Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"The Rower" has become my Best Friend

I think this machine has single handedly gotten me into the shape I am in today.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not an elite athlete by no means, but I can see why they use the rower so much at my CF gym. In the end it is ultimately up to you to utilize the machine to get you to where you want to be.

I've used a Concept 2 rower before at my other gym, but I have never thought of this machine as something that would whip me into shape.

If we hadn't used the rower that much, I'd still be sucking wind on some of my short to medium runs.

WOD: 6000m Row -Team Row. One person rows, the other sucks oxygen

Skill: Clean, and Clean Squats

I mine and Heather's finish time was 26:44. Good enough for me. Will be better in the future.


  1. the rower is awful!!! i've ended more than one workout on that thing, and damn, all i can say is "t-rex arms" for half an hour afterwards.

  2. Try the Donkey Kicks in my next blog entry.
    They'll have you hugging the rower in no time.

    My arms were spent after that one.
