Sunday, January 11, 2009

Oil Creek Anyone?

Here is a new race that I found via Rob "I Love Ponies" Powell's blog:

Oil Creek 100 Trail Runs in Titusville, Pennsylvania on October 9th-11th.
I've never been over in that area, but seems like it will be a challenging race.
Registration is sometime in February.
Tom Jennings is the RD and he'll be sure to put on a great race.

I just may scratch my plans to go out West this year. Still not sure about my Yosemite trip.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nick, I was googling my race and came across your blog. You are welcome to come along on a training run (more of a hike with all of the snow we've gotten in the area) anytime as I plan on being at OCSP almost every weekend taking GPS readings for the course design. Brian & Jeff Musick are in NE Ohio and they run at OCSP fairly often since their sister lives in the area.

    Hope to see you at a training run sometime or at the race in October! You'll LOVE this trail.

    Oh, and you should stop reading Rob's blog, it will rot your brain. ;-) Rob is great, maybe I'll meet you at his Forget The PR 50K in April.
    "Erie Tom" Jennings, Race Director
    Oil Creek 100 Trail Runs
