Saturday, January 24, 2009

Where O' Where are you?

Okay, I know I have not entered anything into my blog except for my "Beer Scare". I can promise you I have not been laying face down in the snow drunk.
I may buy a lot of beer, but I don't drink that much. Huh? How does that make sense?
That case of beer will literally last me a month or more. Yep. I said it right. I am a quality over quantity beer drinker.
Enough of that.
I had to put my car back into the shop again for more engine work. We're talking high quality crap here.
I've had to share my wife's high quality piece of crap car with her in order to get things done.
Since I work from home, I haven't had to get a rental car or anything.

What does this have to do with anything? It means I hate the cold. I haven't been able to get to the gym for a run and I refuse to go outside to run for some reason.
I am however, planning on meeting the Rogue Running Team at Blacklick in the AM for a run and then off to Crossfit for my 5th and final beating for the week.

I'm planning a long run on Sunday, but not sure where I will go.


  1. Rogue Running Team... like the name.

    Car expense are total suckage!!!!

    Beer is wonderful and I do enjoy them..but in small amounts.

    :) Have a great weekend.

  2. Lol. So who is on the Rogue Running Team? And do you have sponsors?
