Monday, January 5, 2009

Post Slackin

Okay I have been a little off schedule and have not been able to make it to the actual Crossfit facility.
I have however, been working at home on Pull ups, push ups and KB swings, etc....
I ran 12.5 miles on Sunday and wasn't able to make it into Crossfit in time. I heard the WOD was brutal.
Tonight I was able to make it for a nice little "Welcome Back" and "Welcome to the New Year" workout.
Here is a snapshot of the WOD and the Skill.
I finished up with 3 1/2 rounds. My class had to do 500m Row while the other class did 250m Row.
I ended up using lighter weight on the Power Cleans, but I got a good workout regardless.

Hope everyone had a great New Years.
It's time to get back at it.


  1. Your CF gym loves rowing. I am finished with that crazy thing. If I have to row I will, like in FGB. But if I can run or do something else than row I'm doing it. Glad you're sticking to it. What kind of eating does your gym suggest?

  2. Yeah, they love rowing. Seems there will be some rowing tonight too (if I make it).

    I think they are big on sticking to the Zone.
    Right now I am totally confused as to what to do. I like the idea of the Paleo/Zone.
    I am a runner, but carbs don't agree with me.
