Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Never an easy day in Crossfit

I asked myself the question: Wonder if it will be an easy day at Rogue?

Why would a question or statement like this ever pop into my head? Why would I want that?

The truth is, I don't want that.

I think 1/10th of my brain wanted me to stay home and watch TV all night. The rest of my brain knows what will happen if I do: Regret, disappointment, and the fact of knowing I will just pay for it later.
I was talking to Coach Eddie tonight about being sore all the time. He laughed because it seems this is a good thing because I am pushing myself each and every workout.
This is the guy who got me through my Elements and the majority of the CF workouts:

Warm up: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Push ups
KB Swings

KB Clean

10 KB Clean & Jerk
5 Pull ups
10 Box Jumps
AMRAP in 15 minutes

My total: 7 Rounds.

After this I went to the gym and put in 3 miles on the treadmill.


  1. I had similar feelings about dragging myself to the gym yesterday. I think it's the year's end that makes it hard.

    You trainer looks awesome!!!!

  2. Dude, you are a machine! Keep at it and you'll be looking like Rocky Balboa (in Rocky IV). Anyway, you are inspiring me to get off my butt a lot more these days. Thanks and happy new year! :)
