Wednesday, September 10, 2008

7 Miles and a Big Mac

I felt beyond tired yesterday so I took a day off. Actually, I took two days off. Not sure exactly what it was but I just could not wake up. I felt like I was drugged.

I took my vitamins and I felt great after that. I believe I am iron deficient which would account for my sloth like movements the past few days.
You would think a guy like me would not be deficient in iron. well, from looking at my last blood panel, I was low.
Beef is not on my menu and from looking at my overall diet, I still don't eat enough meat to supply me with enough iron.
I take (when I remember) the whole food vitamin: Alive! Multi-Vitamin -Mineral vcaps.

So what the hell does this have to do with a Big Mac? -Nothing really.

I was reading a CNN story on a guy who has eaten 23,000 Big Mac's 0ver the past 36 years. He has only missed eating a B.M. 8 times over 36 years. Not bad.

So, you would guess this guy was as large as a McDonald's building, but he is not.
He's 6'2" and weighs in at 185. -WTH? I gained 3 pounds just reading the story.

Apparently he walks 10 miles a day. What kinda crazy dude walks or runs 10 miles a day? Come on. I only ran 7 miles today and had no Big Mac's, and this guy is still one up on me.
Except for one thing: I bet he smells like a Big Mac, and I don't

Totals: 7 Miles (Hard)
Ave HR: 176
Max HR: 190


  1. I guess if the rest of his diet is on track and the 10 miles of walking keeps him in a decent weight range. Who knows.

    I want to know how he stands to eat the same thing everyday.

  2. Darrell,
    I get the "Urge" to eat a Big Mac, maybe once a year, and actually do it.
    He says he has to eat two in order to fill him up. -Oh Man.

    Some people are made much different than others.

  3. I hate this man and I don't even know him :-)

    MY Scott won the contest!!! I can't wait to get my prize... I mean his prize :)

  4. LOL he eats 23,000 big macs a day!

    There was a case of boy in the UK who lived on white bread and strawberry jam sandwiches and had done for years, after extensive medical testing it was determined that he was...just fine!

  5. Robin, I will your, I mean Scott's Tailwind out A.S.A.P.
    Congrats to him.
    Ever since reading this article I have been craving a Big Mac.

    He ate this many over 36 years. I couldn't imagine eating more than two a day. So funny.
    I can't think of a single food I tem I wouldn't get sick of after a while.
