Saturday, January 24, 2009

Slimmin Down

The past few days, I've felt like a loser in that I have had no car. Mine went into the shop on Monday for more engine work.
I never bothered to get a rental cause I work from home anyway, and my wife and I can share a car. D'Oh! How am I supposed to get to CF?????
I was able to make it on Monday due to MLK holiday, and on Tuesday since I work 3rd shift. I simply took my wife to work. I also went on Sunday and skipped my long run.

Today, my wife was a sweetheart and came home early just so I could get my CrossFit fix in as I have been pacing the past couple of days.
Anyway, she told me I was looking thin. Hmmm. Wonder what she wants?
She said: "I think this Crossfit is working"
Hell yeah it's working. It beats me down every time. Now, I have been watching my weight, and I can tell you it has gone up since I started Crossfitting. I'm sure it is muscle weight but I still need to watch this. I have always gained muscle way too easy in the past.
When I start hitting higher mileage, I think this will even out possibly decrease my muscle weight.
Okay enough of that. Today's WOD was a headache producing, dizzy making, and queasy feeling generator.
I pushed myself really hard again. How else would I do it?
I can feel myself getting so much stronger since the last time I've done Wall Climbers. They were much more doable this time.
I am hoping this streak continues.

Warm up:
30 Squats
30 Push ups
20 KB Swings - 16kg

Skill: Back Squats 5x5

20 KB Swings H2H (hand to hand)
5 Wall Climbers
20 Squats
4 rounds for time

My time: 8:55......I was sucking oxygen like it was the last bit left in the Universe.


  1. Why don't you run to CF? That way you're getting two workouts in.

  2. I have the same problem. I'm working away from home during the week now. I leave my car near work and get the train to and from, only the train gets in to town on a Friday at 6:00pm.

    If I get a taxi home and get changed for the 7pm session, I can't get there, as the wife is out taking the kid to karate. If I get the taxi straight to crossfit, I still have to get changed and I miss the first 20 minutes. It's a dilemma!

  3. J: I wish I could just run to CF. The logistics are just not set up to be able to run there. Soon there will be runnable sections that will make this possible around summer time.

    Colin: I simply do not understand how people do it with kids. Sounds like you have quite a schedule.
    I'm one of those people who hate to show up late. I need to start sucking it up and possibly show up rather than not show up at all.
