Tuesday, January 27, 2009

6 Miles and a Big Ass Chair

I went for what I thought was my final podiatry appointment and decided that I wanted to take a picture of me in this really cool chair they have in one of their rooms.
I tried to talk my doctor into giving me the chair so I can watch the Super Bowl coming up.
He laughed and said I'd be the first he calls when it retires.
They ended up casting me for some Orthotics since my foot is highly irritated with Plantar Fasciitis. This was the last thing I wanted, but decided if I ever want this foot to heal, then I had to do it.

Seems Ohio is getting nailed with a little storm that has been coming through since yesterday and will probably be here through tomorrow.
I love running in weather like this so I decided I was to go out for a run instead of staying in on the treadmill.
This time I didn't forget the Yak Trax. They helped a lot but, the snow was still too dry for good traction. The run itself was uneventful. The traffic was light but at times I had to jump onto the sidewalk where the deep snow just drained my energy.
I had no real plans when I set out on the run. I just knew I wanted to get some miles in. If it had not been for the snow, I probably would have gotten 10 miles in easily.
After I got home I took the pups on a walk since they love the snow too.


  1. Oh good, just a checkup. At first I thought you were going to say you hurt your foot again. Glad to hear that isn't the case.

  2. I think a chair like that will end my running career. Just recline to the end.
    Mike your pups need a little more exercise. I think they have been in the recliner resting for a while.
    Hope you get that foot rectified!

  3. Don't think that Heather would agree about the chair coming in your house. lol!

    Still no snow here! I am jealous. At least your dogs are enjoying it.

    Thanks again for the SWEET gear!!!! This stuff rocks!

  4. sucks about your foot, but it rocks that yer the first call when the chair is retired :)
