.
I felt 10 times better doing this. (Changing clothes)

After that I headed back out to finish the 7 miles needed.
I was a little tired toward the end, and think it had something to do with not taking in any gel or calories during the run. For some reason, I wasn't feeling it with the gels today. When I stopped to change my clothes, I ate a packet of Watermelon Sport Beans, and
about 17 miles into it, I decided to take my 1st Honey Stinger.

I decided to do leg drains at the end, but my dog came running outside and attempted to lick all the salt off my face. Good thing I was about to take a shower.

Anway, check out my friends blog about the Akron Marathon today: Kim and Rob
Both ran an awesome race. Good job guys!

Totals: 20.01 miles...Road
Ave HR: 163
Max HR: 180


  1. Hey Nick! I've been following your blog for only a couple weeks now. I do enjoy it and look forward to your updates. I think its great that you can tell yourself and readers that you're running a 20-miler by the end of the week, document it here for all to see, and then make it happen! It would be far easier to say you should run the miles, but I think it's a lot harder when you've put it out there. I will be running my first marathon in 13 days (Baltimore). I plan on running some ultra in 2009 in Virginia with a buddy. I are thinking of starting a similar blog like what you have here.

    What do you use to get the googlemap and the graph thingy at the bottom of your post? (I'm not sure if thats your heartrate or the elevation.)

    Keep up the great work!

    Oh and I have a Black lab and Beagle mix.

  2. Nick,

    Nice job and way to go doing 20 miles on your own. I am looking for that evening training run and trying some home brew. I am going to go to second sole this week. Feel like an evening OSU run?

  3. Hey Darrell, seems I have a lot people who love to tell me what to do even though they have never ran a mile in their life, starting with my wife.

  4. Great job on the 20 miler. Changeing clothes sounds smart. Having your first gel at mile 17... well you know what I am thinking.

    Thrilled it happened and you are back at it.

  5. Thanks Tom. It brought back many memories from the past of running on the road.

    I know, I know. I'll have to rethink my "race strategy" come race day when taking in gel packets.

    I actually cannot wait to get back onto the trail. I've been running road just to prepare for this marathon coming up.

  6. Road or rain...hmm rain I think but that's a distant memory! I can't believe winter is round the corner and last week the mercury hit 101!

    I find that it's much easier to take gel from a bottle than from the little sachets, a lot less fiddly, squirt and it's done

    Nice job on getting it done though.

  7. SLB,
    I do have a gel flask, but for some reason, I got sick of the same flavor. -I'll have to revisit this one.
    I felt the chill in the air and the smell of falling leaves on Sunday. I think the temp at that time was about 63 degrees.
    Can't wait to report the temps in the winter. I'll put a temp gauge by my Blog clock.

  8. Nick - I'll be running Columbus Marathon too. Hope to see you there. If you wanna meet somewhere, send me an email and we can try to coordinate something. Good run! :)

  9. Luc, that would be awesome. I'll email you.
