Monday, January 19, 2009

Who needs coffee in the Morning? Go to Crossfit Instead.

Everyone's fuzzy and red eyed at 5:30 in the morning: (warming up shoulder on my own).

It will for sure wake you up and get you off to a better day. It could keep you from getting frustrated during your morning commute. This won't help me much since I work from home. (Had to throw that in there).

It may keep you from kicking the cat (which I do not condone) and may keep you from getting into an argument with your spouse/significant other (which again, I do not condone).

I couldn't sleep this morning because my Black Lab was breathing heavy in my face at 2:00AM to go outside. I decided to give the 6AM Crossfit session a try. That way I could make it back in time for my wife to go to work.

My car is in the shop and may not get to go to Crossfit much in the next 2-3 weeks. So, I must go when I can.
To my surprise I wasn't as sore as I thought I would be from yesterday's Tabata Hell session.

We worked on Clean and Jerk this morning for the Skill. What better way to start your morning. I can tell you, it was brutal. The weight I used was a little too light, and I need to make a mental note to go up in weight next time. Right now, my shoulder is doing good, so maybe I need to step it up a little.
Today's WOD:
Row 1000m
4 Rounds for time:
30 Squats
20 Push Ups
My time: 10:34
A little slower than it could have been.

1 comment:

  1. As always, I am so glad you're maxing out your CF experience.
