Sunday, September 7, 2008

LSD Half Marathon today

My intentions were just that today. To run 13 miles. Heck, why not go the extra .11 miles and make it a half marathon?
I could have gone further, but I decided when my Garmin hit 13.11 miles, I had just enough for the day.
Besides, the walk back to my house, which was a little less than 3/4 of a mile, was a great cool down for my legs.
The run went really well. I started out at about 6:30AM ET, and watched the sun slowly rise over the course of the run. This to me is the best time of the week to run: Sunday Morning.
Running LSD is my favorite type of run. It lets me relax and zone out for miles.
I kept telling myself that I would stop at a certain point down the road for a water break. When I would get there, I would say nah, and keep on going.

I stopped one time at mile 9 just to take in a Strawberry & Vomit GU and some water.
The rest of the run went great. Nothing too exciting. I saw a full can of Coors Light -eewh, 1 dead possum, 1 dead squirrel and two dead snakes, 5 lively dogs, 6 live runners, and a picture of some naked chick lying on the side of the road. She wasn't lying naked on the side of the road the picture was. -Had to clarify. Amazing the crap you find out in the country.

Anyway, today is the day! My official weigh in was done after my run because I forgot to before my run. My final weight for the Weight Loss Challenge is: 201.9. I wish I had a camera to back it up, but I don't. It still has Sea Water and Sand in it. Just have to take my word on it.

Totals: 13.11 miles
Ave HR: 172
Max HR: 184


  1. Good run !! Congrats. I have a 25 miler today, and I'm dreading it. :'(

  2. Hope your 25 miler went well.
    I know all about the dread.
    I find that if I think too much about it ahead of time, it's always painful to take those first few steps in the morning.

  3. Was that screenshot from can get that route profile somehow without being a premium member or you one of those premium members?

  4. Sounds like you had a nice run. I also love to see the sun rise as I am running or even getting ready for a run. I did 12.85 miles on Saturday, but it did not occur to me to add another quarter mile to make it a half marathon. Congrats on the weight loss!

  5. Hey Tom. It was a great run I look forward to having many more like that. Thanks for the congrats.

    Just doing this made me think of how incredibly hard it is to lose weight even when running.
    Although I think a lot of it was either muscle or water weight loss during the entire challenge.
