Thursday, January 8, 2009

Turkish Get Up

Tonight’s' WOD nearly killed me.
For some dumb reason, I thought it was a good idea to get a run in before Crossfit.
To me, what does not kill me will only make me stronger. I kept telling myself this as I plodded through the workout.
Tonight was the first time I ever did a Turkish Get up. It was a little strange to do, and to my surprise, much harder than I expected.
Also for the first time during my official Crossfit classes I was doing Burpees.
I've done them before here at home and have decided they suck just as bad, no matter where I do them.
I'm planning to go to Crossfit tomorrow, but may change my running plans. We'll see.


  1. I haven't done TGU, but I was wondering why they're so hard. I will not say that out loud, because I don't want to find out.

    Since starting CF what kind of improvements have you seen?

  2. I'd never heard of a "Turkish Get Up" till your post. I did some googling and it looks totally crazy, but I'm sure it works you hard. Good stuff! :)
